Lion Head Mesa seventh [wp]
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Ooc — ebony
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it was dark.

he waited for princess makono to summon him, but then he saw the regal figure of the newly crowned queen @Treva, and went to her at once.

the headdress of reeds which he had hurriedly placed to his head fell off in his scramble to bow, but he was eager to tell her what akhtar had said, and when he was bid to rise he said it all at once: "the high priest has taught me the prayers to Wepwawet, and given me permission to lead them, divine one."
328 Posts
Ooc —
treva had sent the sanpin off to collect more fermented berries.

somewhere makono had flitted through her vision, words of a gift to come. she ever wondered what the princess met but was left with little time to figure it out.

most of her night was spent spinning through the crowd. voices beckoned her attention here and there. she could hardly keep her head on straight! but she cherished it all.

laughter, jokes, dipping her toes slightly into diplomacy.

but it was the hem in training who commanded her attention next. she ordered him to rise with warm laughter, tinged by honey.

she did not forget her conversation with her husband.

you are making leaps and bounds, hem. the sanpin dipped in to drop a bundle of berries between them. just as quick to depart. tell me what you make of things tonight. she purred, lively and ecstatic.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut straightened proudly beneath the regard of his queen. "it is good to see pharaoh and yourself laughing. it is good to see that akashingo has so many allies. i believe the gods will regard your reign with great favour."

of course the queen of akashingo was beautiful; but in this moment it was heightened by the furs, the drink, the energy crackling around them; her eyes swallowed him and he found himself undone by yet another woman of this confusing place.
328 Posts
Ooc —
she did not know that she looked upon him so warmly, so delighted — but she could not stop it either! everything about today had warmed her beyond belief. the chill of the cooling air was nothing compared to the warm bodies and high emotions.

you flatter me, hem! she laughed, delighted! it was with a grand gratefulness that she looked to him now.

do the gods speak loud to you tonight?

she wondered if they partied too, somewhere out of reach, celebrating divine unions as they did.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
senmut too was thinking of unions; of the new queen and pharaoh twined together. 

it was not for him to imagine, and yet his mind could not stop!

"they do," he admitted. "they call me to worship even in the middle of festivities. they remind it me it is through their hand that akashingo stands."
328 Posts
Ooc —
it's a good thing, isn't it? that they wish to be so near during all of this.

she was oblivious, bubbly and delightful. running along a high of emotions. perhaps berries too. a concoction of all good things.

who calls upon you most tonight, hem? her step swayed some as she sought to lean against the nearest wall.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"the Goddess Nwt, She Who Darkens the Heavens." senmut's answer was without hesitation.

"it is said Her body is the night. Her skin is the stars. Her breasts are the moon and its companion." he paused, reddening.
328 Posts
Ooc —
her grin grew some, heightened by everything. even his shyness!

tell me, is her beauty worshiped as it should be? a brow arched high and she prepared herself for a boyish answer.

she did hope he would not disappoint!
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"she is, divine one." his voice was a squeak. "her priestesses are — enthusiastic — in their worship."

senmut felt as if he might die. to stifle other questions, he fell upon his muzzle in another bow.

he hoped the queen would ask him no more!
328 Posts
Ooc —
come here,

she beckoned him closer. so that she might whisper in his ear, over the movement of the crowd around them. somebody sought her attention not far off.

know that you are already liked in the halls of akashingo. do not be so shy.

and she would send him off at once, to save him the embarrassment if he could not stand it.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her breath warmed his ear.

senmut knew then that he was viscerally bound to her; he fell deeply in love in that moment, in love and in rapt terrified fascination. she commanded him in a different way than the crown prince, differently than nazli.

"y-yes, great one," and here senmut bowed again, helplessly, and then he moved sharply away from the party, to crouch in a shadow.