Hideaway Strath Fullhouse!
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Lotus @Atka @Alduin @Tulok @Turmeric @Mulberry & Thyme  Oh boi hahah xD

Arlette had been babysitting for the other mother's. She actually loved it, though having seven pups to watch for was quite a heavy task sometimes. She had been at the rendezvous site with her own when others were brought in to be watched. Arlette was more than happy to help her pack mates in that way. Plus all their pups were so cute. Except... well... Simmik and Kynareth were sometimes a little unruly. But Arlette, even though she was perhaps a little softer than most, was quite consequent with her corrections and discipline.

She let looked over the bunch. What to do with them. She hoped that maybe Dreg or maybe even Whrist could help. Just for the extra pairs of paws and eyes. She was most watchful for little Lotus so the big boys wouldn't be too rough on her. "How about we  go on an ~adventure~ today," she asked the group before her, a smile on her lips.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin decides that he likes going to aunty Arlette’s den sometimes! The woman looks just like his mom, so pretty too! He’d be sitting about just soaking up the sun into his thick, dark pelt when Arlette’s voice rings out. Something about an adventure?! Oh yes, he demands an adventure. 

So, predictably, he gets horribly excited. Jumping up from his spot his curled tail starts wagging vigorously. He even barks a few times as he flops a black tongue from his maw. Stumbling clumsily over to Arlette, he moves to climb all over her. Jumping on her side slithering his way on top of her, if she’s lying down that is. When — if — he’s on top of her, he’d sprawl out all of his limbs and bite tiny teeth into her nape, pawing at her fur and growling playfully. He loves Arlette! So that means he needs to show her! And by showing her his love he bites! 

He barks at her with a mouthful of her fur and skin, round, mischievous eyes looking up to her. He slaps a fat paw onto her shoulder in demand. Take me on an adventure, woman! I demand it!
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme always liked when other pup came around. He liked to play with them and the extra company. He was a rather social busybody that liked to check upon everyone. He was pretty much as fluid as water when it came to other children. He could be playful and outgoing, ready to practice his fighting to quietly give one of the quieter pups company. He was always quick to adjust to someone's mood.

He looked up when his mother called for an adventure. Alduin was on his mother's back. That looked fun! Thyme instantly climbed up on her as well, wanting to be there where Alduin was too. He managed to climb up and tried to nip at the wagging curly tail of Alduin playfully, his butt was pretty reachable too! So Thyme sank his teeth in the fluffy butt next.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Was gonna try and wait for any other pups to join but I can’t stop myself :>

As he bites at Arlette’s scruff, he sees another pup moving his way out of the corner of his eye. Flicking his eyes over he sees Thyme! He likes that guy too and he barks at him joyously around his mouthful of scruff. 

The Thyme is climbing up to meet him, stepping all over his mother to reach him. With a curled tail still wagging, it’s a prime target for a playful pup like Thyme too. It’s only when he feels teeth bite onto his tail does he jump. Releasing Arlette’s scruff, he turns back to see the pastel coated culprit. A wide toothy grin spreads over Alduin face and white brows furrow devilishly. He barks once and slaps a paw into the mother beast beneath him in challenge. 

Next thing he knows he’s getting his rump chewed on by the other. He yelps in surprise, but not pain, and a playful growl falls from his maw. Slipping off Arlette, he pounces towards Thyme with his fat paws splayed out in front of him. He falls onto the other pup and attempts to pin the other puppy to Arlette’s side with playful grows spilling from his lips. Then he begins his attack, biting and nibbling the smaller wherever he can, even trying to get a well placed bite on Thyme’s own butt.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
119 Posts
Ooc — hela
Tulok didn't like any of this. In fact, he hated it. He didn't want to be here; he wanted to be with his parents, doing whatever they were doing. But he had no say in things—for now.

But just because he had accepted his fate didn't mean he had to participate in anything. The adult named Arlette asked if they wanted to go on an adventure, which sounded awful. He didn't want to go anywhere; he wanted to sit here and wait for his parents to come collect them. He didn't answer her, he just continued to pretend like no one existed. 

Except his brothers, of course. Tulok kept a watchful eye on them. Even Alduin who was disgustingly happy with everything that was happening. The grumpy boy couldn't help but roll his eyes at the two rough-housing, which was the most emotion he had shown since he got here.

