Emberwood But we open our eyes 'cause we're told that we must
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Pack Activity 
@Awol @Sarah @Reiko @Easy @Marten @Lavender @Grezig @Kukulkan @Lolita @Lainie
@Pygmalion for visibility since he wouldn't be allowed in the territory

i'd like for everyone to post at least once. next round is in 7 days.

fyi: next full moon is february 9th 

Much had changed. Too much, and he needed to address the pack—inform them of everything happening, and answer any of their questions. He knew of a spot in the middle of the territory where the trees thinned and created a small clearing. As he finished his patrol, he turned and trotted from the borders towards the clearing, deciding that would be where he called the pack to join him. This was a delicate situation. He knew many were loyal to Ibis and might be uncomfortable with him taking over, but he had no other choice; he was was second in command, and that meant that the responsibility of leading the pack fell on him at a time like this. It didn't matter that on the inside, he felt like half the man he used to be, his grief having eaten away at him from deep inside, slowly destroying more of him as the days passed; he would do what he must—that was his unspoken promise when he agreed to join the council. The same applied to Awol now that Bhediya had left; that was yet another change and meant that they would need some help in the council. That was something he intended to address, as well. 

As he entered the clearing, he padded through the snow that had covered the ground there without the trees to block it. Once in the center, he lifted his head back and howled first for Awol and then for the rest of the pack.

Once Awol had arrived and taken his place next him, he looked out to the rest that had gathered. I know some of you might be confused or worried, probably both. I don't blame you. He paused and looked around. For those of you that don't already know, Ibis appears to be in some kind of coma. She has not woken yet, and I do not know if she ever will. In the meantime, I have stepped up to take her place as Archdruid. He paused to draw in a large breath before continuing. Bhediya has also left us for her own safety. Pygmalion threatened her and had an altercation with Kukulkan, and she did not feel safe here anymore. So that leaves myself and Awol as your leaders. His face hardened. And Pygmalion is no longer a part of this pack or allowed on our territory. If you see any sign that he has been here or if you have a run in with him, please alert me or Awol immediately.

Another deep inhale. We are also looking for more members to join the council and help us lead. Uaine Gorsedd works best with all four council positions filled. If anyone is interested, please come talk to the current council after we are done here today. We'll talk to anyone who is interested and then make a decision by the next full moon.

Please, if you have any questions, ask them now and we will answer them as best we can. Kavik fell silent then, he gaze drifting to different faces as he waited for someone to speak.
I'm no good without you
564 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Grezig came when called, as she always did. She had known something was up with the pack for a little while, and she figured that this meeting must be associated with whatever was wrong. When she arrived, she sat quietly, listening to Kavik.

So, Ibis was in a coma? Grezig blinked and stared in surprise. What on earth had caused that to happen? She was no healer, but she knew wolves didn’t just fall asleep one day and never wake up. There had to be some kind of major physical trauma to the body to cause a coma to happen. She shook her head, trying to pay attention to what Kavik was saying now.

He had taken over as Archdruid. Grezig did not even blink at this news. Of course he had. He had been the beta previously, or whatever the hell that rank was called in Uaine Gorsedd. She looked around at the others, hoping no one would object to that. It made the most sense for Kavik to become alpha, and she’d stand by him in that, and not because of any relationship she had with him. That was just how packs worked. 

’Bhediya has also left us for her own safety.’

Grezig snapped to attention at those words and listened attentively as Kavik described what had happened. The fur along her spine and the nape of her neck rose as she listened, and she vowed to beat the shit out of Pygmalion if she ever saw him again. Whatever the fuck he’d done to Bhediya, if it had been bad enough to cause her to leave, she wasn’t going to give that asshole any chances. 

The last thing Kavik said was about finding new Council positions. Half of her wanted to apply for a position. She’d been a beta once and thought she had done a pretty good job. Even leaving the plateau had been for the sake of the pack, and she stood by that decision to this day. Yet, she hadn’t been here as long as many of the others and she felt that applying for a Council position was presumptuous of her. She’d have to think on that.

