Sleepy Fox Hollow One step away.
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:This May wind up being a short thread. She is seeking Etienne to tell him of her departure. Whether permanent or not, we’ll find out.

After Valiant had walker her back to the hollow, she had been in search @Etienne, someone who would most likely understand and listen with an open mind and heart. She decided she would set out into the wilds now, being that she has had days of rest and plenty of meals to sustain her. But there was one thing she didn’t have…. A reason to stay. She appreciated Etienne and Anselm’s generous housing, but what was here for her? 

She howled for Etienne, signaling the importance of her words. 

“I shall be leaving.” She told him openly and honestly, “I feel like I want to go. I have become rested and filled, thanks to you mostly. And Anselm, of course.”
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,001 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He had not seen Raindrop in a few days her trail having going semi cold. But could he blame her? What was here besides a sea born boy with new land legs and a mountain boy with heart of stone.

He saw her and smiled, but before he spoke she began. A flick of his ear. A tilt of his snout.

I be sorry see you go. But I be wishin' you all de luck. W'ere you be goin?
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She hurt to leave Etienne. He was such a kind man, caring, always open, he did a lot for her. She’d miss his dark face and golden eyes, but she wanted to spread her wings once more.

“I’m going to the coast once more. I’ve met someone, and he offered me a hunt I couldn’t pass up. It's with the Moon packs.” She looked into his eyes, “I’ll miss you, Eti. But with some hope, perhaps we’ll see each other again.” Thank you so much for everything, and if you ever need something, find a way to reach me.” She implied, and touched her nose to the side of his cheek, in only a friendly parting gesture. “Since I’ll be there, is there anyone you’d like me to see? To say hello to with your voice.” 
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,001 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was leaving and part of him blamed Anselm. After all he had been unkind to her so many times, he was unkind to Eti himself. But that was where they differed. Eti would stay and she would go.

To the sea. A soft tight breath and he blinked quickly. How he missed home sometimes. And his family.

You be seeing my modder C'acal or my auntie Mireille you tell dem dis wolf says 'ello and 'e loves them.
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Chacal and Mireille. She would try to remember these names. “I will do my best Eti, for you.” She told him with a smile, “I will pass your words on. It will be an honor to meet the wolves who are your family, and raised such a kind and gentle man.” 

She turned to go, and looked back once more: “Give Anselm my best wishes. And take care of yourself.” 

Once all was said and done, she would descend down the mountain side and traverse the land till she reached the coast.
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