The incident with Silvertongue caused Cornelius to withdraw from his family. He needed space after everything and everyone, and he woke early in the morning to head off in no particular direction.
He arrived at the Sky Mesa around sun-high and kept walking. Moving gave him a distraction and something to do; he headed southwest toward the cenote.
He arrived at the Sky Mesa around sun-high and kept walking. Moving gave him a distraction and something to do; he headed southwest toward the cenote.
October 19, 2023, 02:40 PM
at the highest point of the Cenote did Toula sing to Ra as he rose—and His rays shone upon the distant Mesa. it was there her gaze lingered, and she spoke to @Zaahira and @Eset as well as @Tuna about a day trip there.
she felt called upon. and it could not be ignored, not after asking the Gods for Their guidance. so she prepared.
bathed, and things gathered for the day trip, Toula departed with word to @Senmut of her brief pilgrimage. by nightfall, she would return home. accompanied by fellahin and Mazoi, Toula was on her way.
kept in the shade by fronds that hung overhead, Toula only paused when her people needed to rest—and change their shifts so they too might walk in the shade. none complained, but Toula was always sure to never give them a reason to.
her eye beheld the peak of the Mesa, but it was something in the distance that the heatwaves danced around. it seemed Ra did not want her to climb, then—but continue straight ahead, toward this glimmering thing not yet discernable.
she felt called upon. and it could not be ignored, not after asking the Gods for Their guidance. so she prepared.
bathed, and things gathered for the day trip, Toula departed with word to @Senmut of her brief pilgrimage. by nightfall, she would return home. accompanied by fellahin and Mazoi, Toula was on her way.
kept in the shade by fronds that hung overhead, Toula only paused when her people needed to rest—and change their shifts so they too might walk in the shade. none complained, but Toula was always sure to never give them a reason to.
her eye beheld the peak of the Mesa, but it was something in the distance that the heatwaves danced around. it seemed Ra did not want her to climb, then—but continue straight ahead, toward this glimmering thing not yet discernable.
October 19, 2023, 07:43 PM
(This post was last modified: October 19, 2023, 07:44 PM by Cornelius.)
Something was in the distance, walking at a leisurely pace. Cornelius stopped when he noticed the group, watching as they approached.
I hope I'm not intruding,he called from afar, his posture lowering.
I didn't smell any scent markers, but I'm happy to leave if this area is claimed.Trouble was the last thing he wanted.
October 19, 2023, 08:42 PM
a man! Toula wondered at his familiarity, but knew first she must answer him. and even before that, the fanfare of being introduced! one fellahin swept ahead of her to provide all of her grand titles and her name,
and then, smiling, she answered at last,
indeed, there must be something here to be learned. perhaps gained. she is unsure, but she knows the Gods would reveal it to her if only she were patient.
and then, smiling, she answered at last,
no, you do not intrude here. the Mesa is as of yet unclaimed—but I felt called, to come here. perhaps you are the reason why,her smile broadened as she peered once more toward the towering Mesa. no longer did Ra illuminate it—no, His rays were directly upon this stranger.
indeed, there must be something here to be learned. perhaps gained. she is unsure, but she knows the Gods would reveal it to her if only she were patient.
why do you travel?she wondered, curious!
October 20, 2023, 08:10 AM
The Hemet-nekheb's title was riddled with foreign words he didn't know the meaning of, but he assumed they held great importance to her and her people. He listened carefully and picked the appropriate term to refer to her.
When asked why he traveled, he frowned and looked away, looking up at the looming mesa.
Muat-riya, he said in turn of the fellahin's introduction, bowing as he spoke.
I'm Cornelius—it's a pleasure.That much he was certain of—and it seemed the feeling was mutual!
I'd be honored if I'm the reason,although he wasn't sure why that'd be; he was so ... ordinary compared to her.
When asked why he traveled, he frowned and looked away, looking up at the looming mesa.
To think and clear my mind,he answered.
I've learned some unfortunate information, and I'm trying to decide how I move forward knowing what I know.
October 20, 2023, 08:20 AM
her eyes were bright as she withheld the amused smile that threatened to break free at his words, but she could not stop her features from softening some. none had called her that name since both mother, father, and sister had gone—it was inappropriate, but he did not know their customs. it made him the first in a long time, and… then and there, she could not find it in her to correct him, a look to a fellahin giving them pause as they, affronted for her, moved to do so.
he was only mortal! and his deep bow showed to her that there was respect there—this Cornelius, he meant well.
that was enough for her, for now.
he was only mortal! and his deep bow showed to her that there was respect there—this Cornelius, he meant well.
that was enough for her, for now.
may Thoth aid you,came her words of brief prayer. Thoth, as important as the rest. it was Thoth that had sent him—and for Thoth, now she must build an altar. Cornelius brought to her mind that she just clear her own head, too—such was important!
it is good to know that traveling might aid you in this. Khonsu has led your steps here, to me—perhaps this unfortunate information is to be shared,she invited,
or perhaps what you might foresee to be it’s resolution.yes, a clearer picture for them both could be made this day—Toula thanked the Gods.
October 20, 2023, 08:38 AM
There was something in the way that Toula looked at the fellahin that gave Cornelius pause and for his frown to deepen. But, despite his intuition, he didn't speak to it, figuring they'd say something if he'd done something wrong.
She offered him space to share troubles, and he took it graciously.
She offered him space to share troubles, and he took it graciously.
I've learned that my father lied to a woman, and that lie caused her to become enslaved,the words were hot on his tongue, and he nearly spat them out.
It's ... not right what happened, I feel horribly for her, so I'm looking for the palace that took the woman. I wish to take her place and pay for the pain my father caused her.He sucked in a breath, steeling himself; it felt good to share this with—what he assumed—was a non-biased party.
