Hoshor Plains of a chain reaction of countermoves
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
All Welcome 
Ariadne kept close to Moonsong's camp now that she was in heat. There'd be a man who'd frightened her a few days prior, right before the hunt, and she did everything to prevent him or any other threats from getting to her. She was thankful for the individuals who helped her: the ones who fetched supplies to her camp to work with, who brought food, and most importantly, who provided good company.

Today, she worked with bison fur down by the river near Moonsong’s camp. She tried to get a bloodstain out and used all her effort to clean it out of the fur. While she worked, she sang a lullaby that she'd surely pass down.

careful now, the herd is sleeping
wandering tired from a day of leaping
hush! listen? what do you hear?
i hear the hunters returning near
they will be tired from a day of leaping
quiet, children, the hunters are sleeping
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
There'd been a lot of rowdiness. Valiant had spent a short while participating in the boyish frisking about going on afield — but there was only so much sprightly youth he could handle in one serving, and so he left the others to their game and returned to Moonsong's camp. Although he had committed ultimately to Moonglow, he had promised Dutch he'd look after Ariadne's pack.

This far, he didn't feel he'd done a very good job.

He found Ariadne perfumed in that sweet winter scent that drifted from all corners of the plains, lately. Even if he hadn't heard, it was plain in her scent that she was taken — and he was not of a mind to father any bastard litters this year. He hadn't yet, and it wouldn't do to start now. Still, the fragrance was enough to draw him toward her, if only because he had nothing more pressing to do.

"Miss cloudwoman," he said in greeting, his tail swishing wearily. He came near enough for the breeze to wash him in her scent before he settled down, flattening himself with a quiet huff. "I ain't a young man anymore," he lamented, but he smiled as if his misfortune amused him, pointing his nose toward the cavorting wolves. "Those boys're runnin' circles around me."

He sprawled further, watching the work of Ariadne's teeth and claws from these few yards away. "What were you singin' just now?" he asked.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was weary of any man that wasn't her Uiga, and Valiant was no exception. She stopped what she was doing as he approached, observing, and wrapped her tail around her as he settled onto the ground. He started with small talk, which she wanted no part of, but then he asked about the song she was singing; she relaxed, feeling more comfortable talking about the music than the boys running circles ‘round him

A lullaby my anaa used to sing to me, she answered, relaxing some. Would you like me to sing it again? It is a song she had sung to many of us.
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
A lullaby — Valiant wondered at once if Vairë knew the same song. Did she sing it to her children? It seemed likely. He'd come with a mind to tell her about his impending move to Moonglow, but now he saw an opportunity to learn a little more of the people that Vairë had come from.

"Please," he said with a thump of his tail. "Were those all the lyrics?"

It was a more whimsical song than the ones that Easy had sung to Dutch and the others. Valiant wondered if his own mother had sung to him, and then abruptly decided to stop wondering.

"Just not too nicely, mind, or I might just fall asleep," he warned her, only half joking. Still, the advice he offered was clearly in jest: "Maybe miss a note here and there."
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
No, not all of them, she answered, shaking her head. He had a request for her not to sing normally, and she would not oblige; this was a special song to her, and she would do it justice as she always did. Before beginning, she cleared her throat and thumped her tail to the beat.

careful now, the herd is roaming
wandering tired from a day at home
hush! listen? what do you hear?
i hear the hunters near
they are organizing, i believe
quiet, children, the hunters are leaving

careful now, the hunters are eating
wandering tired, first they enjoy the meat
hush! listen? what do you hear?
i hear the hunters eating, do not interfere!

careful now, the herd is sleeping
wandering tired from a day of leaping
hush! listen? what do you hear?
i hear the hunters settling near
they will be tired from a day of leaping
quiet, children, the hunters are sleeping!
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Valiant's tail thumped unconsciously to the beat as well. He listened intently to the words, a small smile belying tender and wistful rumination.

"That's real nice," he sat at the end. "Dutch's momma sang to all the kids — but it weren't a story like that one. He'd probably like yours better."

He guessed that she had lullabies on her mind because she was preparing to sing them to her own babes. Valiant's tail swept in time with a skitter of his heartbeat — he was eager to see all the new faces come springtime. He stood a good chance of meeting them when they were still small, if he remained among the moon wolves.

"Your family does a lotta things real different," he noted, and it was clear that he was going somewhere with this. He wanted to know what it took to raise moon children, and what might be expected of a father, and what milestones they would need to be guided through that might be different from the ones he knew. "What was it like for you, growing up?"
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Thankfully, she didn't sign him to sleep; he listened intently, staying awake the entire time.

Thank you, she said. Do you know any of Dutch's anaa's songs? I'd like to learn some, if possible. She was collecting songs for her children, as she knew they would be needed when she needed to soothe or entertain them. And it is okay if you do not have a nice singing voice—it will help me stay awake! she joked with a laugh.

