Ravenshook Cliffs don't cry for me, my dear
6 Posts
Ooc — Ori
All Welcome 
perhaps someone from Moontide? aw!

Stormclouds. Saltspray. Wavebreaks. The familiarity of the sea pulls her close. 

Under boiling skies does she ascend the rocks with careful and practiced tread, calm demeanour a stark contrast to the millions of thoughts hurricaning inside her. 

For however she felt when she left that night has had chance to ruminate and subside and she realises now that she misses them, oh so dearly. But it is too late to turn back now. How shameful it would be to return!

Finally, reaching the clifftop, she sits and she weeps.
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph had ventured out to the cliffs, having seen them at a distance but not explored them herself when she realized that she was not alone. Deciding to investigate a wolf so close to Moontide's borders she set her pace at brisk but not threateningly quick but did not notice until closer the tears. Her jaunty greeting died in her throat "Hello there! Oh..." Awkwardly she shuffled, unsure of whether to get closer or to keep her distance. She settled for being a wolf or two's length away eyes cast slightly off "errrr if you've lost something to sea there are better places to jump in after it - even if you are as strong a swimmer as you look." The humor came off somewhat hesitantly her words tripping over themselves.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ori
So lost in her thoughts, the presence of another goes unnoticed by the seaspear until a chipper voice rings out across the cliffs. 

In this moment she wishes nothing more than to be alone, to wallow in self-pity.

Go away.

And yet, part of her yearns for company, for someone to tell her that everything will be alright, that this had been the right decision to make.

Seaglass eyes still glued to the ocean, she bites her tongue. 

The wolf's attempt at humour coaxes something of a grimace onto the seawolf's face, perhaps it is meant to be a smile.

"All my bones would break if I jumped from here," she laughs harshly, turning to face the unexpected company, wiping tears as she does.
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph sidled closer when it seemed the other wolf was not interested in physically lashing out for the moment. Peering over the edge she returned the laugh with a smile that was perhaps a bit too sharp "That would be a pity, your bones look very nice right where they are." Her gaze which flicked up and down the figure of the other wolf was exaggerated but fleeting. But she still found herself curious, she looked out to the sea when she asked nothing in her gaze penetrating as she spoke still light and easy but more out of habit than any real sentiment behind the false levity "If I may, what's brought such a lovely face to tears?"
6 Posts
Ooc — Ori
The wolf moves closer and the seaspear feels herself stiffen on instinct. Curiously, she follows the other's gaze to the waves below. It is somewhat calming to know that despite everything, the sea will never leave her.

The gentle voice of the other brings her back.

"Your eyes must be exceptionally good if you can see my bones," she snorts half-heartedly. The obvious flattery doesn't go unnoticed by the seawolf. She welcomes the distraction, though it all comes crashing down with the stranger's next question.

Tears threaten to spill again, and she dips her head, voice dampened. "I... I'm sorry to be a downer, it's just - my family. I've never been away from them before and I.. I just miss them. A lot." She expects relief, but it never comes, chest remaining tight.
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph shook her head gently, not moving closer seeing the slight stiffening of the other wolf. She understood well enough, she had been a loner too for awhile and knew that closeness, while necessary for most wolves from time to time, came with its own dangers. Physically and more intangibly. Her voice was soft enough, barely louder than the crashing waves but calm and clear rather than sorrowful. "We're all entitled to our highs and lows, and first separations are always hard." She did not offer her own memories, unsure whether they would be welcome, unsure if the situations were even similar at all. After all no one had forced her to leave, Heph could have always gone back, but if she had....it had been suffocating, slowing draining the laughter and light from her eyes and from her throat and her lungs.

She was not sure what to do, she wanted to help, but she had no idea what would be of assistance and what might only bring further harm. "I..." And she thought of herself, perhaps time would dull all wounds and she did not miss her family hardly at all. And she thought of Iseul so far from home and still missing it. Perhaps it was only that time would tell and everyone was holding out for a tomorrow that hurt a little less. A maudlin thought. Her paws shifted a bit in front of her but she offered nonetheless "I'm afraid there's not much I can do for your sorrows but I have a den not far from here, if you would like a warm place to sleep for tonight and don't mind eating whatever we can rustle up, I hardly ever use the place." She would have to ask Rodyn, but she felt that he might allow a visitor if she stayed nearby.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ori
sorry for the wait!

It feels alien, confiding in a stranger. So much of her life has been surrounded by her sisters and mothers and other bearhunter warriors that meeting new faces was a rarity. As she waits, the words hang heavy on her tongue. She wonders if she has said too much, perhaps.

It is as Ursula listens to her gentle reply that she finds the relief finally comes.

She listens betwixt ocean rumbles as the stranger offers her shelter. Seafoam eyes light up at the thought of a warm sleep. "If that's okay, I'd like that a lot," she offers a genuine smile. 

"You should probably know the name of someone if you're taking them back to your den." It was embarrassing, really, that she hadn't introduced herself yet. "I'm Ursula. Do you have family near?" 
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled in return, glad that her offer had been a good one. She gave a gentle huff in reply to the other wolf's humor but refrained from all out laughter. But she knew well enough getting caught up in the moment and accepted the introduction easily, feeling no reason to find it odd - after all she had conversed for this long without asking. Or, she realized quickly, offering one herself. At that, the huff of laughter turned more solid in her throat. "It seems we've skipped introductions, I'm Heph." Shaking her head slightly in answer to the question she responded. "Not by blood, but the nearby are good friends. I'll call one of them now." While she did not have a mate or any blood relations nearby that she knew of she felt at home in Moontide. With that she tipped her head back and called to @Rodyn slightly outside the borders of Moontide. Her den would be nearby but it was firmly within Moontide's territory.

no worries, take all the time you need!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,362 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn heard the call and hurriedly headed towards it. With Samani being in Moonglow with her mother, he used much of his time, refreshing borders and taking care of his pack mates and friends. His little found family.

So it was with a kind smile and gentle eyes that he came across his friend Heph and another with her.

Heya Heph. Was his kind reply.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.