Lion Head Mesa you didn't think that i'd come back alive
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Five days since her failed attempt at ridding herself of pestilence, and Maegi walked the halls slowly, body and soul aching to the core. She passed by one room and did a double take, backing up to see the young man from the shores of Otter Creek lying there, feasting, ravenous.

Those eyes. . .

She chuffed, and set foot inside the threshold, taking a couple steps before pausing to leave some distance between them.

I don't think we've met, she said. Not officially. But you seem familiar to me— She shook her head slowly. Might as well chalk it up to the inexorable march of time and aging.

She'd known many faces. Wasn't it a given that they would blend together eventually?

I am Maegi. Maegi Blackfeather, she elaborated, watching his countenance to see if the name sparked anything within it.
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RE: you didn't think that i'd come back alive - by Maegi - June 02, 2022, 11:00 PM