Raven's Watch enthroned, evergreen, above urd's well
s u n e a t e r
112 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
All Welcome 
He returned to the heights, no worse for wear; he was still his bedraggled self in all concepts possible. The raven’s greeted him with their calls here and there as he strolled beneath the canopy of towering evergreens and the swarthy hellhound gaze his gaze skyward to spy them. A fluttering of wings of one only enticed the calls of another, and the early dawn light cast them in silhouetted but pastel hues.

A yawn soon split his face in two as he moved along, breaching a rocky clearing with the ease a mountaineer would have. He had rested near the base of the mountain before making his ascension to this plateaued stretch but the faintest tendrils of sleep still clung to his features. It wouldn’t be much further until he hit the rendezvous where they had camped out and hopefully nothing had transpired in the couple of days he had spent on his own.

When he reached their camp, @Stjornuati was already gone, and Solpallur did not see the young @Miwa either. He assumed his brother had gone to hunt, perhaps taking the child with him… which only left what he believed to be the still resting form of @Meadow in with the lightly frosted foliage.

Engi, he grumbled at her, pushing her with a paw. “Wake.”
we are born of one breath, one word
we are all one spark, sun becoming
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Turns out, we are going to say that form was Bridget, because she really wants to be in this scene.

She had gone hunting in the mountains, but turns out scouting the peaks took longer than she expected, and before she knew it night had fallen.  She was successful in nabbing a couple of scraggly hares and had stowed them before curling up for what she expected to be a quick nap.

Instead she was waking up to a strange wolf prodding her.  A...wha..... her maw split in a wide yawn, then she jerked awake as she realized this wasn't some member of the Court.  Whoa, pal, what's your deal?  She sat up, looking at him as if she couldn't believe he'd woken her up.  Can I help you?  She had no clue this was where they'd been staying before... she'd been too tired to check before conking out.
s u n e a t e r
112 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Maybe it was the fact that he was weary from his travels yet, or maybe it was simply just a general disregard for the fact that their little sanctum wasn’t a sanctum at all that had let him not see the wolf for who she was. When her groggy head lifted to see him, he realized it was all wrong just a moment too late, and that he had come up on another completely unaware that they had been tucked away.

A snarl split his features clean at the surprise, at her confused tone that somehow came to him as being just as demanding as every other spitfire canine he had encountered in his travels. His lips pulled back to reveal those very sharp, predatory teeth; his words failed him for the bubble of that ugly snarl to match a rather ugly beast. Yet so close to her, she was in the prime spot to have him if only for the motion of a heavy paw he raised to plant against her face and shove her back down.

He needed space to get away, to steel himself and be ready, and this would have to do it.

rolled success, feel free to let me know if die rolls aren't your thing for future ref

197 words
we are born of one breath, one word
we are all one spark, sun becoming
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I was not planning on this being a fight but I LOVE IT!  I'm all for dice! I'm guessing you do 50% odds?  I think she got a success too <3. lmk if anything is wrong here and I can edit! I'll let you decide how much of a success she gets, I tend to be chill about spars

She was tired and a little on edge after being woken by a random stranger in the middle of nowhere.  But even then, she was in no way prepared for what he did.  With a snarl, he shoved her face into the dirt, her chin slamming to the ground as his claws dug into her forehead and muzzle.

Immediately rage ignited in her, and suddenly her synapses were firing on overdrive.  Are you fucking serious?  Alright, let's go.  She snarled back and scrabbled forward, not even bothering to get stability on her paws before she lunged forward in an attempt to sink her teeth into the area between his chest and shoulder.  Anything she could reach quick was the aim.

Bridget was a generally cheerful sort, but she had a hairpin trigger.  He'd started this little interaction off but she in no way was going to let him finish it.  Not that easily anyway.

WC: 154
s u n e a t e r
112 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
This one had a spitfire streak to her and he knew better than to take her presence lightly. Yet his action was enough to give him time to get out of the way of her grasping for him, and in her prone state he thought he had the advantage yet. Keeping her back to him would be tantamount to success, as would keeping away from razor-sharp teeth, of course. He nipped at her flank to try and get her to rise, to go away in the shortest way he knew. He wasn’t out for blood, not this time… unless the situation was about to warrant it. Though they had no right to it, Solpallur felt this part of the mountain had become their sanctuary; it was a rest stop for their travels and nothing more, but he would defend it all the same.

yeah, i do even for success and odd for fail and try and write it accordingly. rolled a 2.

