Witch's Marsh We watched, the stars fell, and oh you know we let them
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Starrlight
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ooof this song has been killin me, now that it seems appropriate

After their argument, Fennec didn't stop until she was out of the Emberwood. She couldn't be there, heat or no heat, and she welcomed any man who dared to fuck with her right now.

The more she thought about the way their talk had gone, the angrier she got. All it had revealed to her was that she'd spent all this time thinking of nothing but him and his feelings, yet he hadn't bothered to spare her a single consideration. That he continued to see nothing but the worst in her, no matter how hard she tried to prove everything he continued to throw at her wrong. None of it had mattered to him.

He and Penn could share notes. Maybe start a fucking club where they talked about all of their baggage and how stupid she was, thinking they could ever trust her to understand. Why would she? It wasn't like she had feelings.

Fennec tore at the dirt beneath her claws, gouging furrows. He'd be long gone by the time she got back. She should have known it was a lie, that he never actually wanted to build this pack together. She should have gone with @Towhee instead. At least her mom didn't lie to her face.

A feeling of emptiness threatened to swallow her, thinking of Towhee, and suddenly Fennec would have given anything to have her mom there right now.

It didn't matter. Fennec didn't know where Towhee was anyway. At least she still had Fig. She couldn't believe she'd ever thought that he and Bronco were anything alike. With a growl she stood and began to stalk northward, recklessly pushing her pace beyond what she'd usually take. Anything to stop the words from repeating like a switchblade in her mind.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
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