It had taken some time to drag her from the cuesta to the hollow and the shroud of trees. He had cared little for damage to her body. The firm clasp of his teeth had sunk into the muscles of her scruff and pulled her across rock and earth for miles. And when he had found a quiet place in the trees, he stopped to drink and bathe himself in the cool water while she remained in a state of faint breath and closed eyes.
When he emerged, sopping and dripping with wet, he approached the starlight woman and he pried her mouth open to administer his herbs. Even if she woke and found another burst of speed, her vision would be so clouded with visions that she would never find her way home.
Then he waited, drawing his tongue over the marks she had created with careful admiration for the jagged wounds she had left in his flesh.
When he emerged, sopping and dripping with wet, he approached the starlight woman and he pried her mouth open to administer his herbs. Even if she woke and found another burst of speed, her vision would be so clouded with visions that she would never find her way home.
Then he waited, drawing his tongue over the marks she had created with careful admiration for the jagged wounds she had left in his flesh.
August 07, 2024, 08:09 PM
starclan. starclan, looming. they watched. they judged. why did you leave? why did you forsake this place? twice silvertongue had almost come back to the waking world. the third time she had woken into nightmare spirals of horrible light and eldritch colors, and wavering, vague forms of glossy hate. he shimmered between them. here. there. nowhere. and now he spoke. or was she speaking, mumbling; mumbling a name she could not hear herself say. tears leaked backward from her eyes. the pain in her body was immense. the cutting in her soul was worse. a sobbing breath dragged through her ribs. starclan. riverclan. they became the same and nothing.
August 07, 2024, 08:14 PM
The sound of her muttering was good.
Juárez hummed as he administered careful kisses of his tongue against his flesh. His ears were trained on her so that he might understand what she saw while in this state. Starclan was not a familiar term. Though it tickled him to know that he had called her starlight upon meeting her. Perhaps she dreamed of him.
The jaguar dripped on her as he remained possessively close to her body. An arm swung over her wounded figure and pulled her to him so that he could watch the twitches of her whiskers and eyes.
Juárez hummed as he administered careful kisses of his tongue against his flesh. His ears were trained on her so that he might understand what she saw while in this state. Starclan was not a familiar term. Though it tickled him to know that he had called her starlight upon meeting her. Perhaps she dreamed of him.
The jaguar dripped on her as he remained possessively close to her body. An arm swung over her wounded figure and pulled her to him so that he could watch the twitches of her whiskers and eyes.
August 07, 2024, 08:19 PM
whirling light. a long hallway of red. warm stone under each step. a man, a boy, sat with his back to her. when he turned, she saw his face was only a mass of healed scars. a gasp broke her jaws, dilated pupils grabbing for the first familiarity. her brain needed it, starved of light and then oxygen and now even a sense of grounded nature. his arm curved around her waist. her hand paraded thoughtfully along his wrist, plucking at the fur; "crowfeather?" shadow haloed by tree and star; who else could hold her now save for her prince?
August 07, 2024, 08:30 PM
Even crusted in dirt and mud, she was soft against his chest and he felt the way she stirred slightly to trace at his wrists. Such love!
When she spoke it was another curious word. A name, perhaps. Or a place that was dear to her. Juárez did not know and so he responded in the vague way of a man who had only one goal.
When she spoke it was another curious word. A name, perhaps. Or a place that was dear to her. Juárez did not know and so he responded in the vague way of a man who had only one goal.
Yes...a warm husky whispered word to the back of her ear.
August 07, 2024, 08:39 PM
hello this hurt to write <333333333
her moan was one of surprise and pleasure, the sound of one unable to speak but weighed in pained glory. again she clutched his arm; silvertongue imagined him as he had been, monotone and somber and combed to gleaming ravenwing black in that beautiful palace. starclan whispered above his head, and she smiled a soft and sad look into the eyes that were so much softer here than they had been the last time. "do not tell me where you went. show me why you have come back." without anguish, just for a time; her bruised arms rising up and up to wend the shadow close. starlight. the whispering of dead love and roses mummified by cold green wind.
