Noctisardor Bypass In these times of doing what you're told.
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
All Welcome 
Hoping for @Druid!

Viinturuth followed the river, leaving no stone unturned. He stopped any traveller who crossed his path to share his brother's description of the monster who'd claimed the vision of his niece. While no one seemed to have seen the darkened hide of such a beast, the alabaster ranger carried on with his mission.

The bypass caught his eye and ge veered off from the water, picking his way toward the valley's Eastern mouth. As he drew nearer he found the strong aroma of wolf on the breeze and was quick to decipher that the land was claimed. He paused, aware that its inhabitants might take offence to his approach considering the breeding season, and he lifted his voice to ask for an audience.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Reassured that Glaukos had nothing to do with Etienne’s absence from the bypass, Druid nonetheless increased her patrols. She enjoyed the time to herself, looking after her dear Rivenwood. She always looked forward to returning to the busyness of the den, though as her petite paws carried her around the fringes of her home, Druid could indulge herself in the fantasy that she was on her own again.

A stranger’s call shattered this illusion shortly after Druid quit the borders and went to fetch a drink at Brookblind. Mismatched eyes slightly squinted, she wiped at her mouth and turned, retracing her steps toward the eastern arches. Her shadow preceded her as the sun began its slow descent to the west, though dusk was still several hours away.

A large man with pale features and eyes that brought to mind old blood stood at her threshold. Druid approached, aloof but curious despite herself. Who was this man? What did he want? She tried to sniff the air, catch his scent, but it told her nothing of particular import.

Hello, she said simply. Who are you? Why have you called?
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Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He did not wait for long. The appearance of a grey-furred wolfess drew Viinturuth's gaze up to regard her approach, and she did not seem offended by his request for attention nor his lingering at the edge of her home. His posture remained neutral as she did, though did dip his pale muzzle out of respect.

She seemed keen for him to make his intentions known, and the ghost lifted his head. I am Viinturuth, he told his new acquaintance, from Swiftcurrent Creek. I seek a giant of a wolf with dark fur and brown eyes. I don't suppose anyone's been lurking around here that might fit this description?
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Swiftcurrent Creek? Where’s that? she wondered, glancing past his shoulder as if she might see an arrow pointing out his home. Of course, there was no such thing, and her focus quickly returned to his pale face.

Especially so soon after his unwelcome visit, she immediately thought of Glaukos. Likely many wolves fit this description, except for the word “giant.” Her eyes widened a little, then narrowed. Druid caught herself and schooled her expression, though there was no hiding her shrewd interest.

May I ask why you’re looking for this wolf?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
The widening of her eyes suggested surprise to Viinturuth, and he suspected then that she'd at least crossed paths with the beast. The white wolf curled the tip of his tail, anticipating her response, but instead came a question. There was a flare of impatience within him, but it did not show. He bit it back, knowing it would be foolish to frustrate the first wolf he'd found that might share some idea where Mae's attacker had gone.

My niece is a yearling, he said, keen to keep things brief and to the point, and this monster maimed her, took her eye.

Viinturuth wanted something of his in return.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She stared hard at Viinturuth. Druid couldn’t believe her ears. Manhandling a—well, a man—was a lot different than hurting a young girl. Was Glaukos really capable of that? She had her doubts that he would do it deliberately. But he’d damaged her without even trying. Had the same thing happened to Viinturuth’s niece?

“…maimed her… took her eye…”

Druid drew in a breath and couldn’t hide her shudder. She had been right to make him leave, then double down on her decree. That made her wonder when this attack had taken place. She’d thought Glaukos might have taken out on his anger on Etienne. Had he instead hurt this girl? Maybe it had been deliberate. Druid’s stomach twisted.

Finally, she said, You can find him in a valley somewhere around here by the name of Bearclaw. His name is Glaukos.

Despite everything, she felt a flicker of something like guilt lick through her. This was not the first time she had thrown a pack mate to the wolves. Glaukos had actually done wrong, unlike Laurel. Druid pushed down thoughts of that night long ago.

