Dragoncrest Cliffs The Place of her Dreams
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
All Welcome 
Sydney cautiously placed a paw over the well marked border. She had never had trouble with wolves guarding their territory, as she knew to stay out, but the scent of the coast on the breeze, and the sight of a cliff littered with trees was too much for her to ignore. She had been dreaming of a place like this, after her long travels, Sydney decided to investigate a bit more. She was nervous but still her tail was proudly held high. Even though the risk was large, the possible reward of a place to call home was greater.
336 Posts
Ooc —
hi! just letting you know about the disclaimer for sapphique as it seems like she is crossing over the borders.

This pack is territorial, and while an attack may not be the initial reaction of a wolf from Sapphique, trespassers will sustain at least one injury if they cross the borders uninvited.

the stranger would perhaps be lucky it was quennell who caught her first.

mama @Rosalyn might have been sharper, more refined in an attack. even @Sobo or @Chacal may have seen such a foolish act and responded in strength. and the pirate boy, coasting on a high of an emotional last week, most certainly saw it fit to punish this woman.

she was not of sapphique, she had earned no right to do such things. tail waving high and waltzing in like she owned it. it turned him into a sea urchin of prickles and anger.

he charged with snarls and snaps. prepared to push her right back over the borders she had dared to cross, if she did not do so herself first.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney artfully dodged the charge. That wolf had shown up real quickly, but she was not very concerned as he seemed to be younger, just a little older than a pup. Calm down silly pup, I mean no harm! Sydney struggled to hide the amusement in her voice. I am just...looking around. Still, Sydney knew she had to be cautious, the little wolf could inform others in his pack of her presence...and that would be bad. She wagged her tail at the wolf, trying to show him that she was no threat.

(thanks for the disclaimer. Its fine if she gets an injury or two...I fully intended for her to cross the borders :))
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Whoops! I shadowposted, sorry! Just lemme edit this here just a sec... ;)
Lol, here's yer whomp XD I rolled a 3 out of 5 in terms of damage.

The dark jackal too, prowled the borders. And while there were days when the scents became faint due to snowfall or heavy rains that battered the coastline, but there wasn't much room for trespassing forgiveness when their borders were so clearly marked. Often, peaceful wolves wishing to visit and learn more would stay well away from the actual urine markings and would either wait to be greeted, or beg for an audience if the need was urgent. 

When she saw the pale wolf, she was right on the borders, where she knew she had marked. With her tail up and head held aloft, this she took as a challenge- as did Quennell, who caught sight of the rude stranger first. Bravely, he charged, and she did as well, covering ground rapidly as she stretched herself out into a gallop. Her tail curled over her back, marking herself visibly as the leader who was quite affronted by the stranger's display. Quennell would be upon her first- but Chacal wouldn't be far behind, lending her own harsh growls to the chorus. 

The woman managed to dodge Quennell's attack, but she was distracted, haughtily speaking to her brother with an airy, dismissive tone.

Chacal would hit her with all the force she could manage, forcing her shoulder forward so she could bowl the stranger over and then pin her to the ground once she stopped moving. She could have lashed out with her teeth- but she more intended to humiliate and force the woman into submission. Snarling, she snapped her jaws.

"Trespasser!" She barked loudly.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney almost leapt out of her fur when she saw another, much larger wolf charging at her. Uh oh. She wanted to run but she was frozen to the spot with fear. They won't kill me, right? All she could to for the moment was pray that she could escape. This pack was quick to attack any intruders, she was sure of that.

]And then she got hit... Sydney yelped in pain but allowed the wolf to pin her. OW! No! I am not trying to do anything! Sydney knew this had gotten serious.
336 Posts
Ooc —
feel free to assume quennell hits or misses, seeing as chacal got the injury in! and let's please maintain posting order!
quennell -> chacal -> sydney is now the order i believe

she was more disrespectful than she was smart!

but it would be over for her soon enough, he imagined, as chacal came onto the scene too. it instilled him with a sense of righteousness. to see his older sister act as he had.

he was unaware of how his sister intended to punish, but with the woman still not fleeing quennell was prepared to attack again. to leave her with a reminder of her mistakes upon sapphique.

this time he snapped his teeth for any part of the pale woman he may be able to grab as his sister took charge.
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
With the two sea wolves in charge and the woman in their grips, frightened, Chacal imagined it wouldn't take much convincing to get her to simply submit and explain herself. Quennell moved forward, the auburn fury snapping at the woman to influence their status on trespassers. She gestured to him, so he'd know to let her be, at least while she cooperated.

