Ouroboros Spine oasis
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
All Welcome 
for babies @Chiteo and @Ajei and of course daddy @Inutsuk; backdated just a bit as their eyes should have opened between days 11-15 of life. written vaguely to avoid over-assumptions! <3 

motherhood has not truly changed for shikoba as she presented her newest litter to the world. they ate hungrily, cried when they needed something, and most of the time just slept. and for most days, the work was relatively easier for shikoba. after raising mojag, she felt as if her lingering questions and confusions had drifted away like the morning fog over the salt water.

this morning had started like most, the weather was still a bit nippy as the sun was coming to rise over the spine and bring about its light. though when she came to examine her belly where she kept her two little babies tucked, she could see that something wonderful had changed! a metamorphosis that shikoba has seen first hand with her oldest, and now she sees once more with her latest pair.
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"trying hurting my sister and you'll have to get through me first"
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Chiteo had awoken that morning to a different sensation. The things on his face that usually kept everything dark were failing today, so he thought. They had.. moved, and revealed his eyes to the world. He did NOT like that. He squeaked with displeasure but soon realized he could control his eyelids and closed them on his command. He started to move around like he usually did, to start nursing, but still keeping himself blind

can they crawl yet? not good at this age stuff
517 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Small and quiet when she opened her eyes for the first time it surprised her. She squeaked gently and blinked at the blurry film on her gaze.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O

it was the gentlest voice that she could muster to avoid scaring her babies. but it was hard to not feel the need to say more when she could see their crystal blue eyes. it was the first time that it happened, and both seemingly were taken back with surprise at the vision!

her little boy preferred to keep himself blind, coming to nurse with his shut eyelids. but her littlest girl, little ajei? she tried to blink away whatever was scaring her, and shikoba could do nothing but come to brush a tongue over the both of them. "my brave ajei, and stubborn chiteo. one day you will have to see the world with your sister."

they were precious, oh so precious and dear. she forgot these sort of moments after bearing mojag into his adult phase. she forgot about how tiny he once was, how helpless and quiet he remained until he got onto his feet.

and in this moment, she was just happy that her babies were healthy, quiet, and happy beside her. she wouldn't trade this moment for the world.
[Image: giphy.gif]
"trying hurting my sister and you'll have to get through me first"
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Chiteo was content as is but he did peek out a bit to try this thing called “seeing” again but he still wasn’t sure about it. He saw his sister blearily but he could make out her own blue eyes. If she was doing this so could he. He kept his eyes open the best he could but soon he got drowsy from the warmth and comfort of nursing so he was forced to close them as he was soon asleep again
517 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei pressed into her mother's tongue and fur. A soft little purr and churl in her tiny throat. She was content with her mother, and brother. She turned to look at him, but he was blurry and it hurt a little bit too. Straining so she used tiny paws and little mouth to seek out something to eat and when her belly was full. She fought to keep her eyes open and simply couldn't anymore and slowly drifted off to sleep.

breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
what greedy little mouths her little babies had!

but it couldn't have made shikoba more pleased. she was producing plenty of milk which already excited her. and it was always good that her kids wanted to eat, it hopefully would mean that they would grow to be big and strong (though the genetics of their tiny mother might make this a bit of a struggle).

either way, shikoba stayed quiet and still and just her kids do as they please. a pink tongue would come to pass over the both of them comfortingly, hoping to instill wonderful dreams.

i know they can't really do too much so feel free to respond or archive! short threads are to be expected until they're a little older <3 
[Image: giphy.gif]
"trying hurting my sister and you'll have to get through me first"
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Chiteo sighed comfortably, twitched a little in his sleep, but he didn't wake. This was what life was for him right now. Eat, Sleep, Repeat.