When Kavik mentioned asking any questions, she piped up with, “Is Pygmalion dangerous? You said to alert a council member if we run into him, but if he comes sniffing around the borders, how exactly should we deal with him? Should we chase him off? Call a council member immediately to intervene? Kill him on sight?” Without knowing the exact details of what he had done Bhediya, Grezig was uncertain of how to play out a run-in with him.
174 Posts
Ooc — Jay
The girl had been unhappy since the run in with Zephyr on the mountain and she felt less at home here than ever. When her father summoned the pack she obediently rose and went to him coming to a seated position beside him facing him as he spoke. The news hit her harder than it should, this she knew but with all on her mind she was a bit on edge and sensitive. The only really friendly wolves she had met were gone, the nice girl she trusted as her leader was also gone and while she knew her dad was a fantastic leader it reminded her of home and how different this was from it. A woman she had never met spoke up and Laine turned to silently listen to her opinion"I met Pygmalion once. He sang Bhediya's praises. And coached me through some stuff. He was so nice...has anyone talked to him? I don't think he's dangerous to us" she looked to her father confused and feeling it unfair to just throw the man out unless there was more to the story.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The changes that'd been happening recently within the pack worried Easy greatly. Part of her wanted to go and seek out her mother -- but what if she led Pygmalion right to her? She already felt guilty for having missed whatever signs there were that might've pointed to his violent tendancies.

How could this have happened?

It was at times like this that the young woman thought of Aditya and wondered if he truly deserved her forgiveness, or if it was just her silly, lovesick heart making a fool of her.

She remained quiet and but attentive, trying hard not to get lost in her thoughts.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
the phoenix prince
64 Posts
Ooc — Etkri
[Image: banner_by_etkri-dc1tt1y.jpg]

The entirety of Kukulkan's upbringing had been so terribly complex, and his journey northward had offered some sort of relief to that. In the limitless realm of possibility, there was a freedom, a simplicity to it all.

He should have known that it had all been on borrowed time.

They had completed their mission, their mission that had itself become more complicated than anticipated. In more ways than one. As if the young male's brain wasn't rattled enough already, they had returned and he now found himself alone. Bhediya had left, gone to where it was safer until Pyg could no longer be a threat to her. And Ibis... where had she gone? There was a tug in his chest, a twist in his gut, as K contemplated the possibility that she was avoiding him.

But the summons of their beta brought him back into the depths of the Emberwood, away from the idle walks along the edges that kept his brain churning and his blood pumping. Kukulkan entered as Kavik began speaking, picking up on the news about Ibis. Cold washed over him, a fuzz appearing in his peripheries as his heart sunk in his gut. She... was in a coma? Brows furrowed, his head dipped, and he tried to contain the frown he felt itching at his lips. No...

But the subject changed swiftly, and his face warped into an unusually stern and pinched mask as Kavik brushed through the details he already knew. It made his nerves twinge to hear Pyg's name, to hear what he's done repeated aloud. White and red flashed in his eyes, flashes of the encounter. Flashes of Bhediya.

K gritted his teeth.

As others chimed in, he could only look their way before he decided to break his silence and speak. If there was any doubt as to the revealed nature of the white bastard, maybe only the testimony of someone there, someone who faced it, could dispel it.

"He's fuckin' dangerous, aye. Ain't like any sane beast I've seen..." A sharp glance towards Lainie, perhaps more harsh than he actually meant - but his blood was starting to boil within that composed exterior. Turning his eyes from her to Grezig and then to Kavik, he continued, "If'n ya see 'em, I'd like t'be th'first one called." A deep, meaningful stare to the new Archdruid, "He fuckin' got away before, not again." He's a gotdamn threat, 's what he is."

To all.
To Bhediya.
To his... new... family.

Stepping forward, Kukulkan brought himself closer to Kavik, dipping his head a half measure before standing up tall again. "I ain't sure I'ma much use in Council, but I'll do what I can where ya need me. I'll do what it takes t'fuckin' rid the region of tha' white bastard, and--" A pause, a choke in his throat, "-- I'ma... I'ma do what I can t'save Ibis..."