I need to find the group called Akashingo, and take her place.
October 20, 2023, 08:45 AM
enslaved. a woman! Toula felt horror rise within her at the thought. such a thing felt and sounded archaic, and Toula’s expression turned stormy. let such a thing never be a practice in—
but now… now…
Akashingo?she breathes back, having only enough self control to maintain the neutrality of her features. she wrestled then, with self, with all that she knew. Senmut’s words came to her, said so long ago—never fully believed, not truly.
but now… now…
who is your father?she asked, but now thought only of her own.
October 20, 2023, 09:09 AM
the eagle; the one who had built an outpost for them, for Akashingo. Toula could scarcely believe it, truly—the man was stalwart, strong, and for what reason would he engage in such a thing?
Toula steadied herself. her father, and Germanicus. Pharaoh and Germanicus. and Toula knew at once what the Gods meant to reveal to her—knew where the Gods asked her to sit. her departed Father was but one voice among the many of Them—but They bid, in this, her not to listen.
Pharaoh—she must become Pharaoh. Eset, Inji, Tuna—this could not happen to them! she would not allow it! Thoth, Khonsu, Ma’at—Each were present. it was with one voice They spoke.
Toula steadied herself. her father, and Germanicus. Pharaoh and Germanicus. and Toula knew at once what the Gods meant to reveal to her—knew where the Gods asked her to sit. her departed Father was but one voice among the many of Them—but They bid, in this, her not to listen.
the sins of our father are not our own to carry,comes her voice,
we must be better than that. than them,Toula looks to him, blinking slowly.
Akashingo no longer deals in slaves. we have fellahin, but it is their wish to serve. and it need not be the entirety of their life if they do not wish it. no man nor woman shall be sold as goods,
Pharaoh—she must become Pharaoh. Eset, Inji, Tuna—this could not happen to them! she would not allow it! Thoth, Khonsu, Ma’at—Each were present. it was with one voice They spoke.
I am Akashingo’s Queen. what once was shall no longer be. I welcome you, prince, as Sphinx—you, as Royal, can be a part of this change.
October 20, 2023, 04:00 PM
One moment Cornelius was a commoner; the next, he was crowned a prince.
It would be my greatest honor,he accepted, bowing once more as his head spun. It took everything in him to stay on his feet!
I will do everything possible to help aid your vision of a brighter future.The burden on his debt was replaced with another, lighter load that he would treat with care.
October 20, 2023, 04:18 PM
whether Cornelius knew it or not, he had always been a prince. son of the general that had led her fathers army, but a King was still a King—and Kings and Queens alike answered to Pharaoh.
Imperatorson, canyon-prince—that was Cornelius. she saw him for who he was, though also saw what he could be capable of.
there was no more Mereo.
his sentencing brutal, but not unfair. you will always be Imperator.
but she listened now to his son, open to his own ideas and suggestions. perhaps Cornelius might like the idea for his own future!
Imperatorson, canyon-prince—that was Cornelius. she saw him for who he was, though also saw what he could be capable of.
there was no more Mereo.
it is your father that must repay his sin,she started next, eyes upon him,
but I do not think it a thing requiring blood, or servitude. perhaps, though, another outpost—one to protect the precious life within. to be sure no external threat comes to break the peace I—we—strive to create,she imagined the man hearing her proposal. imagined his rebuttal—but knew her own response to it.
his sentencing brutal, but not unfair. you will always be Imperator.
but she listened now to his son, open to his own ideas and suggestions. perhaps Cornelius might like the idea for his own future!
October 22, 2023, 08:37 AM
There was a heavy silence, and Cornelius fell into deep contemplation as he considered how Germanicus could repent his sins.
It's difficult to say,he admitted at last.
Especially when I find myself with such a bias,It felt unfair for him to be the one to speak to this; how could he answer with a clear conscience?
I agree with what you've said, though. There is no need for blood or servitude—but I would say this for anyone. That's too cruel and goes against my beliefs.He frowned, thinking of the retouched image of his father in his mind's eye. How could he have done such a thing?
What kind of outpost were you thinking?he asked.
October 29, 2023, 06:35 PM
it went against her own too; she was glad to have a kindred spirit in this be so open with as much. as for the other question, she said,
your fathers outpost was Mereo. it was of warriors. my sister once went there to train beneath him. I think keeping Akashingo and its people protected is of utmost importance; I do not think creating such an outpost again is a bad idea.defenders of their people, the fellahin among them! but she also envisioned an outpost of healers, of traders, of more—her dream was broad, but she supposed to have it be protected… it might be a good place to begin, especially as it had been done before!
October 29, 2023, 07:54 PM
Ah,Cornelius said, now understanding what Toula meant by “outpost”—he had never heard Moreo described as one.
As long as he’s willing,he agreed thoughtfully; maybe it’d be good for him to retake the mantle.
It could work—we just need to be careful in proposing this to him.
As much as he wanted to talk to him about it, he knew this idea needed to come from the Queen.
I will do what I can to help you with this,he offered, dipping his head to bow.
October 30, 2023, 09:08 AM
she nodded to him, agreeing there. she would not force his father into anything, either. Toula was not unaware that he likely had also been made to do too much in his own lifetime.
we will talk more on this another time—for now, let us get you home,she hums, and turns to lead him on the path she had taken here.
October 30, 2023, 09:13 AM
”—for now, let us get you home,” Toula said.
Cornelius’s heart skipped a beat; home, she said. He followed after her and the rest of her guard without question, taking it all in as they journeyed home.
Cornelius’s heart skipped a beat; home, she said. He followed after her and the rest of her guard without question, taking it all in as they journeyed home.
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