Redtail Rise where has the water gone?
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
That morning, Moon Runner delivered a small gift of woodchuck meat to Chipmunk [@Ruckus]. Despite her best efforts, the young lad still acted shy around the Trēow. However, despite wishing to earn his trust, she didn't push their interactions.

It then occured to Moon Runner that she hadn't seen Wealda [@Redd] in days.

She began to track the fading footsteps of their leader and search the places the red woman commonly visited. Yet, despite her efforts, Wealda did not appear.

Had she gone hunting? Scouting? Perhaps back up to Nova Peak?

Surely, she was healthy. On the mend,
the spirit thought.

It was then Moon Runner discovered a singular line of Wealda's tracks leading out and beyond Redtail Rise's territory.

Moon Runner stood at the precipice of their borders and looked out into an empty vista.
161 Posts
Ooc — :)
It was perhaps unwise to throw his lot in with the rise wolves, so maligned by nature. Yet something about them mightily intrigued young Cambria. He thought often of the pale she-wolf, then the poor child @Mulherin sought. Cambria was only a yearling himself, though he was healthy, strong and self-sufficient. Maybe he could help them…

He ranged closer to the mount this morning, carrying the leg of a deer carcass he’d discovered in the forests to the east. It wasn’t particularly fresh, though it was still good meat, and he wanted to offer it to the Redtails. He wanted something in exchange.

He spotted a white figure in the distance and halted, two-toned eyes widening a little. It was the white she-wolf who had haunted the back of his mind since meeting. Cambria made a snuffling noise around the haunch in his mouth, hoping to catch her attention.

She looked better, from what he could see at this distance, but something on her face told the Dragonling that things continued to go wrong upon the rise.
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Empty. Or so she thought…

The sound of purposeful wolf’s breath made her ears orbit to find its maker.

The wind carried scent. Aged meat. Male wolf. Familiar…

Among the greenery was a shock of cool-white fur.


Moon Runner was surprised, but pleased, to learn the vagrant orbited the Rise. She confidently loped toward him, but her steps were loose, friendly, and without intensity. Her figure had improved since the last time they had seen one another. She had recovered, though there was still weight to be gained.

A glance at his prize. She did not want to insinuate she meant to take his food, and so she tactfully looked away. A lip lick to prove her peaceful nature.

Under any other circumstances, Moon Runner might have driven away a competing wolf... but something about Icemelt had sparked her interest. In addition, there was a chance he had seen which way Wealda had gone...
161 Posts
Ooc — :)
She noticed him. His expression remained cautiously optimistic as she made her way toward him. Cambria noticed the lightness of her step, just as he did the sharp angles of her rib cage and hips. He stared at the latter obliquely as he set the meat on the ground, then raised his head and caught her eyes with his own two-toned gaze.

He slid them away a beat later, his head lowering ever so slightly. In the absence of a verbal greeting, Cambria rumbled a note that he hoped said, It’s good to see you. His tail swayed once, twice, before stilling as he pointed his snout at the leg.

He couldn’t help but say, You’re welcome to it, even though he couldn’t be sure she would understand his words.

He tried catching her eye again, then dropped his head to nose the meat toward her. He even whined a little under his breath, a noise meant to indicate his hospitality. Surely that message was clear! Cambria only hoped she would take him up on his offer.

There was, of course, the matter of his finder’s fee. He officially wanted to join the pack, a thought which made his heart beat a little faster. He had spent a lot of time contemplating his decision, though it still remained to be seen if the Redtails would make room for him upon the rise.
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Because of Icemelt’s body language, Moon Runner understood his intent.

Her eyes sparkled and her mouth watered when the haunch was offered. There were few things or higher meaning than when a wolf offered to share their food.

Moon Runner took a tenative step forward, body a bit stiff as she attempted to bottle her excitement. She reached for the food…. and then… she snatched it!

With the food in her mouth she quickly retreated a few yards away and began to devour it. After all, lowering her head to eat right in front of the male would have put her in a vulnerable position. She didn’t totally trust the Icemelt just yet, even if he hadn’t given any indication to harm.

She held the bone with one paw as she quickly shredded away the muscle, skin, hair, and fat. Her hungry body was thankful for the meal, even if Moon Runner knew that some of it would be regurgitated later for the young ones. All the while, her eyes were fixated on Icemelt.

If he approached, she would have issued a growl as a way to ask for space, or she simply would have darted further away.


Sated, she licked her jowels as if to say thank you.

