Moonspear So many times now I was supposed to tap out
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Bridget took a couple of days at home to ensure all was well.  Afterwards she returned, calling and receiving an escort to check in on the two patients.  The second didn’t appear to have been injured by any kind of cat, so Bridget let them be.  It seemed others had the care of both fairly well under control.

When she finished, she stopped to get a drink of her own, then looked at the sky.  It was getting late; she’d hoped to speak a little more with Sialuk, but that would likely need to wait.  She didn’t want to keep @Keen waiting.  Bridget stretched, pulling some of the tension of travel and work from her muscles, and then began to move towards the distant sound of falling water.  She knew that was where she’d be waiting.

popping this up now but no rush!
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Busy, busy times. Sialuk felt they might slow soon, but for now she remained occupied. She checked in with her two expectant mothers frequently, and other hours were spent nursing Chakliux and Quennell back to health. They were both healing well, but it would be longer for the boy. What little she had seen of Bridget was fleeting, and now that she had a break, she moved to the creek for water.

Just as she arrived, she spotted the three-legged figure of Bridget moving away, and Sialuk bounded to catch up. Bridget! You are most generous with your time here. You have given us a great gift with your help. It is my wish to thank you for all you have done. Sialuk was truly indebted to the woman.
Atkan Aleut
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
keen is welcome anytime! Or we can start another ;)

Bridget whirled, expecting to find a familiar russet wolf, only to spot Sialuk making her way towards her instead. Her friendly smile didn’t lose a bit though, as she’d been meaning to catch the busy leader as well at some point.

It’s really no trouble! You weren’t kidding when you said you’d be starting a home here. I can’t believe how many found their way here already; this mountain must be a hell of a beacon. She chuckled, then flicked her tail dismissively.

I’m not here for the thanks, so don’t worry about it. It’s been nice, getting a different view. In more ways than one, she felt.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Bridget insisted it was not of consequence that she was here, but Sialuk knew better. Taking time away from her pack was not something she wished to do in perpetuity. Siaulk beamed at the compliments of her village, knowing it was no small thing she had done here on Moonspear. The height of the mountain drew others in, and Sialuk knew her heart called to those who were open to hearing it.

Village Brecheliant does well? she asked, curious about the state of affairs there.
Atkan Aleut
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fairly well. There’s been some challenges, but nothing time won’t take care of. She had to remain optimistic about that.

It’s been a little nice to have the chance to take a break. And yes, this counts as that. She smiled, then got a little more serious. I’m glad I can help your packmates, but physical wounds are easier. Quennel she knew struggled with more, but as a relative stranger she hadn’t broached it. The role looked a little different because she was here so briefly.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk listened with ease as Bridget spoke of this. A break! Sialuk felt it was difficult to call it as much, but it seemed the physical healing work was keeping Bridget happier than the slower work of healing a spirit. The starwoman had always been drawn to both, though she did know they were two different specialties.

Is there a darkened spirit in Brecheliant? she asked. Perhaps Sialuk could be of use to them.
Atkan Aleut
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
In some. Bridget replied, wondering momentarily what she should or should not say. It was likely harmless to share; she didn’t need to give the details. We lost a former member. He wasn’t a part of Brecheliant but he was a father and important to them. I think it’s just going to take time for things to move towards okay again.

Time was really all she had to rely on when the ones in question refused to talk to her. She could push and pry, but doing that risked chasing them both away, and she’d decided it was better to just be there when they were ready. Eventually they would be.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's ears flattened against her head at the news. She may not have known whomever this man was, but he had been important to the village, and Sialuk knew how difficult it was to lose a father. Time would pass, and wounds would heal, but they would not do so without the scar tissue that all would bear.

Much time, Sialuk agreed with a nod. If they wish for space, distance, they are welcome in Moonspear for a visit. It could be hard to be in the place that brought so many memories when all you wished for was to move on.
Atkan Aleut
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget’s smile returned, full of warm appreciation, at the offer. I’ll let them know. I really appreciate that, Sialuk. She thought they might too, though she didn’t state that addition. At this point she didn’t know enough of Teya or Bronco to know if space from the actual Caldera was what they needed. It had only really helped Sorana.

That thought knocked a little of the lightness aside, but she shook it off and let it pass. They didn’t need to open up to her. She was only here if they felt they wanted to.

I told a friend I’d meet her, but maybe I could come back and we could share some techniques? I’d love to hear more about the villages you’ve encountered. She was running late for her meeting with Keen, but Sialuk made for wonderful company and she didn’t want to just rush off without indicating that. Bridget intended to ensure they were allies; there would be plenty more visits.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me!

Sialuk nodded, though curious about the friend Bridget spoke of. It dawned on her that Keen had spoken of another lover, so perhaps this was the connection. A knowing, pleased smile crossed her face.

Long days and pleasant nights, Bridget, she said, granting the fellow medic leave.
Atkan Aleut