Redtail Rise marviosa
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
anyone allowed close! he's just outside the denmouth <3

days became weeks. in an eyeblink ancelin was closing in on a month of age. he scrapped with atreus and screamed for his mother. he napped hard and ate as much as he could each feeding. his eyes were adjusting and his posture had improvement.

today he went for the sunlight again, a morning ritual of the boy's design. but he took one step too many, and tumbled head over heels into the great outside.

the sun was hot. the trees were massive. he thought they looked like tall, quiet monsters. he saw a butterfly. he saw a beetle. he ate the latter. "mama?" he said at length, looking back into the denmouth. "wheah ah yoo?"
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar was bringing more of the supplies to Arielle when he spotted the pup outside. Despite her giving birth, he'd thought perhaps she might still appreciate a stock - and he wasn't sure how quickly the symptoms of pregnancy faded.

The bard paused uncertainly, however, unsure of how he would be received with the child. Avicus allowed him to help in caring for hers, but that didn't mean her brother would be so welcome. They hadn't had the chance to speak since he joined - and Ashlar had not been in a rush to correct this. He was afraid.

In the end, the question was enough to draw him forward. Hello. Avicus' didn't speak much, if at all. Want me to wait for her with you? She was either inside and busy or out for a moment - either way, someone would be along shortly. He hoped they wouldn't mind.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was another wolf! ancelin knew ashlar enough by scent not to be startled; he wagged his tail and pounced forward. "yeah! mama comin'." he turned his head to peer into the den and then looked back at ashlar.
he cocked his head. "yoo huntin'?" the green things didn't look like meat. but maybe there was more than one kind of hunting. ancelin strutted over to inspect the stock.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Cameo only!

Aventus' ears ticked forward at the sound of voices. He opened his eyes and lifted his chin off his paws to see who had come calling. The sight of Ashlar made his hackles ruffle for a moment, but then they laid flat once more. His silver eyes remained pinned to the healer for a time, silently judging from his perch overhead, and then he turned his muzzle aside and closed them again.

Even if Ashlar had some kind of designs on his cubs, the healer was too much of a wuss to actually harm them. Ancelin could probably put up more of a fight than the bard. There was no threat there.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar was unaware of their audience, though he kept alert for the return of either parent. He didn't wish to be seen as intruding or taking advantage, even while he enjoyed the chance to meet the other newest additions.

Kind of. He poked the plants to display them better. None were dangerous for the pup to explore, though he doubted Ancelin would be interested in eating them anyway. Some had little to no taste, others far too much. Ginger was something desired at very specific times.

These are herbs. Your mama knows how to use them, but I collected them for her. They help with certain things, like stomachaches. These were Aventus' children, but they were Arielle's too. Would he be interested? Ashlar smiled, happy to end it there if not. He certainly had had better things to care about when he was young, as much as he may regret the missed opportunities now.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
dad was close. it was a sense that ancelin found himself very attentive. and even though ashlar was captivating, the boy was still dimly aware of the little instinctual bell that rang satisfyingly at the back of his head. 
"herbs?" ancelin repeated the word once, then mumbled it again as he began to sniff at each set of green leaves. he could parse basic differences in the plants, but soon lost interest. the boy's tail wagged, however, at the mention of mama. "stummick ache?" he frowned, then brightened. "like when i eated poop outside and then i frow up in da bed."
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar smiled, but didn't laugh. Ancelin was so earnest! There's ones to help with that, yes. And when they get hurt, hunting or exploring. These can help with that too. I just had to learn how. He wondered if any of the new children of the pack would have any interest. Arielle healed, so at least one of them would let them know the value of it. Or would they only want to hurt, like it seemed Avicus' felt?

That wasn't a judgement, just an acknowledgement of the way things were. He'd known it was likely to be the case. And he still would teach them softer ways as often as he had the chance. Those were, after all, the only things he had to give.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin's little tail whipped faster as he listened. there was a lot to learn. and ashlar knew it all! 
he sniffed lightly at the green stuff again, then glanced back at the grown wolf. "how you learn?" daddy and mama had lots to teach, but so much of it was without words.
ashlar liked words. ancelin could take them or leave them. but he was definitely curious now.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I learned from my papa. He knew a lot of things. I should have started sooner, but I'm glad he got to share some of them before I came here. Ashlar would have loved to have brought them with, but Gannet and Mona would not have fit in the world the rise had become. He knew that Baba was happier with his teachings and mama's family.

He thought of them more often lately, it seemed. Maybe it was knowing he had children of his own out there.

I could show you, if you ever wanted to know some. He offered. Ashlar did not know if the questions were true interest or politeness but he was happy to share what he could. Even a wolf who was not Hælend could potentially save themselves, or others, if need arose.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me! <3

ancelin put his head to one side. he studied the things as ashlar spoke. the boy thought his own father too had lots of things to teach. and now he was wondering why ashlar was not a dad. when you grew up, you became a dad, it seemed.
someone was calling his name. the boy started, then wagged his tail. "yeah! i come back! o — you come back. i go now." and off he went, abruptly with with a pleasant bark of goodbye.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar was startled when the call came as well and immediately sank a bit, expecting reprisal for coming here. He relaxed an instant later when it became clear that it was only a summons.

Yeah. Okay. He watched the pup go with a growing smile, then turned and made his way back. He hadn't expected any of them to want the things he could teach. He'd do the best he could to ensure what he had to show was worthwhile! And would return soon to make good on that promise.

we can assume or have another! (Or both). Feel free to pp if you want that he came in the interim <3