He looked away from the annoyance and stared in the distance, sitting firmly in his spot far away from the rest of the group.
115 Posts
Ooc —
He'd been gnawing on a root when mom's voice rose up, and Turmeric's ears pricked tall - an adventure! - but his reaction is internal, and nowhere near as uncontainable as Alduin or Thyme's, who take to making mom a jungle gym. Turmeric has learned to stay far away from their antics if he doesn't want to get buried under the weight of all their legs and fur.

His tail wags and eagerness shines from within the depths of his murk water eyes, still shifting to green from their baby blues.

"What kinda a'venture?" he asks, stumbling over mom's harder word - but he'd get it one day. He'd only ever been out of the rendezvous when he'd tracked down dad - and ever since then, he'd been hoping and looking for more ways to leave. There were so many more plants and animals and things to discover. Were they going outside the play site now? Would he get to see the rest of the forest again?
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled when she soon had Alduin on top of her trying to bite her. She chuckled. He was very passionate about things in his life it seemed. She hardly wanted to discourage him. Thyme seemed to become more rebellious around Alduin, that she had already noticed. The female grinned and turned around to nip him. If she missed she would just stand up and the pups most likely would just slide off her back. She smiled at them.

Arlette watched Tulok, his face looking like thunder with the scowl he was supporting. Arlette almost had to chuckle at it. So dramatic. Arlette approached Tulok and gave him a little nip to his hind legs so he would get to his feet. She was a loving wolf, but Arlette wasn't too much of a softy around the pups. She had learned that if she was too sweet these pups would already take advantage of her. "Or would you like me to carry you, Tulok? Like a newborn baby?," she asked him sweetly, a little smirk on her face.

Turmeric asked what they are going to do. "Why don't you have a guess?," she offered. She had something special planned and she figured that especially Alduin was going to love this, she just had a hunch. Arlette started to move, if Tulok would be really grounded to the floor, she would just drag him by his scruff along with the rest. If not, and he would walk with her then was just pleased her trick worked.

@Tulok hope the little imply is okay!! Let me know if you want it changed
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin smiles widely as he attempts his little attack on Thyme. Hopefully able to get his own butt bite in before Arlette is able to get up.

Though when she does, the two slip off of her side and flop to the ground. Alduin rests on top of the paler, smaller pup, comfortably using him as an arm rest or couch.

Yet, despite Alduin loving to give Thyme attention, the pup’s attention span is fickle and is easily distracted as he watches the other pups react to Arlette’s offer for adventure. Especially Tulok’s. He grins and laughs at his brothers reaction and the way Arlette forces him up with them. He and Tulok are close, but Alduin definitely likes to mess with him. So he gets a fair amount of satisfaction watching him being forced to go on an adventure. His brother is always so grump he needs to lighten up. 

So finally Alduin spares poor Thyme and gets off of him and his tail begins wagging eighty mph. “Where we goin’, mom!” He asks, shamelessly also calling the mother wolf mom just as comfortably as he does his own.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme was always eager to go. So he was quick to get up and follow his mother. It was natural for him. He did wonder why the other moms never watched them. It was always their mom that would look over all of them or went on adventures with them. He didn't mind. His mom was his favorite. Probably because he didn't know the other mom's that well. 

Thyme giggled when Alduin called his mom 'mom'. He did know that Alduin wasn't a sibling though. Like Turmeric and Mulberry. But he was part of his pack. His mom had explained that. When his mother said that they needed to guess he thought for a moment. "FITE MONSTAS!!!," he let out excitedly. He had heard the stories. He wanted to be tough too and fight monsters.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Posting a conclusion to this thread so I can archive and use it for Alduin’s trade. If anyone’s not okay with the power play please hmu and I’ll edit! <3

Alduin laughs excitedly as Thyme screams out his own guess.  Moving to sit next to his best friend he stares up at Arlette as she finally confesses about what they’re adventure is going to about: exploring the territory. Ohh, Alduin’s been wanting to do that but he’s not really allowed out by himself. So his curled tail wags at 80mph as they follow her about the territory. 

After their grand adventure they would all tire out. Most would curl up and nap while others would occupy themselves otherwise. All the prince knows is that he had fun and now he’s horribly pooped. So curling up next to arlette he’d finally fall asleep, hoping to have an adventure just as fun the next day.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]