Her head tilited, curious. Moon Runner drew near Icemelt, once again, but this time her posture was assertive. She stood tall and her tail flagged in short waves. She did not show teeth – no, this was not aggression. Rather, it was Moon Runner’s way to offer Icemelt an oppertunity to practice the ritual of showing respect.

She pushed into his bubble, amber eyes bright with knowing.

Great pine trees grew mighty and tall upon the Rise. But in the beginning, they all start as a tiny seed. The ancient spirit knew this.
161 Posts
Ooc — :)
He remained motionless as Treow snatched the meat and carried it a few yards away before tucking into the meal. Cambria’s gaze shifted between her and their surroundings, watchful for the approach of anybody else. He hoped to see Berserkr, yet it remained the two of them.

When she polished off the last scraps and came closer again, Cambria went very still. Submission didn’t come naturally to him, so there was a strange stiffness to his movements as he lowered his head and let his plush tail go limp. He hoped that if he deferred, she—and her kin—might accept him among their rank.

Treow, he said quietly, two-toned gaze skirting across her face, catching the brightness of her eyes before he lowered his own.
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu

Moon Runner was observant.

She saw the rigidity in his body. It reminded her of Scar.

Soon, she trusted he would become fluent in wild speak and understand the benefit that came from respecting the order of their primal ways.

Moon Runner’s neck arched like a swan’s as she sniffed the fur of his shoulder – her nose just barely grazing the fringes of his coat. First contact.

He submitted completely without groveling.

He puts his trust in me, the spirit thought.

It was enough.

She broke away.

Moon Runner shook out her furs. Then, she scooped up the femur bone. She mouthed it playfully and began to lope along their borders, turning back to make sure Icemelt followed.

She would lead him along the perimeter until a member of the Heafod was found.
712 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he knew this figure, and the familiarity was enough to only bring mountain boulder closer in curiosity.

he was guarded, step confident as he greeted moon runner affectionately and then turned his inquiring yellow eyes on the male who followed once more.

a rumble vibrated the air. what did he want?
161 Posts
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The fur along his back rippled a little uneasily as her neck arched, her nose skimming his shoulder. Cambria told himself to relax, though he bent his own neck to follow her with curious eyes. No sooner had she touched him than she fluttered back like a bird.

She scooped up the stripped bone, then glanced back at him before loping nearer to the foot of the rise. Cambria hesitated, then prowled after her. His own step was soft and wary, two-toned eyes darting every which way but always returning to Treow’s pale backbone.

Ulfhedinn appeared. Cambria halted in his tracks, remembering that this was Treow’s father. He observed their exchange, not unlike their first encounter many weeks past. The yearling drew in a sharp breath when the man’s inquisitive gaze came to rest on him, demanding he step forward and explain himself.

Berserkr asked me to bring meat, he said awkwardly, not sure Ulfhedinn understood a word he was saying. Cambria nodded toward Treow. I’m happy to bring more, in exchange for a place in your pack.

He sucked in another, deeper breath. When he exhaled, the Dragonling folded to the ground. He remained keenly alert, though his deference was plain. Should they accept him, he would be their lowest-ranking member. Cambria understood that. It didn’t bother him. Soon, he would prove his worth. Perhaps he might even move up in the hierarchy.

But that wasn’t why he was here. This was a matter of give and take. “Care for the rise and the rise will care for you,” he heard the Berserkr’s words echo in the stillness of his mind.
349 Posts
Ooc — April
dragonling had made good on his promise.

and the berserkr completes his rounds upon the borders. 

in due time, he makes an appearance to the gathering.

he observes as mountain boulder and moon runner investigate the man, who seems to submit to their questioning.

he approaches with tail held high, his gait unhurried and easy.

didn’t bring any for me? he asks of cambria, teasingly. moon runner held onto the bone, the remnants of his offering, tightly. good to see you.

mulherin stops alongside the huntlead, greeting him with a reassuring bump to the aside. whatever his judgment of cambria may be, he would stand with him. 

nonetheless, his easy demeanor signaled that the stranger was no threat. the familiarity displayed his trust.

his tail wags as he gazes then to the treow, pleased to see that she had enjoyed the offering. 

he was still working to appease her, after all.

and his attention returns to dragonling once more.

still, an ear remains swiveled toward the huntlead. the berserkr is keen to hear his opinion.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Wise Father was the first wolf of the Heafod to cross their paths.

