Ouroboros Spine you thought it was a joke
❝The object of the superior man is truth.❞
124 Posts
Ooc — summer

unbeknownst to her, she stood not far from the land where her sire had once hailed from. after three years, nüwu had returned to her homeland, although the island had not been found yet, nor neverwinter forest, despite being so close. instead she stood at the southern border of this place and observed the scents, one of which seemed familiar in a distant way, like deja-vu. but she was sure it must be a trick of her mind- for what could remain here of her childhood, in this land. years ago a great meteor had come from the sky to destroy the land, and with it those allies of yuèlóng. nüwu was small at the time and didn't recieve the gruesome details, but the gist was understood- whoever once resided here, including that long-gone dark queen and her children, were gone. 

now the jiāng was quite a tall yet slim figure, made especially slim by being on her lonesome. she could hunt but it wasn't her hobby of choice and she often let time escape her, a meal or two slipping her mind throughout the days as she focused on her other pursuits, and thus was less than well-fed. she contemplated many times searching for a home where her skills could be put to use and her safety would be secured, but always was indecesive, and today was too, lingering thoughtfully at the border without howling. perhaps, if chance brought someone to her within the moments she stood here, then it might be a sign to remain.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
phone post!

Her children grew less dependent on her as they continued to grow within the village. And with their numbers a tad small in terms of working adults, star hunter knew that it was time to put away the luxuries of newborn motherhood and embrace her duties once again.

While she does not like to acknowledge the extra few pounds she carries, in some way Shikoba has always known that her body was going to change. She was getting older, and slowly her joints were starting to creak like squeaky door hinges when she would wake up in the morning.

She did not want to admit she was getting old, however. And so the weathered mother comes and finds herself marking the borders and running a normal patrol. The wind would carry the scent of another, and black nostrils would flare for just a moment before heading into the general direction of the other.

Shikoba’s small and round frame would come into view at a lope, catching the sight of a beautiful and willowy girl at their edges. And eventually she would slow her pace before coming to a halt before her. Sulfuric eyes glance over her, though they lack the normal pungent sting that she once held for strangers.

“You are on the edge of Moonglow,” she comes to say, “who are you?”
[Image: giphy.gif]
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos scouted around the border as he did each day. His rounds now more often then not being followed quietly by one of his sons. He thought he smelt Arrluk out there, somewhere behind. In front, the familiar scent of Shikoba, whom he crossed paths with time and time again on his patrol, same as @Kivaluk, often returning from the hunt.

The fiery wolf follows her trail, coming to see the molted colored, stocky wolf in the distance. He hears her words as he draws nearer. He sees the younger woman before her. Tall, long limbs and slender build, even more so by lack of meals wandering as a loner. And then, as he comes to find a place near Shikoba's side, a sudden realization...

Nǚwū?? He calls out to the woman. Aiolos felt like he was in a dream of a life long passed. It looked like the little girl he remembered from the island, running along the adults ankles. Even smelt like her. She had been so young then and with all the Jiang's gone now, it left him to question himself.
moonglow daddy
❝The object of the superior man is truth.❞
124 Posts
Ooc — summer
it was only a few moments longer until nüwu noticed the approach of a small and colorful stranger, with a scarred face but a gaze free of malice. still, nüwu thought she looked quite fearsome due to the scars. she dipped her head into a deep bow at the moonglow wolf's words, before lifting her chin again. "i am nüwu of the jiāng family. i am seeking a place to call home. i am a scientist of nature, a peacemaker, a therapist, and have dabbled in medicine as well," she added, knowing that some of these skills were not valued in some lands but wishing to boost her resume neverthless. "is your-" and she was about to ask about the capacity of this group, until another arrived. 

he was broad and reddish, with a warm gaze. and he called her by name. her mouth grew dry and a wave of emotions washed across her face, the greatest of all being nostalgia, as if he was from a childhood fairy-tale. "aiolos," she spoke, dumbfounded- known not from a formal introduction of his own but from her mother's words that had once told her of the yuèlóng wolves. and yet she recalled once being a princess there who was brought out to meet her packmates. this face had once sniffed at her gently, before the meeting had quickly been ended, but she hadn't forgotten him, nor the faces of her other old packmates, even if they were long-gone memories of the past. she stumbled for a proper question to ask him, but it was he who was still here in these lands after all, while she was the one who had been whisked away without a word by her family. questions might be better for her. but still she wondered, "what happened?" it was all she could muster- after the meteor struck moonspear she never knew what had continued on in this land. her mother had called it a terrible omen after all their continuous bad luck between her and mal, and nüwu had abandoned her memories here, assuming everything that once was would be gone. and yet here stood a remnant of the past, only a couple years older.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
is it alright with you both if shikoba stays for a few posts before she dips and leaves these two alone? hoping to have this count towards her mastery! <333 just feel free to skip over her until you need her 

a foreign name in foreign ears. shikoba comes to mentally test her name but can sense herself struggling. though she decides to say nothing of it, it would feel disrespectful to say it wrong first and second it would be rude to demand her to repeat it until her elderly ears could get it right.

thankfully, she still is able to catch all the important stuff. a search for a home, talents that she possesses, and– oh, sunman joins them. and as shikoba comes to offer a smile to her superior, she can hear him say her name perfectly. and with her own return of his name, she can see that these two are not strangers.

she would let them say their words, air everything they needed and remain in the back for a little. listening was once not a strong suit, but in her ever climbing age, shikoba is getting better at it. and when she finds a break in all of it, she comes to say "Moonglow has room for you, so long as Sun Man sees fit."
[Image: giphy.gif]
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Okay with me H20!

And she remembered him. Aiolos knew it could not be much. She might have remembered his fur. Nosing her and her siblings when they were no more then pudgy balls of fluff. Maybe remember the length of his backside as he would sit outside the den opening, keeping watch when Hua danced in the moonlight waves at her ankles. 

Then she asked what happened. Briefly, he frowned, remembering the fall of the Jiang family on the island. Many left, returning to their homelands and some where Ruo had gone, stealing away Aiolos and their son in the process without Aiolos being able to stop it. He remembered much tragedy in Neverwinter. Remembered the sorrow of Hua without her big family. And then the great star from the heavens striking Moonspear...

Come. Come within and we will speak of it. He motioned, ushering her to come within their home and follow, where he could lead her to fresh water of the river and a cache of a much needed meal. Shikoba fell silent though followed suit along with them into their home. Many things have happened. Much of them good, after so much bad. Being just a child when Yuelong and Neverwinter crumbled apart and having been lead away to a new (hopefully better) life, Aiolos did not know all of which she had been told of her homeland. 

The spirit of Yuelong died when your mother left. The few which remained disband not long after. Though Aiolos had managed to keep it afloat until there was no one left to keep it afloat for. The little family there had decided it best for their children to rekindle with the rest of their family members and Aiolos had come here, finally creating his own. It had been years since. Shikoba felt aged and to think, Aiolos was even older. What also remained after the fall of Moonspear had gathered here and I had come to join them for a new start. And it had turned out well, easily noticed by the life which stirred in Moonglow.
moonglow daddy