Greatwater Lake Since when is stealing a crime?
20 Posts
Ooc — Sunclaw
All Welcome 

Wallace entered the other pack's territory without concern. Why should he be afraid of a bunch of wolves? He was following the scent of Sunspots, his brother. He found a tree and, raising his paw, marked it with his scent. His intention was not to fight, just to meet the alpha of the pack, and perhaps find out what had happened to his brother, but he had to make it clear that he would not be dominated.

He raised his head and howled, calling out to anyone who wanted to know who had come to that territory.
Although he was bigger than normal, something that made him imposing, he was young and inexperienced, and curiosity had led him to this place. The only wolves he had seen were his brothers, and he dominated them easily, so he had the mistaken idea that all wolves would submit to him.

Besides, he intended to get some females for his pack, and if he managed to subdue an alpha along the way, better.

Would it have been foolish to enter that territory?

Label (8/10)
Wallace has a wound

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43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Yes, it was foolish. Foolish indeed. 

Any outsider who stepped beyond the boundary of a claimed territory was asking to be attacked. It didn't matter how big your ego was or how confident you thought you were. Such a breach in edict was a direct challenge not only to an Alpha, but to every pack member.

In the midst of establishing herself by placing her scent at measured intervals, Aliki stopped when she heard the howl. An unfamiliar voice. One that did not belong. Much too far inside the Lake's territory. She turned, hackles bristling along her spine. Her tail flagged high with aggression as she quickly found and locked onto the interloper.

She did not engage. Did not close the wide distance between them. Instead she raised her head, letting out a threatening bark howl. A message to the stranger; get out, now. A call to Khaba and others; trespasser

She moved ahead, a beeline for him. Hoping her steady, foreboding approach would drive him back where he came from.
379 Posts
Ooc — Decay
A call. From two. One unfamiliar, and one favored. 


The single word flagged his attention—and with quick pace, the alpha trailed the path that which led to the pair of voices.

Aliki was present, approaching steadily upon the stranger. Khaba moved to join her, taking up a position along her flank, but a step ahead.

Teeth bared, he presented them to the trespasser. None would so easily cross upon his land and not be punished for it.

His companion had already warned them. But would they listen? Or would Khaba have to show off his strength to yet another?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

20 Posts
Ooc — Sunclaw
Wallace narrowed his eyes as he saw two wolves approaching. He raised his head and sniffed: a female and a male. At first he just stared at them, cocking his head. What was he going to do? they were getting closer, so Wallace started walking, tail held high and head held high. Did they really think they could kick him out? 'Him, Wallace, the strongest? He didn't know whether to laugh or take this situation seriously.

He kept walking, raising his tail, but at the last moment he turned sharply and jumped somewhere else, getting out of the way of the two wolves. He sat up as if nothing had happened and started licking his chest. Then he shot the woman a cheeky look. Did the wolves of the clan have to take everything so seriously?

He narrowed his eyes. The black wolf was very big... as big as he was. Was it really worth staying there? He got up and looked at the female, could she take her away?

Come with me he growled.

Label (8/10)
Wallace has a wound

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43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Holding off in case others want to join. <3

Just like she knew he would, the onyx giant was prompt in his arrival. She huffed proudly, confident in that she had made the right choice in calling him her leader. 

As he passed her, Aliki paced ahead just enough to let her shoulder brush his flank before falling back again. A not so subtle show of her allegiance to the Lake male. Their threats, instead of being heeded, were mocked. Infuriated, Aliki stayed locked onto the outsider.

She blatantly ignored his little invitation. All he got was a lift of her lip, a flash of teeth. She howled again. Rallying any wolves nearby for reinforcements. Now, if he would not take their threats seriously, then she would have to send him a message.

In a sudden burst, she charged. Wheeling around to his exposed end. There she struck, aiming a hard bite on the soft flesh of his backside. Just as swiftly as she had swooped in, she reeled out of striking range again. If Khaba wanted to initiate more, she would wait until prompted.

That was just her last warning.
96 Posts
Ooc — Maria
gonna just scooch on in here :3

Selena seemed to just be around for all of the action lately. Happening upon the confrontation was an absolute accident as the girl stopped dead in her tracks with a juicy hare gripped tightly between her teeth. Spirits, what is going on now? She whined to herself like a petulant child but dare not express this frustration, not even through a glance. 

