Two Eyes Cenote people like me are dangerous
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
205 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
curiosity and the knowledge that she hasn't quite yet given full attention to but seethes just beneath her skin all the same, drives towhee. it keeps her in the lowlands, caught in a web of nostalgia: the meeting of ghost who was her constant and closest companion and the promises she both made and broke.

a journey that had started but had not really ended.

her steps slow, black leathery nostrils flaring as she takes in the scents that grow stronger; alerting her that she is close to a pack's claim.

she does not recall the pack being here last time. she leaves plenty of distance between the borders and herself; sparing a glimpse skyward at ghost and offering the bird a sharp click of her teeth.

the young falcon lets out a shrill whistle, though it, like everything goes unheard by jr.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
vague! May be slow the next week or so but will try my best!

her honeymoon had been all that she had wished—more, even! and she thought on the sweetness of it as she made way through the halls of Muat-Riya. she could not let herself go so distracted again, where her prayers were not as frequent and primarily to her newest God, @Rashepses
and Toula smiled as she spoke to her Mother, her Sister—Iset. surely She knew where her thoughts had gone! do not fault me, I beg, she spoke in quiet tones to her Goddess, ah! I wish you were here to share your wisdom! did you ever tire of Osiris? I feel it an impossible thing—I miss my husband, even when he is but a room away! 
she paused a moment, but do not think this great love I have for him steals anything from my heart, Akashingo—and here! I go now to your Sister, Sekhmet, with tribute aplenty. 
for whatever had stolen blood from her people… Sekhmet would see the price was paid. and so she whispered her goodbyes, and walked the well-traveled path to Sekhmet, to the altar that @Zaahira had made. oh! her heart longed for her, and her safe return—but she knew there was work now to be done. she prayed daily for her swift (and safe!) return even still.
a shrill whistle gave her pause. it was from the sky, but Toula’s gaze lingered upon a wholly unique looking wolf. the procession of her fellahin paused, and Toula passed some bloodied thing to one even while a Mazoi took protective strides ahead of her. 
a fellahin announced her, and her new Pharaonic titles—Toula, standing in the light of Ra, looked upon the traveler. I pray that Khonsu has kept your travels safe, she starts, though her eyes now turn to the heavens above. indeed, there was a falcon—and Toula wondered!
perhaps Horus had brought this one to her!
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
205 Posts
Ooc — delaney
no worries! <333!

she does not hear the procession, but she sees them soon enough.

questions pound against towhee's skull, wishing she had the ability to put them to verbal words as her gaze touches upon the wolves that gather 'round the sun kissed blonde, to the one that walks a few protective strides ahead of her.

towhee is able to put together that it is the blonde that is important here; curiosity burning beneath jr's skin.

towhee's heart gives a soft skip as she takes in the blonde basking in the warming touch of the sun, thinking that, that level of pretty had to be illegal; and was all at once grateful she could not verbally communicate, thinking that her words would come out all tongue-tied.

ghost settles into his usual perch upon her shoulders, talon finding purchase on scars calloused from his talons.

a soft tilt of jr's head is given as she reads the blonde's lips, unsure who khonsu was but she offers a nod to communicate that her travels were indeed safe; for a moment she hesitates wondering if she should sign in ptero but refrains, for now.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
immortal longings
658 Posts
Ooc — anon
this one, so unique and lovely, is quiet. she wonders if perhaps they have taken a vow of silence for the Gods. few usually had no words for her, but Toula only found herself further intrigued by this. her eyes turn toward the falcon, and it is with a smile that she calls upon her own companion with a whistling sort of note. in no time, the creature that @Senmut had procured for her as an egg wheeled above them watchfully. 
a good omen, the gift of the priest-turned-prince. now it was she who sat upon the Horus throne. and perhaps this traveler brought with them good tidings, for on their very shoulder was his symbol. yes, at last, a good sign!
you need not speak to me, if you do not wish it. but it would mean much to me if you might stay and dine with me tonight. Horus smiles upon you, she acknowledged, seeking any indication that she was understood—or any hint that the name spoken might be familiar to her...
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
205 Posts
Ooc — delaney
a familiar frustration that towhee had not felt in some time makes it's way along her chest, spreading like an infection only to be let out in a small release of breath and shake of her head. it wasn't that she didn't want to speak to the blonde woman before her! of course, the other woman couldn't know that.

jr's heart carelessly throws itself into overdrive when she reads that she's invited to dine with the blonde, and as if coming back to reality with a forceful snap, wearily, jr's gaze trails to the blonde's entourage.

and she's reminded not trust such a pretty face!

she wants to say yes but her prickly nature is telling her no; that she should keep going.

slowly, jr nods in acceptance of the invitation, signing in ptero with her paw; though she suspects the effort is for naught.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-