Lion Head Mesa renaissance
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
attn @Seth or @Naberius ! @Tuna always welcome

despite what may be on the horizon, or perhaps in spite of it, Toula kept the palace lively for her people and her servants. none could say the place fell into any aspect of neglect since being raised to her position, and what was more was that she wished to do more. most likened greatness to conquests won, but Toula had her own ideas.
she called for many talents. starwatchers and astrologers; artists of every sort! the astrologers could foretell of auspicious events. perhaps she might even have her own seer! and art... oh, Toula loved it. she herself still practiced her scales daily, recalling words long ago of what might make a more desirable wife.
her tasks were different now. so different! more than just embracing the divine feminine was finding and striking the balance to be all that Akashingo needed.
perhaps a small banquet among her own, to hear them! even when they did not think they were being heard. Toula had learned much from @Tuna such as all that could be heard in the echoing halls; Toula asked that she listen for it all, and report to her any concerns.
Toula rose that next morning and greeted Ra with song, as she always had and surely would, before she moved—flanked by Mazoi and her attendants—to find tribute for Iset. the pious Queen always ensured that They two spoke, and lately Toula felt as though Iset was filling her spirit with her own.
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
cameo! <3

when tuna was not in the presence of Toula, she was still always nearby. the tensions with the lake pack and the recent discovery of their killing have certainly brought about a sense of anxiety within the normally calm and serene Texan coyote. and with the desire to always appease Senmut, Tuna knew to not stray far from the divine one. when the other fellahin had come to take her place for the morning, Tuna went to go and rest nearby.

her ears were always swiveling, turning, listening. she would listen for trouble, for words of Toula, for the words of others alone. and despite her resting face and soft features, there was a condensed spring in Tuna, ready to move when called upon.
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Much of being Mazoi calls for silence.

This does not disagree with the jackal, whose nature is to observe impassively from his station at the Queen’s flank as Tuna takes her leave. Her withdrawal is traced before attention is reverted.

Such a sweet Queen, this one. Dutiful, devoted and well-versed in all the makings of a proper young sovereign. The sanctum is brimming with scents and whispers of worship for the goddess, Iset. The healer goddess.

Perhaps a calling for this Queen Toula, to heal the Red Land.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
the Mazoi with her intrigued her greatly. Toula was a guileless girl, but not an unwise one. most of what she was came from those that had instructed her, but then there were the things that were inherent! pieces of her mother and father that would always remain, that lived on within and through her, 
and they whispered in her to take heed of all among her! this man that had come to them was a boon, she felt. the Gods always provided, even when first they needed to take. Toula understood, even if sometimes the sacrifices made caused her heart to ache. 
she looked to Tuna, sure she wanted for nothing then, and then to Seth. tell me of your life, before this place, she urged softly. she imagined such a thing the Gods would enjoy the retelling of, as They no doubt had watched his own path.
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He bows reverently.

“I am from Shuyet, your grace, in the shadow of Kemet: The Ancient black land. I have served as Vizier many Queens, and their Pharaohs, too,” his lips give a curl.

“If I may be so bold, My Queen. I have seen sovereigns rise, and fall beneath the weight of their atef. They lacked something you have, Honorable One. I see you are a true Queen for the people of Akashingo, and not only their temples. The Gods smile through you.”

"And yet... I have fear that not all in your court wish to keep it well."

"The man Khusobek, My Queen, draws many suspicions."
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula listened with great interest to this man and his history. it was not hard to sense his ambition in the history outlined, perhaps here he wished to be a Vizier as well! 
she was pleased with his evaluation, of course; Toula stood tall upon hearing it. his next words, though, gained further interest. 
tell me how you have come to this thought on our newest Mazoi, she asked him, her interest plain.
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“I hear whispers, My Queen. Unrest within your halls, among the court. Of course, to pass sentence before a crime committed is unlawful,” His lips purse and he dares to leans closer, committing the words to only his sovereign and no others.

“I wish only to suggest, Honorable One, that it might be in Akashingo’s interest to seize control over the affair. A preventative measure. A sleeper spy, perhaps, to gather intel on this foreign Queen,” his voice is a delicate croon.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
she is not foreign—she is my family, Toula is gentle to correct. but she took his meaning, and considered for a long moment, before asking of him, would you like to visit her? live among her halls, to see if there is any reason for this unrest to be founded?
Toula did not think her aunt meant to kill her. young as she was, Toula realized that if that had been her intent, she would already be dead! the thought was enough to encourage Toula to be wiser, and preventative as she could be for such an end. 
you would go with many gifts, and be my own offering to her for a time—should you wish that for yourself, Toula spoke lightly, though her eyes had yet to leave him.
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Forgive an ignorant tongue, Honorable One. My Soverign’s aunt, and Gods be good, only that. But should darker ideas imbed… I will go, with your blessing My Queen.” The intensity of his sun-stare holds. There were ways or persuading information. Pleasurable ways, in fact. Allow him to look upon on this Queen Aunt.
immortal longings
659 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula smiled, to show him he had done no harm. and then she says, I give you my blessing. tell my royal aunt of the skills you might offer her, and I know she will be grateful for them, and in turn, see Toula’s own gratitude. 
and for him, she said, I am grateful to you, as well—for your honesty,
92 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“It will be so, My Queen.
You will always have my honesty,”
he grins in turn and holds himself in proffered respect before folding back to his position by her flank.

He would make preparations for the voyage, have the fellahin assemble a bounty, one befitting a sovereign and that reflected the generous heart of Akashingo’s Queen.

But for now he was a dutiful Mazoi, stationed in watch as the young ruler made her prayer.