Jade Fern Grove bonito bosque
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
With careful paw steps and few breaks, the two of them Gunnar and @Silvertongue had made it to Jade Fern grove. Gunnar stopped to take a deep breath of the area, closing his eyes in bliss, as he smelled the herbs and the moss, beneath. He motioned the lady forward and began to speak.

There are small creeks beneath the bows of the trees, tiny little fishing spots galore. The trees are tall enough to cover you in summer and keep the snow at bay in winter. There is an abundance of smaller game throughout here.

Gunnar moved forward and nosed at a blossom near the trees. Soon the entire area would be alive with Cricket song and bull frogs. But not quite yet.
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Ooc — ebony

jade fern grove turned out to be exactly how it sounded. gunnar led them both forward; silvertongue dashed to explore, sniffing up the trunk of several trees. she darted to and fro among the shadows, testing them. but they were not so deep, despite the fact that she found the dark green of the ferns quite appealing. "and no one has claimed this place!" silvertongue exclaimed, turning back to gunnar with a wondering grin.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar settled a way back and watched as she darted to and fro. A slight chuckle on his maw. She was cute when she was excited. He watched the shadows for any dangers, sniffed the ground for any newcomers or claims. he smelled nothing.

Not that I recall and not in recent memory. Is this to your liking?

Many birds make their homes in the trees and rabbits and squirrels stay underneath it's boughs.

His thoughts raced to moments he spent under here as a youth. it had been not near as much as he had thought, but he remembered it, had traveled through it on one of his outrider excursions to see Peregrine or Saena.
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Ooc — ebony

gunnar was helpful. silvertongue was delighted. "this is very beautiful, si. but it is not just me who is choosing." still she lingered, and looked all around, and finally at the man from kvarsheim. "you have given me much of your time." her eyes were half-lidded in the sleepy hot air. "is there not anything i can do for you?"
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar listened closely and nodded his head. I am glad you have others with you. Shame to have a pretty girl all on her lonesome. Miss. Silvertongue.

He shifted and froze at her words. He studied her unsure of her meaning. No all is fine. Perhaps we can share a meal later?

Gunnar was not a man of lust and love. Truth be told, he had only given into it, a couple times in his life, and only once where the consequences could have been bad. But he was not one to use another so, even if in a way he had done so to Sanja, though she had asked and he had been to weak to say no.
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Ooc — ebony

pretty. silvertongue brightened; she sidled closer. "a meal would be nice." but her eyes said more. "if you would like more for showing me these places, i was trained to be a proper companion." she grinned; she flicked her tail and moved off into the grove. "there is just two of us for now." she did not want to say so much about crowfeather, not yet. "how long have you lived in these wilds?"
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She visibly brightened at his words and he followed behind her. He should probably feel a bit ashamed with his words, but he wasn't. She was pretty. Pretty and young. Too young for him.

He blink2d at her boldness, a soft red tinging his face. Thank you, but I don't need such things. Just a kind word is enough.

Gunnar turned introspective as he spoke. I was born here. Horizon ridge and then mived to Stavanger Bay and other plwces. I left for a time after i turned 1 and now I came back recently.

He didn't say to eventually die here, but it was there in the back of his mind.
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Ooc — ebony

gunnar declined, and silvertongue was a bit deflated. surely a man of his age had a thing or two he might teach! but she had recovered all her good energy in the next moment, sidling alongside him as they passed through the grove. "what brought you back?" she asked him, eyes searching the wise crags of his face. "was it a romantic reason?"
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar was still a man, and was not usually privy to an inner working of a femme. Had he known she wanted a lesson, perhaps he could have taught. But he felt she was simply showing gratitude the only way she knew how and it didn't sit well with him to trade such a thing.

Her fur brushed his and he turned kind masked eyes towards her.

He chuckled. Of sorts I suppose. My parents had a love like the stories you hear of. The warrior and the damsel, though mother was not without a spirit of wild. And when my father died. My mother never took another. She was three when he passed and ten when she passed. She returned here to die upon his grave, because it was her time. I accompanied her.

Gunnar thought fondly of his parents. Though there was some issues there, his parents love had been all encompassing, toxic and romantic all at once. But how could you explain this.
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Ooc — ebony

he spoke a tale so gallant it almost made her heart flutter. she thought of crowfeather and how he did not love her. not like that. silvertongue was rapt and attentive. she sighed when gunnar finished his story. "que romantica!" she exclaimed with a little laugh. "my mother and father hated each other." she thought of them now, realizing how rarely they crossed her mind.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar had never been in love, nor had any loved him. He supposed it was do in part to the fact that he did not actively seek out others, but more than that. he was quite ordinary. There was no story of great valiancy, there was no secrets, he was not bad, nor good. He was a modicum of medium and it was simply what he was. He had a good heart and a sound mind, and he was content to thrive on his own.

Gunnar chuckled. Sometimes it seemed my parents did. They were very passionate. Their fights were moments of legend, but my father always made sure to apologize in his own way. Usually by worshiping my mother, but there were a few times of memory that he would give her a gift.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

gunnar spoke and silvertongue hummed. "it sounds like you were raised to know the look of love then, si?" she laughed, then cast another look around the grove. "it is very lovely here. but i am bored with it! show me the other, please," she giggled, and batted her eyes at him teasingly before frisking off in the direction she assumed they would take.