"You trespassed." Chacal growled, and bared her teeth very near the woman's face. She wanted her to forget her dignity, and stay on her back just as she was. "We do not allow trespassing," She snarled. "Beg for mercy." She growled.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney quickly got on her back. This had not gone as planned, she had wanted to look around, fish, and just enjoy the landscape, but instead she was being threatened by wolves?! This was a dumb idea, coming in where I was not invited. Maybe if I listen they will let me look around? Look...I am sorry for entering your territory. I just wanted to look around. It is really pretty. I should not have done that...please don't kill me! 
336 Posts
Ooc —
the girl was soon upon her back, chacal was a voice of mercy whether she knew it or not.

quennell felt an anger so hot and burning that it blinded him. even as the girl listened to get on her back. he was snarling, slobbering even. he had never wanted to hurt somebody. not like this, never like this.

it may have scared him had it not felt so exciting.

yet now all he thought of was punishing her. especially as she gave poor reasoning for daring to cross them.

he snarled once more, baring teeth in preparation. only held back by the close form of his sister.
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Over the drone of Quennell's snarls- which she would allow, as it added to the intimidation factor- the woman tried to explain herself and pleaded her case. Chacal remained close, and did not lower her intensity until the woman pleaded for her life. Chacal lifted her head just so that she could stare down at the woman's face, withdrawing the scythe of her teeth from the place near her throat. Her eyes were dark blue, the colour of the ocean's depths, and in them, she saw fear. 

"You are a fool, to t'ink we'd let you be,
and wander t'rough our lands,
Just to take in de scenery,
wit'out first submitting to our commands."

Her voice was buoyant, but not as melodic as it was when she was in a better mood. 

"You 'ave no manners, an no common sense. 
We 'ave no use for you.
Go, an' forever stay away from our lands,
or de rage of Sapphique will be upon you."

She stepped off from the woman and snapped at her heels now, ready to chase her away from their territory if she hesitated at all.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
As soon as the wolf let her go, Sydney sprinted back into unclaimed territory. She would be back...one day, but for now she knew she was lucky to escape with her life. She shoulder ached but she kept running, without even looking back.
336 Posts
Ooc —
the girl ran like a rabbit, the moment chacal let her go.

quennell watched only for but a second before he launched after her. content to chase with snapping teeth as a warning, at least until chacal found her a satisfied distance away.

then, and only then, would he think of returning back to sapphique.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Even when she had exited their territory the little pup followed her. Go. Away. I am out of your territory, mutt. She continued running and left the small wolf behind. She picked up speed and continued sprinting away.
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
The woman bolted, and the two furies of Sapphique lunged after her. It wasn't necessary, given the fact that the trespasser had been frightened out of her mind, but Chacal liked the chase, and wanted to make sure that she'd made a solid impression on the woman. Trespassing would never be permitted at their pack. Had she come during birthing season, she likely would have been taught a lesson that wasn't near as gentle as this one. She would chase as long as she liked- the woman had no right to try and boss her around, not after being so rude.

Once she was far enough away, Chacal leaned her course toward Quennell, and gestured that they should lope back to the borders together. The stranger wasn't worth that much of their time, and had been driven far enough away that Chacal felt she would no longer be a problem. He'd dealt with the stranger very well- his courage had been genuine, and and he hadn't been afraid to take on an older wolf. 

Once they reached their strand of beach, she moved to where they'd created gouges in the sand from the scuffle. She marked it with urine, and scuffed more clawmarks into the soil. Shaking her pelt she turned to Quennel with fire still dancing in her eyes. 

"What an idiot," She groaned, laughing shortly thereafter. 
"But mon cher Quennell, you did so well,
I be very proud of you. 
Terrified like dat, she'll never come back,
an' we remain Sapphique toujours."
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
336 Posts
Ooc —
can do a follow up talking maybe? <3

the girl still had the gall to jab verbally, when they had all but been prepared to stick her to sea only moments ago!

he may have done a heartier attack had chacal not signaled it was time to return. so they would head back home as a strong unit. marking upon the border even harsher.

gently he bumped himself against his sister at her compliments. it instilled some sense of confidence in him further. to know that he was prepared to hold his own. such would await his future if he was to be a pirate, no? especially if he wanted to protect pirate queens...

i be doin' such for sapphique anytime, y'know. he could be reliable ward against such fools like that one. i had been t'inkin' 'bout what would you, sobo, mir — even mamas — do...

leadership figures. those who had been trusted to lead and guard the others.
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Sounds good to me!
Quennell was a natural guardian. He had ferocity in his blood, and devotion came to him naturally as well, having been raised by a pack of family who all believed in him. Chacal had faith in this generation of young, and believed that they would form an important part of the pack for many years yet to come. It was important to her that the foundation of the pack be strong, and that the children were well raised. They would be the future of the pack one day, and they would carry with them all of the knowledge that they were left with. 

"I be glad to 'ear dat you are loyal to de pack,
an am grateful dat we all 'ave you, to guard our back. 
I t'ink maybe, you an' I ought to 'ave a chat,
I would like to know what your goals be, if you would 'ave dat?"
She asked. 

Perhaps if he told her some of his intentions, they could find the best wolves to train him and help him hone his skills. She assumed he would continue to make an excellent mercenary, but it would be up to him how he chose to specialize. 

"Come. Let us go, an' feast from de whale.
We can talk an' eat until our bellies are full."
She suggested.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.