It was then a female, one she had not personally met but smelled of the Lake, rushed the newcomer in an act of dominance. The wolf mix dropped the rabbit, stashing it quickly in a nearby bush so that she may heed her packmate's call. That's what packmates did right? Her inexperience with formalities such as this was obvious in her unsure approach to the situation. She flanked her two stronger and larger comrades, presented a low growl in warning that if this man passed them and got to her... well, she wasn't really sure what she would do. At least she could serve as a distraction.
379 Posts
Ooc — Decay
How impudent!

First, they cross upon his land. And next, they try to take one of his own?

Now he was beyond furious.

Aliki wouldn't dare betray him, so this he did not worry for. But to think this male would be so coy as to believe she might.

When she charged forward, Khaba would not hold back. It may have been a simple warning in her eyes, but he wanted to make this male hurt.

Lunging forward, he lashed a heavy paw out for the challengers muzzle. A blow to distract. He may have landed it, even within his blinded rage—but before knowing for sure, he reached to sink his teeth into their shoulder.

Attack upon attack, relieving his anger. And the male was the target of it all.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

20 Posts
Ooc — Sunclaw
Wallace turned as Aliki bit him. He was confused for a moment, never before had a female rejected him, let alone bit him. He was barely able to react when Khaba attacked him. Wallace saw the anger in his eyes and felt something he had never felt before: pain.

It was an unpleasant feeling that confused him more than the female's rejection. He instantly regretted going to that territory. Neither his personality nor his security would free him from that, he was one against three. He raised his paws and tried to push Khaba away, like a puppy trying to shake off his brother.

Wallace might be big, but he was inexperienced and all he could think about was trying to run away. He didn't dare hit Khaba for fear that he would intensify his attack, so he writhed, trying to break free.

Label (8/10)
Wallace has a wound

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298 Posts
Ooc — Twin
just gonna squeeze in here with a lil cameo unless she gets acknowledged!

If not for the wretched, thunderous snarling and whining, Zaahira may not have noticed the smell of blood. As she followed it closer, it told her of a man not of the Lake, and of her Alpha. Her protector, her savior. 
She was devoted to him, now. She owed it to him to come to his aid. 
The serpentine creeps downwind of the scene, smooth frame now lit ablaze with the prickling of hackles and constricted pupils, lips that curl upward in a pointed snarl. She stays back, circling like a vulture; her set of jaws were not necessary at the moment, though with a quick glance to her leader, she made it clear that she would jump to his defense with one signal. 
The thrum of her heart quickens its pace, her body a deadly cocktail of epinephrine. This was her pack.
43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Others came. A dark female who hung back and another agouti woman who circled the fray. 

Khaba dealt with the wolf in a full out attack, unhappy with a simple warning. And if that's how it was, that's how it would be. Aliki did not hesitate in charging back in to assist her Alpha. Hackles jutting skyward, lips curled. Tail flagging in a display of feminine dominance and aggression.

She let Khaba do most of the heavy work, opting for quick, hard bites at a haunch, flank or a leg. She wanted this wolf out. A rumbling growl showed her irritation at the fact that all that Selena had done was hang back.

Oh well. More room for her favor in Khaba's good books.
96 Posts
Ooc — Maria
this will be my last post with Selena, feel free to skip over or lightly powerplay her just observing everything!

This pale stranger had made a grave mistake by stepping onto these lands, and Selena found it almost difficult to watch as he was overtaken. Blow after blow, Alpha and this woman rained their anger upon him. The priestess could tell the was young despite his size, still growing into muscle and paws. Clapping her teeth nervously with hackles erect from the sidelines, the handmaiden prayed he would learn his lesson from this and never return. If he made it out alive. Especially considering another was now joining the swarm, keeping her distance as well but ready to assist if needed.
379 Posts
Ooc — Decay
More of his women had come to his aid. All of them, in fact! But there were only few that truly put in effort. Khaba had made a mental note of this.