If that meant guarding her sleeping form then so be it. If he had to travel across the Teekon Wilds, beyond it and back, then so be it. How it crushed his heart, his fiery heart, to know his little star-gazing friend had lost herself to such a deep sleep. How his heart was tugged, pulled, stretched in so many directions..

How could he stay idle when so much was wrong?

[Image: murdermuffin666_by_etkri-dc1wf3p.png]
love stupid, I know it, I know cause I'm a fool in love
37 Posts
Ooc — summer
She wasted little time finding her way to the meeting. She was still unacquainted with most- therefore the first piece of news, though saddening, meant little to her. She had not met Ibis. She was sorry she was in a coma but in a polite sort of way- her life would go on the same with or without the girl. 

The next part was a tad more infuriating. Bhediya's failure to show was no surprise. Ever since her conversation with Pyg, she'd vowed to herself not to trust that little bitch too much. But she'd noticed her brother's absence since their conversation. He'd up and vanished. She'd assumed it was on some mission to win Bhediya back or find the rapist-murderer and slaughter him. She hadn't expected this. And suddenly accusations are thrown left and right at her brother. What the fuck? Icy eyes narrow as the rest of the unknown man's words become noise. And once he's done talking, there's more. Comments of defense here, comments of accusation, again, there. A young male was particularly passionate to throw out insults at her brother, and her hackles raise, head whirling to face him. Her lips raise, revealing pearly fangs in her anger. 

Voice loud, spit flying, "Ye fuckin' bastards," She hisses coldly. "Bhediya broke his heart. He wouldna hurt a hair on her goddamn body. He loved her- loved her like crazy- and she used 'im." She cries out, eyes alight with blue fire. How could they treat him like he was a bad guy? She refused to hear it. It was lies- lies, all of it. "How- how could ye accuse 'im of such things?" She cries, voice breaking, her eyes pricked by tears as she nearly considers dashing off right then and there, despite Pyg's firm advice to stay in the territory.
128 Posts
Ooc —
There wasn't a time of day to the dark silence of the night where the ritter did not mourn the compromised, dear cerulean eyed woman; what conjoured in the ashen's belly was not foreboding to the respectively appionted archdruid — but rather the relief a man stills in once the waters have calmed and is no longer drowning like a flailing, toted neck of some frail animal. 

The air was stilled when he arrived at Kavik's side, he pondered if it was his loosned sharp gaze through watery lids or the news of their archdruid being lured and kept dancing around a fabeled dreamland; incased in her own beautiful mind and soul.

A woman spoke out, and he felt the need to reply as clearly and relatively weakly as he could, (in respect to Kavik's on prjection of his voice),
❝ Do not approach him. Pygmalion is danger to others and one unto himself. He is sickened in his own mind,❞ the paladin began, his teeth careful not to bite his tongue, caught in grief, still. ❝ Call for any help you can, preferably us as well.❞  Awol could only half snort when the young female allied herself with her past perceptions of that bastard. Clearly, he was not who he had shown himself to be, corrupting the ideas of children nontheless —!

A soft, unfamiliar prickling caught his own throat when Kukulkan choked on passionate praises on what Awol could sadly perceive, his for now lost lover. He had never contemplated the mere thought, that Kukulkan so desperately felt for the woman as did he, perhaps not in the same aspect. He would make it his own task to comfort the male when he could find him between shadowing, whispering aspens and unruly undergrowth at a later time. The air was soon turned rancid when a snowy white woman aligned herself furiously with Pygmalion, spitting out empty praises of a false idol. An uncharacteristic soft look shot towards the muscle of them both singin warning against lurker and bearers of terrible news, that the girl was not to be trusted.

❝ No ally of Pygmalion's is welcome here.❞
place holder
[Image: ezgif-7-849c01d20f4e.gif]
common & german 
currently without memories, has a huge head scar of a four pointed star
on left side of head and one lip scar under left eye.

