Deepwood Weald avoid all complications
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
First round is arrival and introductions!
It wasn't a long trip, but Valiant had picked up the pace as soon as he'd caught Morningsong's scent on the wind. As a result, he was panting as they arrived, just a little out of breath from exertion and excitement and, you guessed it! anxiety. They cut into the territory with only a brief howl to announce themselves. From somewhere within the territory, Dutch called back with intentions of meeting them in the middle.

"We made good time," he said @Ciri and @Kyrell as they wound through the misty woods. "We might oughta check in with Moontide, too. Get a census of who all was born there."

Soon after, they were met with the lord and lady of the weald.

"Brother!" he called out, his tail wheeling as the two parties closed the distance between each other. "We're here to do some huntin' — and to check in on Minnie."
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther had a bright smile ready for the three hunters.

"It is good to see your face," he said to Valiant, stepping close enough to crush their foreheads together in familiar greeting. He looked past Valiant and brightened further. "And you, Ciri! I am glad to see you among friends!" He addressed his wife, @Simbelmyne: "Myna, this is my brother, Valiant. And this is Ciri, who I met on her way to Moonglow many months ago, now. And this?"

Dutch looked to Kyrell, allowing the man a moment to introduce himself.
192 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
When Dutch and his companion met with them in the weald, Ciri hung back alongside Kyrell to observe. She watched with a familiar weight in her chest as Valiant moved to greet his kin, for the fond exchange made her think solemnly of Elke. Her sister had perished on Moonspear a long time ago, but she thought of her - and their mother - often.

She did not let the reminder of her greatest losses dampen her mood, however, as Dutch turned his smiling face to her. Ciri lifted her muzzle and beamed back at him, dark tail sweeping the air. They'd met only once before but she was thrilled that he remembered her, and to see him so vibrant. It is good to see you again, she chirped.
"And then the world started to exist again,
but it existed very differently."
82 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Valiant made mention of Moontide. Kyrell's mind turned back to the bison hunt. They were the organizers, if his memory served him correctly. Perhaps he would see a familiar face in Raiyuk if they went that way.

It was about time he had stretched his legs. Their pace was swift and Kyrell welcomed the the cool embrace of the shadowed forest. He cast a curious glance towards Valiant as they continued into the claim with brief announcement. The borders were open, then?

He would have to inquire at a different time. A masked man arrived to greet them. Giving the men a polite distance, the corners of his mouth lifted into an relaxed smile. When Dutch turned to him, Kyrell offered him a friendly wave of his tail.

Kyrell Woodstalker. Well met.
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"You've met," said Valiant, pleased to find this connection between their two packs. He was eager then to see his sister, but he tried his best to complete the duty portion of the visit first.

"There's one other thing — Ariadne's back." He watched emotions flicker across his brother's face with a grim expression overtaking his own features.

"Is she well?" Dutch asked.

Valiant gave a tight little nod. "She is. Her husband is with her, still. And three kids."

The panther quietly wished them well; it was clear he was not in the mood to discuss this thing. Valiant thought this was eminently fair. He turned back to the troops, his tail wagging.

"Why don't we get settled," he suggested. "Wanna show us the cache?"

Dutch nodded again and gestured for them to follow, giving a brief tour of the territory that consisted mainly of gesturing vaguely into the swirling mist. "This is our common place," he said when they came to a wide, sunny clearing.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"We take our meals here," Dutch explained, looking to Ciri and Kyrell. "There is a lodge under construction nearby; you may sleep there during your stay."

His expression brightened. He asked them both — "Have you seen a lodge before?" he asked them. "Like the seal hunters' in Moontide?"
192 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Kyrell offered his own name in introduction and Ciri eyed the lovely she-wolf who'd accompanied Dutch. She lingered, beautiful but silent, and the swallow tried not to stare too long; should their eyes have met, she'd offer a bright smile to accompany a soft sweep of her dark tail.

Valiant made an announcement regarding Ariadne's return and Ciri perked a raven lobe at the mention of her. The former Moonsong leader had been a solemn topic for discussion when her path had crossed with Dutch's, spurring her on toward Moonglow in her want to comfort Kukutux. Ciri had not known the Moonwoman's daughter and her return intrigued her, but knew it was not her place to pry.

She simply hoped Kukutux would be happy with this latest development.

Soon they were off, deeper into the weald. Ciri trailed alongside Kyrell, sunflower gaze brightening at the sunny, open area that served as a gathering place for Dutch and his companions. She sought his face as he talked of a lodge and asked if they'd ever seen one, to which she shook her head. They were a concept of the seal hunters, he claimed, and she blinked. I have not, she answered - and inwardly hoped that Dutch had not been too influenced by Chakliux's way of life. How long does it take to build a lodge?
"And then the world started to exist again,
but it existed very differently."
82 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A polite smile remained on Kyrell's face as business continued. A tagged ear canted towards Valiant as the first hunter relayed the recent news within Moonglow to the Moonsong leader A brow lifted to see the mood change at the mention of the Ariadne woman. Of course, he was not privy to the reason so he did not voice any of the inquiries brewing in his head.

So they were swept along into a brief tour. Kyrell's gaze was focused primarily into the misted shadows and when Dutch presented them with a question Ciri was first to speak. His ears cupped forward at the mention of a "lodge" and "seal hunters." Foreign terms to him.

With a shake of his head Kyrell answered for himself. No. Is a lodge similar the moonwoman's ulaq?
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch laughed; "Longer than we have been here, clearly!" he exclaimed, presenting to them the unfinished lodge. It was still a comfortable resting place for the time of year, but it lacked any sort of roof. The most important thing, however, were the furs they'd collected and stored here.

"A real seal hunter could have had it done by now," he speculated, his tail whisking, "But we have been busy with my cousin's litter. Still, you are welcome to it any time you visit."

He beamed at Kyrell, pleased with the comparison.

"It is like that in that it is a home and a gathering place," he replied, his tail spinning once more. It was so interesting to talk about these cultural differences! He was not yet so comfortable with the sunshine ways that he would think to call anything of his own an ulaq, but he was pleased if others drew parallels. "I do not know the exact difference — but I know that moonwoman's ulaq is made of stone. This is instead constructed of wood and moss and mud."

His head tipped to the side.

"Do you have something similar, where you are from?" he wondered. "We did not; our dens were dug into the earth, and only nursing women kept them. We rest slept under the stars — and we liked it! Didn't we, isbjorn?"
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
It was good to see Dutch so animated. Valiant followed more sedately, enjoying the show.

"We did," he agreed, amused by the production. He did not think they would be here so long that they'd need a real resting place, but perhaps that was a symptom of growing up without them in the first place. Still, he did not mind the brief tour if it made his cousin happy. "I might go and see Minnow now," he said, excusing himself. "I'll be back directly."
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day