The male beneath his grip writhed, eager to break free. The alpha let him struggle for a time, still holding firm. But eventually, when he felt they'd had enough, he released and stepped back, snarling for the females to do the same.

Attention now fully fixated on the trespasser, he waited to see what they might do.

The smart thing would be to run, but not all knew how to keep themselves far from a death wish.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

20 Posts
Ooc — Sunclaw
Wallace stood still for a moment, but then he got up and ran off.
However, before leaving the border, he noticed that there were several females watching him. Would he really run from a group of females? He was not a coward. He hesitated for a moment, but all he did was crouch down and scratch the ground with his hind legs, as if he were burying his feces.

Aliki's rejection had stung, and made it clear to them that these females were nothing to him anymore, that he would not beg them. He slowly turned around and looked at everyone. "Nice to meet you," he said, cocking his head in feigned innocence, as if nothing had happened. As if that were just a formal meeting, planned

Label (8/10)
Wallace has a wound

[Image: 6289811ebd34cb596fe12c5e6e18d22d0a7a38a3...=800&h=112]


298 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Khaba's signal had been clear. Step back. Give the intruder a chance to live another day.
But when the stranger spoke, sweet and pleasant as if nothing had happened with wanting eyes locked on her and her fellow women, it became a matter moreso of defending herself. 
She steps in front of Selena, gently shoving her aside with a pointy shoulder. Jaws snap as a lunge for his face is made, eyes of fire burning and wide as saucers, a ribbon of saliva dripping from an ochre chin. She does not make contact just yet, though she comes dangerously close. Tail stiff and raised high above her back, she makes her attempt to herd him closer to the border. Get out. 
He had one last chance to leave of his own free will. 
43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The insolence of this wolf! Even after Khaba's attack and Aliki's harsh warnings, he still would not leave!

Either he was stubborn or supremely stupid. As he moved back, but still not retreating, she felt her blood boiling. His words went un-acknowledged. Her response was a flattening of the ears and a menacing curl of her lips, teeth fully exposed.

Whereas Selena only remained and watched, the other stepped up to the plate to try and persuade the male to leave. A fellow coastal wolf, judging by the scent on her pelt. Now was not the time for mingling, though. Her warning lunge was followed by Aliki going for his neck. By aiming at such a vital spot, maybe now he would finally get the point.
379 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Still, this male refused to leave.

But before Khaba could charge another attack, Aliki dashed in, thundering another set of warnings.

It was clear. None of the females present wanted anything to do with the trespasser. Hopefully, now, he would get it through that thick, idiotic skull of his.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

20 Posts
Ooc — Sunclaw
Wallace saw two of the females move closer with the intention of attacking him again. With a frustrated growl, he crouched on the ground, tail wagging.

"I was just pretending to be nice!" he whined, like a puppy being unfairly reprimanded by his mother. "Okay, I'm going" he said, trying to dodge one of the females' attacks. "But as long as my brother is here, I won't go far" he said, knowing it would cause some confusion.

He turned away again, sulking, walking towards the border of the territory.

Label (8/10)
Wallace has a wound

[Image: 6289811ebd34cb596fe12c5e6e18d22d0a7a38a3...=800&h=112]


298 Posts
Ooc — Twin
As he - finally - turns to leave, Zaahira's aggressive display halts, tongue running up and over her upper set of teeth. Part of her had wished for the spillage of blood upon her lips, but that was a selfish desire. She would not be needlessly cruel without her Alpha's command. There is another woman who she had not seen before, yet smelled of the Lake; that would be a matter she would attend to later. 
She turns back to Khaba, then, with a low croon and a small bow of her head. She could only hope her actions were pleasing to him. 
43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Finally, the trespassing wolf began to leave, heading back towards the borders. Aliki watched him go, a constant low growl rumbling from her throat.

His words meant nothing to her. He would be foolish to poke around here again. With a sneeze, she didn't dare turn away until he was out of sight. She made sure, that while he left, he heard the scrapes of her paws against the earth. An unmistakable signal of a wolf showing claim over what's theirs. This was her home, and he was not welcome.

When he was gone, she turned towards Khaba, rallying around him with a slightly raised tail. Hackles still lifted, her aggression lingering. It would take her a while to cool off after dealing with such blatant disrespect.