143 words
we are born of one breath, one word
we are all one spark, sun becoming
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

He was frustratingly hard to hit, and what was more, was he herding her?  The nip that landed on her side didn't injure her but was painful enough to make her sidestep automatically.  Are you fucking kidding me?  She growled.  His soft touch was only making her angrier and igniting the challenge all the more.  She'd show him what she thought of his attempts to shove her away from here.  What right did he have?

Not that she had any right.  Not important.

He wasn't aiming for blood but she wasn't going to be so polite.  she went for his hocks, trying to bite down hard enough to draw some blood and cause some pain.  He was larger than her, so she'd need to slow him down and make him hurt if she wanted to make him back off instead.  He wanted her to tuck her tail and run like a good little girl... let him taste some of this.

WC: 160
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina

A disembodied snicker floated in the dark around them, a note of mockery wrapped in his amusement. He had seen everything, the familiar way Solpallur had tried to wake the girl, presumably thinking it was someone else, the way his paw shoved her face into the dirt. Stjornuati would not aid in this squabble, no, rather preffering to watch (and mock) from the sidelines.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
s u n e a t e r
112 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
The she-wolf was quicker than he had expected; she grabbed his hock with a ferocity that would have made a lesser beast cry for the tender patch that it struck. It smarted, surely bled, and Solpallur struggled to free her from where she had latched on. He huffed, trying to reach her with his own maw to find that their awkward tangle made that near impossible to pull off, and knew to turn with her attached would only serve to push her teeth in deeper.

Instead with the best composure he could muster, he glared at her with a look that could have been best described as vicious intent. He wasn’t inclined to have her break him either, whether it was by spirit or cracking bone under pressure; his movements were slow and subtle in his struggle, but he found he could shift enough to try and reach for her.

It was a dangerous move that he had no intentions of completing as he reached for her scruff, pulling his leg upward to bring her with it. Murder was not on his mind for the grave error she had made by sleeping in their neck of the woods as it were, but he did want to scare her. Put terror deep into her soul if he could, if only to free his leg and drive her out.

we are born of one breath, one word
we are all one spark, sun becoming
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget's triumph at catching the man on his leg was turned to abject fury as a snicker from somewhere else caught her attention.  Immediately she drew the conclusion that they were making fun of her and that this was all just some stupid group's idea of a twisted joke.  They thought it was funny, waking a girl up and attacking her?

Unfortunately, before she could do any real damage, he'd caught her scruff and shifted his leg.  She hadn't managed to plant herself yet in the fight, so as he caught her, she stumbled.  He had her pinioned here by the nape.

Oh, hell to the FUCK NO.  She snarled, snapping for any piece of him she could reach.  Which, granted, wasn't much.  She twisted in his grip, looking for any goddamn way out of this.  She had a lesson to teach in manners before she blew this place.
mobile, so no link, but guess who also rolled a 1 XD
WC: 149
I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Joining!!! (If you'd rather Izumi stay out of this thread though, just lmk and I'll delete ;3). On my phone rn but I rolled a 2/miss on Discord.

One of the first couple of days out of her den to get some fresh air felt a bit akward. It was probably because Izumi hadn't been outside that much for weeks but she had to admit, getting up to walk rather than sulking in that stuffy den felt....nice. Socializing rather than keeping to herself felt nice as well (as reluctant as Izu was to admit it), since it took her mind off of the very thing that's been tormenting her for over a month.

Today was the day she shyly sniffed out for Teya, or either of the pretty women that she'd met by the water side a while ago. It wasn't usual for the introverted girl to go seeking company like this, but Izumi wanted to give it a shot and seek out some sort of acquainteship. Bridget's scent was the first to be picked up and the crane followed willingly. She had no idea why it was leading out of the willows, but it wasn't too far a distance to produce worry -- Izumi brushed it off as nothing. That is until a series sounds from nearby caught her attention.


Fujiwara paused in confusion and alarm. If this was some kind of scuffle, it would be smarter to just haul ass and run away. Though it was this same scuffle that held Bridget's scent the strongest -- not to mention the farmiliar voice which erupted from that cry. What was going on? Her trail continued in more hurried steps, violet eyes following the wall of rock blocking everything until her head eventually peeked into view. Two wolves were fighting; one of unbroken midnight -- and another of a lighter blonde coloration trapped in a lock by her scruff -- Bridget.