August 07, 2024, 08:49 PM
I don't know what to do with my fingers - so thank you.
This voice of hers was heavy with love and longing. The way her body moved in an attempt to draw her nearer to her affection was relished by the predator's thick chest. He gripped her a little tighter in his arms and he pressed his nose to the soft hairs beneath her ear. She spoke of someone leaving. She wished to know why it had returned. This feather from the crow.
For you, of course...Juárez whispered to the starlight woman.
August 07, 2024, 08:57 PM
mutual suffering;;
it was the hardness of his body which wakened silvertongue, stilled the seeking of her kiss. and her memory searched for itself, found the recollection not of this muscled form but something lithe and tall and without the questing, invasive nature of the men she had known before. silvertongue blinked and the face nestled against her own was that of a beast. another blink and he was crowfeather. she began to tremble, her teeth flashing flawless and sharp; "where did he go? what have you done with him?" the end of her sentence was a shriek, her limbs beating at his own. and when she lunged upward again it was to mar and drink salt blood until she was broken from this bleak dream. for him, she fought; she believed.
August 07, 2024, 09:02 PM
The woman seemed to slip between her vision and reality. She blinked with knowing and then with fear and anger. When her words fell from her lips in the common language, Juárez laughed. Fists fell against his body and he clutched her harder against him, pressing his snout beneath her chin and against her throat with a prick of his teeth.
Juárez pressed his nose to her throat and drank in the smell of her fear and her hurt.
Did Crow Feather do this to you?he asked in mock concern.
Ruin you.
Juárez pressed his nose to her throat and drank in the smell of her fear and her hurt.
August 07, 2024, 09:11 PM
ruin her. she could not make her mouth argue, her words gather. rage ran through her, a vein of gold that burned even as she lay still. a rabbit; tethered. if she closed her eyes, his lips at her throat felt like a caress; if she grasped for the tendrils of this vision, his body would spread warmth inside the decayed fortress of her desires. she knew this. she knew she only had to believe and it would be. a great font of weeping crashed against the hardened heart; her humiliation knew no end. and she wanted it to stop. there was no answer, only her limp and empty in his arms, waiting for a mercy she did not think he would give her. that moment had passed, and she regretted not holding to its gleam.
August 07, 2024, 09:26 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Implied SA - permission given by Ebony.
The way she sobbed was good. It was a full-body reaction that he could feel pressed fast to his chest. The way her arms quivered whether by some desperate means of escape, or to cradle the one she saw in her visions. Whatever the reason, Juárez basked in it with hungry eyes. Each twitch was a warm rush of pleasure through his body. It was an electric shock to his nerves and the deepest, most primal, most hideous parts of his mind.
The starlight woman's drugged affection had blossomed in him.
Juárez gripped her in his arms so that she could not move. And he ruined her some more.
August 07, 2024, 10:33 PM
rain spatter. fingers tracing a windowpane. light shining through emerald grass. the crashing of a waterfall somewhere distant. the scent of loam. the stirring of stone and leaf. the herbs gave her the ability to sink down where he could not find her, into the ground itself; tendrils of consciousness binding itself among the mushrooms and the millipedes, the crawling platoons of ants and the gentle coil of garter snakes in an easier night. she did not allow herself the dreaming; she did not give in to the insistence. the monster took what he wanted. she carried her soul out of reach and gave it to starclan, for maybe they could keep safe what she had never guarded.
August 07, 2024, 10:57 PM
Once he had finished with her, he left her in the dirt for a while and washed himself again. He had decided on how she was beautiful. Because her body was certainly something that had been exhausted by life. The scars and the tragedy were written across her flesh, as if they did not already glisten in her wrathful eyes. Juárez had decided that she was not beautiful in the way most men desire women.
She was not starlight.
She was a fallen star that had burned up. Leaving a wretched little husk masquerading as fire.
And she had fallen far enough that Starclan could not reach her here.
She was not starlight.
She was a fallen star that had burned up. Leaving a wretched little husk masquerading as fire.
And she had fallen far enough that Starclan could not reach her here.
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