He mentioned how different the moonpeople were, and she nodded in agreement; their ways were not for everybody. There had even been a time when she had considered leaving their ways altogether. She'd been younger, out exploring the world, but something unnamable had drawn her back. Growing up for me ... felt like I had promise for the future and security as long as I stayed. My taataa and anaa did a fine job providing security and teaching me the ways of Sedna. I did go on a spirit journey when I was of age, and I got to explore the world—and that is when I learned that ... she hesitated, unsure how to word her thoughts. There is more out there and more to question here.
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The isbjørn's head tilted to the side in idle question. What did she question? Valiant certainly had his own about the efficacy of these spirit journeys — he would not be forgiving Vairë's totem for its insult anytime soon — but he was surprised to hear that a woman as spiritual as Ariadne seemed would think so.

"I know them all," he replied, choosing to leave more complicated thoughts aside, for the moment. "They aren't stories so much as love letters. My favorite — "

He thought for a moment, and then sang in a soft but resonating voice:

"These arms of mine
are made for lifting up,
and when I set things down again,
I hope they are better than they were.

"and these eyes of mine
Like what they see when they're lookin' at you
and if ever I can't see you anymore,
I hope you're more beautiful than before

"Oh my lover, will you take me?
Will you take me now?
As I am, love, as I am
As I came to be

"The winds are blowing, the sky is clear
Let go of fear, and what's happened to you
Don't worry, your heart's a river, running silver
Never repeating

"There is grace and there is motion
In the ocean, churning, yearning and free
There's a fire that eats up longing, destroying wrong
And it burns inside —

"This voice of mine
is made for singing true
If ever I can't sing anymore
I hope you'll be humming this tune

"Oh my lover, will you take me?
Will you take me now?
As I am, love, as I am
As I came to be."

This song was meandering and melodic — a joyful hymn that Valiant had always found peace in. Easy would hum endlessly through the last stanza until all fell asleep, and so it was the soundtrack to scenes of safety and togetherness that his life otherwise lacked.

"Easy — that's her name — she ain't got much of a voice. Or maybe she's got too much of it, real low and husky. But bless her, she sings with her heart, that woman."

His smile widened for a moment before his attention returned to Ariadne.

"Do you think you'll do things different with your kids?" he wondered, prepared to accept it if she rebuffed this question.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
His song seemed more appropriate for a lover than a child, and she considered singing it to @Kigipigak the next time she saw him. Although she wasn't sure how he'd react to being called beautiful, it was a risk she was willing to take. She liked the song, and she hoped that he would, too.

She was drawn from thoughts of her fiancé with a very personal question, and at first, she felt defensive. Her demeanor shifted, she stiffened, her ears flattened, and a frown spread on her lips; she wasn't a fool—she could smell Vairë's smell upon him; the closest daughter to anaa. But then, with an exhale, she let it go and relaxed some.

Don't we all? she asked in return.
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Valiant dropped his gaze, his own discomforts welling up in his chest. But if she was speaking openly, he supposed that he would, too.

"I don't have much to go on," he said to his paws, which suddenly required his close examination. "My parents died when I was real young. I watched Easy raise her kids — I helped, y'know? I hope I can be half as good as her if I ever end up doin' it without her help."

He was aware of some tiff within the family, but not of the greater sense of unrest. Even if it were explained to him, he would likely struggle to wrap his head around the existence of a divide.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne wasn't sure why Valiant was coming to her with this conversation and was starting to feel irritated. Her tail lashed, and she clamped her jaws as she attempted to take another steady breath. Whether it was his presence, the subject matter—knowing that Kukutux would accept Varië's intended with open arms—, or her season, it didn't matter. She was quickly growing tired of this conversation, sob story and all.

I do not think I am the right person to go to for parenting advice, she advised with an edge to her voice. I am not my mother's favorite at the moment, and if you are living in her pack one day, you are not going to want to be like me.
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Valiant's head tipped a fraction, bewildered. He hadn't considered this asking for advice so much as insight. She had been open to sharing her spiritually even on painful topics when they'd met. He remembered being uncomfortable when the death of her sister had come up.

He stood with a little sigh. "I'll let you get back to it, then," he said in polite farewell, choosing not to address the topic of parenthood — something he still thought of mainly in abstract. Family seemed so distant a dream to him even now.

The isbjørn turned to go, and then hesitated a moment longer.

"Your beliefs have value, regardless of whether they conform to others'," he said — but he felt he'd embarrassed himself enough for one day after that and quickly left the area.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
writing letters addressed to the fire
754 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While she was relieved that he was leaving, his parting words gave her pause, and her lips drew a straight line. Maybe elsewhere they did, but here? They didn't; you conformed, or you were alienated for it. There was no in-between with the moonpacks.

She sighed and shook her head as she returned to her work, wishing it could be as simple as he had said.