Her unconscious steps continued until her figure eventually came to view. Honestly Izumi was not thinking at all while she approached the two, because the only thing that came to mind at the sight of it was finding a way to break it apart; and helping her packmate. Then she'd break into a sprint -- then a lunge. The crane's jaws opened to reveal her ivories and aimed straight for the perpetrator's face. Her eyes shut tightly to brace for any impact, and even if Izumi missed her shot, her presence would serve as the distraction she needed.

The Tale Weaver
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
The appearance of another forced the laughter to cease, pale fur rushing from the shadows to meet the silver one head on. Teeth were unsheathed in warning only as he blocked the girl's path of interception, tall and lean body used to try and force her backwards. While he did not mind watching fun and games, which this absolutely was to him, the draw of blood would force this to become a true bardaga.

Still, it was time to call this to a halt.

Nóg! His voice was the crack of a whip amidst the snarls, turning from the silvered one to butt his head against his brother's shoulder, tail lashing behind him. Ekki meira. Staðan er alvarleg núna. The gold-peppered wolf would use force against his brother if necessary but he knew, deep down, that if this was meant to be a true fight, Solpallur would have drawn blood long ago.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
s u n e a t e r
112 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Another came from the brush then, rushing him. His blood ran cold for a moment, only to surge back hotly when he realized that Stjornuati had finally decided to insert himself into the fray. Solpallur called out to him in anger, though no words followed the dismissing snarl. He had just gotten the upper hand, he could have tangled with a pair of she-wolves.

Instead he turned his anger on the heimskingi; his hock smarted with the tear she had managed and his grip on her nape tightened as a warning to the one who rushed in. It would have to be a standoff then of his own making. Spiteful, vengeful in that moment at their collective error. He wanted to hear a squeal instead of a threat-laced battle cry.
we are born of one breath, one word
we are all one spark, sun becoming
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Just as the other male burst in (and Izumi!?) Bridget felt the male's grip on her neck tighten.  Pain bloomed through and she started to twist, but then the clenching became unbearable and she froze, her chest heaving.  Fucking bastards!

The snarl was slightly choked by rage and her predicament, but her eyes were still blazing.  Still, for a moment, she stopped struggling.  His teeth rested uncomfortably close to her spine, and her breath was beginning to take on a hissed edge of pain as he held her.  Her eyes darted between them all.  If the other man moved, against her or Izumi, Bridget would have no choice but to do whatever she could to tear free.  If she got out of there she'd murder both of them, fucking cocks.

WC: 130
I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Her attack did not work, but instead seemed to make the situation worse. Out of nowhere, a tall, maltish figure would bound towards Izumi and block her veiw of what was going on between them. Then he began speaking words of foreign that Izumi could not understand to the other male, prodding his shoulder as if getting him to....stop? This would've calmed her down, knowing that he was trying to intervene rather than add fuel to the fire -- but when the crane would switch her attention back to the scene, the grip around Bridget's scruff only became tighter.

"クソ野郎!-" Fujiwara cursed as she swerved around Stjor to try and intervene again, then froze when she realized what might've happened if she did. If it weren't for the obviously veiled threat to injure Bridget out of the Crane's reach, Izumi would've gone for the male's face again. She refused to believe whatever caused this mess was serious enough to provoke an attack that'll incapacitate the she-wolf, and so Izu's attention turned towards the male with the sun-kissed pelt, her tail lashing and her hackles pricking in frustration and anxiety. "Tell your partner to let go of packmate, or I will intervene myself."

The Tale Weaver
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Solpallur's snarl fell to ears that flicked the sound away, the bidding of the sterling woman redundant to what he was already trying to do. This one is trying, He snapped with a ferocity that was not all directed at her. To the other female and his borther, he would huff in his mounting irritation, eyebrows knitted in frustration. Woman, calm yourself. If you keep fighting, this one's brother will not stop fighting.

And to Solpallur?

Brother, this must stop. Now.

Whatever physical altercation would happen between the two of them later was worth avoiding the shed of more of his brother's blood, pulling his darker half away from the prone woman. Had tensions not been quite as high as they were, the blonde northerner might have turned back to check on her neck but as it was, the man ended the altercation and set about ushering Solpallur off and tending to his wounds. If only he'd guessed the headache this would cause in the future.

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