Broken Antler Fen all that your love can bring
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
All Welcome 
Even though he'd been here for some time now, it was hard for Eljay to let go of the many feelings and thoughts of home; of Redhawk Caldera. He could not help but wonder if Towhee and Niamh had given birth yet, and how many children they had. If they were all healthy. If Fennec'd gotten home in time to deliver them all. He wanted to know all these things and it consumed him not to know, but at the same time, Eljay thought of what Wraen had said. That he should put himself first sometimes, and maybe it was better to let it go for now. If he knew what had happened, then he might only stress further. If he went there, then surely Towhee would make him feel even more guilty for leaving like that. Just the thought of going to Redhawk Caldera right now made him shiver. He couldn't. It felt like he physically couldn't.

On the other side of things was settling into Brecheliant. Things were going quite well here; he and Maia were cleared for puppies now, so it was only waiting for her heat, and he was excited and already couldn't wait to meet his future puppies. Maybe after the heat period, they could go and visit Weejay at the Frosthawks to tell her the good news, and ask her how she was doing. He'd met various pack mates already, though he had heard of another Blackthorn in the pack and wondered when he would meet this new relative. Hopefully soon.

With thoughts heavy on his mind, Eljay wandered the lands of the pack. He wasn't paying attention very well and didn't really notice when he came up to the wetter parts of the Fen; and, because the water was masked by the reeds at its edge. Eljay dunked face first through the reeds and into the water with a surprised woah! and flopped his entire front down into the water, while his hind legs were still on land.

AW, but maybe @Jackalope? :)
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Oof. She knew that feel, bro.

Are you okay? she called out—rhetorically, of course. Likely the only thing wounded was his pride, but Lilitu still approached him, face furrowed in concern. He was one of the ones that had come lately, but, like, the first of them. . .

Was this the mysterious Eljay that Maia had talked about?

She sat back on her haunches, waiting for him to regain his physical and mental composure. All the while, she eyed him curiously. He was handsome. . .at least from the parts she could see, the parts that weren't submerged in brackish water. Clumsy, but hey, they all could be at times.

Now it was up to him what kind of further impression he would make upon the young Lilitu.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Before Eljay could so much as have a look around to see if anyone had seen him, he already heard someone who was asking him if he was alright. Eljay felt his cheeks flush and he quickly backpedaled out of the water. He looked a little silly; his front legs, chest, and the lower half of his face were covered in water and the fur thinned down by it.

Despite his embarrassment Eljay grinned, albeit somewhat sheepishly, and said, Uh, yeah, thanks. After a few seconds of silence he added, I'm Eljay. Nice to meet you. Not really the first impression he had hoped to make, but well, there were probably worse ones, too.