Lion Head Mesa royals,
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
open for anyone!
Toula sat and spoke with Horus, voice quiet as she plead for the safety of her loved ones at His altar. for him she left the blood of rabbit, and the rabbit itself, hunted by a fellahin who also delivered the killing blow. red cardinal feathers and gemstones were placed neatly around it. she left green things, too—stones, feathers brought by traders that had come from exotic lands. 
a falcon landed atop the crudely built structure of Horus, and Toula felt its eye upon her. no, it was His eye! feeling heard, she sang to the falcon a hymn; it remained, until Toula departed. 
the Queen was never left alone, though now more than ever she felt grateful for the presence of those accompanying her. war—what a terrible word! and for once, anger ignited in her heart that quickly turned to despair.
Makono would have never left this for her. the Pharaoh was surely dead.
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
there was a terrifying feeling within the mesa.

times were meant to be joyous as the divine queen sought noblemen of the area to join her court and ask for her hand. there were meant to be feasts and dances, celebrations of the royal blood, and all who came to basque in the glory that was Akashingo. but instead, there was a heavy air that had settled atop the land of the reeds, and tension could be cut with a knife.

tuna was a loyal being. and while she didn't quite understand the point of prayer, she saw it brought comfort. it was an important ritual to her precious Toula, so she would deem it was being precious to herself. when the prayers and hymns ended, Tuna would rejoin the divine one.

"do yew think he 'eard yew, dee-vine one?" she comes to ask her softly, chocolaty eyes coming to gaze upon the soft features of the queen.
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
the question brought Toula’s eyes to her attendant. always, she responds gently, and always They answer, too—sometimes in the most unexpected of ways. I was at a point of indecision—They brought me Zaahira, to show me that I must command this be done, her heart in her throat as she said the words. to be divine, to know these things, no one should envy. power was not always a pretty thing. 
Toula moved alongside the girl, saying I should like to gather our people, to tell them stories of the Gods. to hold a feast. to make them happy, for Toula could not bear to have her people be the opposite of that! feeling frightened and unafraid of the great unknown that was now so… so… bleak-feeling! 
do you think this would please them? she asked, wanting to hear from Tuna if she thought the idea one that would help those among their ranks.
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O

there was no more powerful answer than that. and so the fellahin comes to nod her head as she remains by the side of Toula. "Zaa-hira haz' been through tha wring'r," she comes to admit to her, "yew are bring'in her some'thin no w'an could, hope."

certainly, the reign of Toula was one more generous than that of Makono, had Tuna ever been given a chance to meet. the fellahin was grateful that such a good head remained on the girl's shoulders as she led through these challenging times. and when she mentions the idea of such festivities, tuna can do nothing but wag her tail and come to nod her head excitedly.

"most certan'ly, yer dee-vineness. yer coronation was sah'posed ta be a celebration awf all'a Akashingo. it may help with tha stress from that'ol lake pack too, may'beh even get to know'in yer newes' people more as well." Tuna never liked having to push back party dates, rescheduling was never her strong suit. "what things dew yew want at this'uh, glorio-eus event?" 

it would all take planning, certainly, and even more it would take the work off the fellahin to gather all that was needed. food, decoartions, music maybe?
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
Tunas words warmed her heart. did she know, or understand, that the Gods had brought her here, too? Toula leaned a little closer to the fellahin, her gaze openly adoring as she smiled. what would I do without you here, to remind me of these things? a soft laugh, and Toula felt that she could hug her—but withheld, not wanting to assume she was alright with such a gesture. 
she nodded to her as she spoke of the coronation. it may be in bad taste to have such a grand event now—I was thinking something… a little more simple, she dreams up the idea aloud, knowing she has a listening ear. and when the soldiers return, a banquet for them, too—in thanks! there will be new children here, and we should make sure the event will make them feel welcomed, a celebration of success, and of the new friendship forged between mesa and Lake. but that would come later! 
music, I think; the decor for this simple, too… furs for all to rest upon, I should think, to listen to the stories in comfort. what would please you, to see? for the fellahin would also be there to listen. this was her thanks to all of her people, the attendants among them—they could rotate shifts more frequently so as to keep things running smoothly throughout, but with ample time to hear the stories and dine as well.
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
such humbleness was always a breath of fresh air, though that was always how Tuna felt in the presence of Toula. and each word that she said was drank up greedily, for Tuna would need to know of all the amazing things the fellahin would have to accomplish by the time all of this was over.

the smile directed towards her causes a flush to spread over Tuna's features as her ears splay out in a sheepish and goofy manner. "if nawt me, yer mah-jah'sty, it'd be anoth'r fellahin to ree-min' yew."

but then again, Tuna was not called "favored of the divine consort" for no reason! she took that title with an insane amount of pride.

"ah'll make sh'ure is' done in gewd an' humble taste, dont'chu worry." of course, no one wanted to throw a party and look bad when such bad things were happening no further than a stone's toss from home. "ah think a gewd mee-al, com'fy furs, and stories make fer a fiiiine night."

and for a moment, it did shock tuna when she is asked about her own desires. it was an uncommon thought, mainly because tuna was not one to often need or want things. so here she bites her lip for a moment as she ponders. "ahm'a simpl' coy, miz Toula. ah don't need much ta' make me happy. gewd food is always somethin' that everyone enjoys."

"dew'yew think we'll need some'uh, entertainmen' aht this'ere event?" perhaps they could arrange a dance of some sort, a magic show with readings, or even something more. "ah used t'ah fight snakes," Tuna would come to admit, "an' it shu'rely entertain'ed ev'ryone."
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
and she was favored! Toula looked upon the fellahin with adoring eyes. no matter what Tuna said, Toula knew that she was essential. she trusted Tuna to the task! 
then we will be sure that the good food is plentiful, Toula agreed with her, too. food always brought great joy and pleasure! 
what Tuna described next intrigued Toula, but she felt it prudent to ask, is it terribly dangerous for you? …more importantly, do you enjoy such a thing? she would not have her dearest fellahin endure a night of misery! it was important for her to feel good and at peace, too, this night.
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
tuna is no snake charmer, simply she is the oldest and more often than not got the grunt of the work that her younger siblings could not handle on their own. scorpion in the nest? better call tuna. rattlesnake under the shade? yea, go call tuna. other coyote sticking their nose where it doesn't belong? you guessed it, it always comes back to tuna's plate to answer.

beneath her coat is a sight that tuna would never wish to expose to toula. "only if there poisonous," she says to say with guffaw, "but ah don't think'a dangerous show is somethin' that yew'll enjoy. an' fer me and th'a rest awf yer court and kingd'em, yer enjoyment is our goal." tuna could never say this part out loud, but a part of her liked to think that toula didn't want to put the fellahin at an avoidable risk for such entertainment. perhaps makono would have if she felt such a need, but tuna would never know of the pharoah's hand and the cruelty that could have poured from it.

"are there 'ny gewd singers 'er dancers in yer court, yer dee-vineness?" perhaps something that would ring the culture bell of some sorts would be better than watching a magician swallow knives and wrestle with dragons.
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
gonna start us a newer one ♡ !

Toula nodded—if it is something that you enjoy and is not dangerous to you… then I will happily allow it. know that I never wish any harm to befall you, and I do not want you to put yourself in such a position, for Tuna thought rightly—it would bring her no happiness at all!
well into the evening they two planned. Toula decided that she would dance for her people, as she loved to do, and laughingly taught Tuna some steps to join in on the fun! they two planned an evening to remember, one that would be a light in a time of dark and dreary war.