Swiftcurrent Creek This ain't nothin' new to me
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All Welcome 
Grey skies nabbed the sunlight and kept the daylight dim, though against the stark white of the snow, it was a blessing. Moss often found direct sunlight a bit too bright when it reflected off the snow, and suffered from infrequent headaches. The cloud cover gave her a respite from the brightness, and allowed her to patrol the borders as she usually did- head low, pace slow. 

She hovered her muzzle above the ground, detecting scents as she went, adding her own in the places where other scents grew faint. It was the same day in and day out- rove, wander, mark- but she thrived in the monotony.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had risen with the dawn. Since his bout of insanity on the borders of Sapphique and his absolutely disgust in himself. He had been pushing himself hard. Running, meditating. His lack of fat, was even more so now. His athleticism pushing at the forefront of his physical figure.

It was on a trip back from both his run and his meditation that he came upon Moss, steadfast and loyal. Constantly at their borders. She was a wolf that found profound pride in her duty and her pack and he liked that about her.

He also knew though she was not one for words. So without a word, he stepped into path with her and began to help mark the borders. The silence comfortable, not awkward. If she wished to speak she could. Otherwise he was more than willing to work in silence.
177 Posts
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It had not escaped her notice when one packmate began to become more active than usual, but she accounted the sudden change in movement to what she thought of as 'springtime madness.' Whether they were scouting out every receptive female they could find, or trying to improve their condition so they might be more attractive, it was all ridiculous. If they just looked as good as her all year 'round, they wouldn't have to go bananas like this. 

That being said, she appreciated the effect it had in creating stronger wolves with better endurance. Arric looked energized by his exercise when he came into view, and merited a simple glance and nod. Not an invitation, but he seemed keen to join her anyway. She felt something sink in the pit of her stomach when she wondered for a moment- is he trying to get fit to impress me? The thought fluttered away. He wasn't her type. 

She accepted his presence with no more acknowledgement or engagement. She couldn't discourage him from patrolling with her, nor did she feel it'd be respectful of her to tell him they'd cover more ground if he went the opposite way. It was the truth- but she knew most might take that personally. For now, she was simply hoping to secure her position in the pack, and that meant pulling some punches.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Had she voiced her opinion of his springtime madness. The dark man would have laughed himself silly. It was not that he was trying to impress anyone. No, his was more to get the impression of someone out of his head. The punish himself for the absolute fuckery that he had joined in on the sea shore. He should have told that female no, and he shouldn't have went back. Though, he supposed it was a learning experience and one he shouldn't shirk on. Sometimes a painful lesson, was the best teacher. 

He also definitely wouldn't have taken it personally had she told him to go the other way or get lost. He was fairly keen in his movements to know when his presence was wanted or needed and didn't take offense when it wasn't.

Though for the time being a scent caught his attention and he veered towards the scent of prey. Long legs taking off from the border. Though not far. It smelled like winter hen. If he could possibly route them out, it could go towards the she wolf, Moss. He hiked a leg along a tree while he searched.
177 Posts
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She glanced when he veered off course, but didn't bother to follow him to investigate as well. If there was something alarming, he'd let her know. She didn't get the impression he'd need her help with whatever it was that he'd scented, and she didn't feel curious enough to investigate with him unless he summoned her. 

So she continued on her own path, ranging ahead with her focus set on the borders, where her pawprints from recent patrols had faded away in the snow. She kept one ear flicked in Arric's direction, but otherwise paid very little attention to what he was up to.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small bark and then he called. Sending some prey your way, Moss.

Then without any other words, he jumped into the bushes and with a growl and a snap of teeth, he routed two fat, plump winter hens towards moss. He was hot on their heals, and he was close enough that they weren't trying to fly, but it was only a matter of time, before one or both would attempt to leap and flap in the air. 

Another growl and he snapped at the nearest one's wings, pushing it faster and forward. They were outpacing him, but right into the waiting jaws he hoped of Moss.
177 Posts
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lol please forgive me if I write anything odd but I have no idea what a winter hen is XD

A swift warning, and then all of a sudden, he caused a racket. For her size, Moss was surprisingly quick to respond, jerking her muzzle up at the word prey. It took her only a moment to pinpoint where he was- as she'd been keeping tabs on his sound with one ear- and two birds came fluttering from the bush. They scuttled as they were chased, shedding feathers in distress. 

With a few bounds she crossed the distance between them and slapped one of the birds to the ground just as it sought to take flight. The impact from her paw alone was enough to keep it from taking off, and she ensured it would never fly again with her crushing jaws. 

Feathers stuck to her face when she looked up, wondering how Arric had fared with the other bird.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
lol you're fine i should have said something. I honestly just meant any female bird that is out and about in winter. 

Arric was on their heels, a grin on his face. Moss was quick to jump into action and he appreciated it. He had been observing and watching. A bit of a test, but not really either. he could use it as one, but honestly he had just wanted food for their caches. 

One was attempting to fly and with a growl he leapt and grasped it's wing, the loud crack audible in the air. THen with two paws he squished it and snapped it's neck with teeth. Then he grinned and lay it at his feet.

Thanks for the assist.
177 Posts
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oh Iiiii getcha now! Thanks! hehe

Assist? Of course, if she'd been human, Moss would've understood what he was implying; she also probably would have been a goalie in hockey (and been a very good one). As it was, the comment came without that context, and given the fact he was thanking her, she assumed he was implying that he intended to keep both of the birds for himself. She didn't frown or fuss, though. She was busy doing a patrol, and he was of a higher rank. What he wanted, he got, so long as it was within reason. She just hoped the hungry man might be charitable enough to stash at least one of the birds in a cache for someone more needy. 

So, she nodded, dryly, and left the bird on the ground where it had been slain so she could continue on her patrol.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric stared at her for a minute. Was she really that out of touch he shook his head and then called out to her as she started to turn away.

Hey don't you want one? I plan on putting one in the cache, but youre welcome to the other you want it.

He didn't understand this moss to well yet. But Akavir liked her so that garnered his favor with her.
177 Posts
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There was something in his tone that she thought implied surprise. She stopped and looked back over her shoulder, and glanced down at the bird. She looked back up to him. Apparently he intended to stash the one bird he'd caught, and now he offered the other to her. That felt a bit more fair, to her- though she would want to stash it as well. Nothing she caught got cached anywhere near the borders- so she would have to leave her patrol in order to stuff it somewhere safe. Unless.

"Stash for me?" She asked, politely. She was sewn tightly to her duties, and didn't want to have to wander too far from her patrol just to stick the bird someplace safe. If Arric planned to do the same with his, then she hoped he might do her a favour and stash hers as well.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had no idea why everyone thought the worst of him lately. He really needed to work on that, or perhaps he just needed to be clearer. More open. That could be the ticket. But he as not one to be open, he was a more guarded type at times.

Gladly. he grasped hers and his and headed towards the nearest cache. Moss was one of the ones that kept the gears turning. She kept her duties at the forefront of her mind.

He would leave her to her duties and cache something near where she slept and his own in the regular cache.
177 Posts
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She flicked her tail and bobbed her head appreciatively. Maybe she'd jumped to conclusions, but he probably should have been a bit more clear, she thought, about how he'd intended to divide up the kill. He was, however, willing to do a favour for her, and that wouldn't be forgotten. 

Like a shadow stretching across a plain, moving slowly with the sunset, Moss continued along the borders until at last, she was satisfied with another day of work.