Moon Runner only released the femur when she planted a lick on his chin. Her body was loose and happy as she looked back to Icemelt. The wanderer had earned the Trēow’s approval. Now, he would have to earn the Ulfhedinn’s.

The Beserkr arrived, too, and Moon Runner found it curious his posture was so relaxed around the newcomer. Familiar.

Had Faraway Shadow known Icemelt? the spirit wondered.

Either way, Moon Runner felt it would bolster Icemelt’s chances of being accepted into their fold. The Rise had long been hemorraging ranks, and so she was happy to induct a promising wolf into their family.

She watched as Icemelt lowered himself before the stoic Ulfhedinn.

She caught Faraway’s Shadow gaze and the kindly look upon his face.

Like a flower, her spirit bloomed.
712 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the icewolf lowered in submission. night eye came then, and his tones were welcoming, his demeanour pleasant. a welcoming growl came from the larger wolf; he was pleased to see the young hunter spry and healthy.

boldly the huntlead sniffed around the newcomer's jaws for the scent of meat. he rolled the femur underfoot and pressed his muzzle against the guard hairs of the traveler to glean where he had been.

and then he shook out his guard hairs, swinging his tail once. 

moon runner's judgement was trusted. the bersekr seemed to favor the male. he had done what was asked, and so mountain boulder too was content to allow entry.

it occurred to his own sense of instinct that moon runner was perhaps choosing more in this male than only a packmate. a future.
161 Posts
Ooc — :)
Relief flashed visibly across Cambria’s face when Berserkr appeared like the white wolves’ shadow. Not only was his face most familiar, he filled the unnerving silences. The Dragonling understood he would need to become fluent in nonverbal communication to fit in here. The challenge daunted him, though he was eager to rise to it.

It’s not my fault Treow didn’t share, the yearling purled, lips pulling into a smile as he glanced between the trio. It was slightly nervous, as he hoped the joke landed. I think it went where it was needed most, he said with a touch more sincerity, voice lowering slightly.

He went absolutely silent when Ulfhedinn came forward to assess him up close. Cambria couldn’t help the rigidity of his shoulder and spine as the pale man sniffed at him. There was a ritualistic quality to it, the yearling realized, and he tentatively nosed the leader’s chin just before he stepped back.

The Dragonling sensed a decision had been made, though he couldn’t be entirely certain without some—preferably verbal—cue. His eyes drifted toward Berserkr as he drew in a breath, trapping it in his chest.
349 Posts
Ooc — April
a half-snort, he is amused by the man’s nervousness.

his orange eyes assess both ulfhedinn and treow—who gave their signals of approval. he exchanges with them a knowing nod; finality. 

and to their now newest recruit, he offers,

c’mon. I’ll show you around, and turns away with a beckoning wave of his tail—an open invitation, if ulfhedinn or treow desired to tag along.
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
712 Posts
Ooc — ebony
in that moment, the male became snow rain.

though mountain boulder wondered what his daughter called this man, he did not ask. there was no way to ask and no way to know, and he let the thought go almost as soon as it had come. what mattered was that their newest was trusted and welcomed. it was a good sign that he had been so graciously received. 

a chuff, clicking playful teeth toward moon runner, a nudge for night eye, a brush for snow rain. the ulfhedinn would return to his sentinel-watch while berserkr led the new blod into the riseland. the trēow was welcome to follow, he said with a placid blink of his yellow eyes, though he suspected she might rather run with the night eye and the newcomer for now.

whatever was decided, the huntfather headed south in the moments that passed, gathering scents for a hunt as he went, and passing no chance to search for wealda.
227 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
It was done. With Wise Father’s blessing, Icemelt was one of them.

It felt like new blood pumped into the beating heart of Redtail Rise... and Moon Runner felt stronger for it.

Her amber eyes danced between Icemelt and Faraway Shadow’s. Then, she chose to lope beside her cohorts, eager to know their newest clan member better.
161 Posts
Ooc — :)
He held onto that breath as Mulherin exchanged looks with the pale pair, the three of them evidently reaching some sort of unspoken agreement. When he nodded, Cambria exhaled a little raggedly. His heart leaped, then began pounding a little. He was officially a pack wolf now.

Berserkr beckoned him. The yearling’s legs felt a little hollow as he jumped to obey, shooting the others a quick glance and a wiggle of his tail. Ulfhedinn moved away but Treow stayed close, falling into step so that the trio of yearlings walked together across the rise.