You should be careful, Viinturuth. He beat two of my adult, male pack mates. When I went to throw him out, he did this to me without even meaning to, Druid cautioned, pulling back her lips to reveal several missing teeth. She quickly covered them again and finished, He deserves to be punished for what he’s done but I’m honestly not sure how it can be done, at least not without great risk…

He’d been born in Bearclaw Valley and lived there now. Maybe he really did have bear blood… which meant her children did too. Druid shoved down that thought too, telling herself it was ridiculous.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
So his name was Glaukos. He would find him recuperating in Bearclaw Valley. Viinturuth listened with interest, burgundy stare darkening with growing hatred to hear what this she-wolf knew the beast had done to others. Mae was not the first to fall victim to his anger, it seemed, and he doubted she would be the last.

He had to be stopped sooner rather than later.

The anger in Viinturuth wanted to spur him off at once, out into the wilds in search of the place where his target had chose to base himself. He fumed while the she-wolf commented that she was uncertain how the giant could be bested. While he hadn't seen him with his own eyes, was he not just a wolf? Flesh and blood like all others? Akavir, the smaller of the brothers, had managed to best him.

He lived here, then? In this valley? Viinturuth asked, craving more knowledge with which he could return to his brother. When did you last see him?
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He helped us found Rivenwood, she replied, motioning at the territory sprawling behind her. He was a good guardian and provider, Druid explained, but when he started putting his hands on our pack mates, I told him to leave. We have many young children here.

She paused, thinking of Kiki’s face when he’d come around the other day. Had he already hurt the young girl then? Or had he gone on to do it after that, after being thwarted by Druid? Her stomach knotted further.

He came around just a few days back. She hesitated, not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer, before asking, When was your niece attacked?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
The beast had been valuable to her until recently, and Viinturuth's anger simmered. He'd disappointed this she-wolf by throwing his weight around, harming her pack-mates and ultimately assaulting her. How long had she known that he was a ticking time bomb?

She'd done right by her companions and the babes born to them by asserting herself, though it infuriated him how she'd suffered for it. Glaukos was nothing more than an oversized man-chikd, he'd decided, who saw fit to beat women when he didn't get what he wanted.

Over a week ago, he said, though could not be sure how many days had passed since the attack on Mae, maybe two. It was good to know that he'd been sighted there recently, for it meant he was surely close by. We won't let him get away with this.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His words brought her some relief, only for a sudden fury to rip through her. Glaukos had come looking for her children—Heda’s too—shortly after maiming this young woman. It made her so angry, Druid felt sick to her stomach. She’d felt such regret for mishandling his exile, though now she wished she’d attacked him more fiercely, really done some damage. Never mind that it was a fool’s errand. What remained of her teeth clenched.

Good, she ground out in reply to Viinturuth. She took a breath and cautioned again, Just be careful. He’s more dangerous than anyone realizes, himself included.

Druid turned her head to peer back into the bypass. She needed to tell @Heda about this right away. She faced the man again, assuming he meant to be off anyway now that he’d gathered this information. But if he wanted to linger a little longer, Druid wouldn’t dismiss him outright. He was helping her by pursuing Glaukos.

I hope you get swift justice for—what is your niece’s name?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
185 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Mae, he answered, a softness to his tone, her name is Mae. A fierce thing, a fighter despite the turmoil of her childhood and this latest misfortune. Viinturuth barely knew her and had tiptoed around her in the months since he'd returned to the creek, fearful of imposing.

He very much wanted to be there for her. This was the best way he knew how.

The white wolf straightened his posture, preparing to take his leave. What is yours? Viinturuth could not recall her having offered her name when he gave his own.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Mae, she repeated in her head, though it was not a difficult name to memorize. Druid couldn’t know what she looked like but she pictured a young girl, perhaps with pale fur like her uncle’s but blue eyes. Her chest tightened at the imagery of Glaukos tearing one from its socket.

She started somewhat when Viinturuth requested her name, her face shifting into an incredulous expression. Had she really forgotten to introduce herself? She shook her head, made a tsk sound at herself and tossed him an apologetic glance.

It’s Druid, she told him, of Rivenwood.

She gestured broadly at the lands behind her, then drew in a breath and gave him a last, lingering look. He was ready to go, she sensed. Druid dipped her head. She wouldn’t use the word grateful to describe her feelings about this rendezvous, she thought grimly as she turned to find her sister, but it was morbidly validating.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)