❛i'm an ungodly man, so i'll take the chance.❛
435 Posts
Ooc — Me
Sarah had not felt well lately. Overwhelming sadness and depression were not unfamiliar faces among the demons that haunted her mind, but the exhaustion and general lack of will to move were new. They did not feel natural, her mind resisted, as if some outside force was making her go down this road. Ibis's accident that had left the girl in a near-death state had not helped either, but the grizzled she-wolf knew that this was not the only reason, why she was feeling so bad. 

She heard Kavik's call to the meeting and almost did not go. What could he possibly say to improve anything about her condition and the state of affairs in general? Still, out of sense of duty, she dragged herself out of the den she had occupied for the past few days and walked slowly to the meeting place. A wave of nausea over-came her, but she fought against it, and, when she had finally reached the small assemblage of wolves, she took a place in the outer circle. Close enough to listen and hear everything, but just far enough to leave, in case she began to feel worse.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
sorry it's a bit late! i've been sick :( 
next round starts in 7 days
no posting order

There were many questions, as he expected. First were those of Grezig and his daughter. Kavik turned to his daughter. Lainie, not everyone is who they appear to be. I trust Bhediya, and she would not lie about this. Stay away from him, I mean it. He had no patience for Lainie's obstinance right now, especially since her life could potentially be at stake. He hated to be stern with her in front of the entire pack, but she gave him no choice. He turned to Grezig next. My guess is that he won't just take off if he returns, but if he does, then don't chase after him. Call us, and we'll deal with it. I don't want anyone going after him on their own at the very least.

Kukulkan was the next to speak, backing up his claims while also offering more insight on why the man was dangerous. To his request, Kavik answered: You can be called along with the council, but I would rather you didn't go after him alone. I can, however, promise that you can be the first to...deal with him. That would hopefully be enough for Kukulkan. He promised next to help in any way he could, including trying to save Ibis. I appreciate that, Kavik said with a dip of his head. He happened to think Kukulkan would do well in the council, but he wouldn't bring that up right now; it was a conversation better had one on one.

An emotional outburst from Lolita had Kavik rising to his feet and walking over to the woman. His expression was stern and disapproving. I am accusing him of such things because I know Bhediya would not lie. Her fear was real, I saw it for myself. Do you really think she would have left us if she was lying? His second spoke then, stating that Lolita was no longer welcome here. Kavik had to agree: she would only cause more problems for them. He paused and took a step closer to stand over her. He wasn't one to use his rank to push others around, but it was clear he needed to here. As Awol stated, you are no longer welcome here. This is your single chance to leave unharmed.
I'm no good without you
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
still taking a break but she's gonna go inactive! so i am posting, please just pp her if necessary as just sitting and listening to the whole meeting. @Ibis, im assuming Rei is taking care of Ibis due to our convo about it?? If not i can edit this post no problem!

she had come to the call as swiftly as possible. she had been called earlier to take care of ibis who had fallen into some kind of coma. carefully she was watching the woman, keeping her tongue as moist as possible to give some water for hydration but there was only so much Reiko could do for the young woman other than watch over her with a heavy heart and hope for the best. 

the meeting was partly about that but quickly shifted to the conversation of a mad Pygmalion. The man seemed gentle enough, perhaps obsessive over Bhediya but not cruel - although she had not spent much time with him at all. all the while, cerulean eyes watched the conversation as it bounced back and forth, quietly listening from the sidelines trying not to grab any attention to herself.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

174 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Her heart began to race, a sickening sensation pooling in her stomach as opinions and accusations were tossed back and forth about the nice man she had met. Lainie listened her eyes wide and young mind struggling to process everything happening. Bhediya and Pyg were mates. Pyg said that mates loved one another more than anything in the world. A woman spoke up passionately defending Pygmalion and she listened intently, her heart hurting for the woman as she was also told she wasn't welcome just for supporting him. She opened her mouth to protest, for that was just too much for her handle but was cut off by her father who spoke out and addressed everyone, starting with talking down to her like she was dumb and didn't understand the possibility of Pygmalion being a bad man. "mates love each other more than anyone else. Pyg said that about her. But she just said he hurt her and then ran away. Why did she run if we could protect her from him? Where is she to voice the accusations she made?" she snapped back at her father her eyes flashing with anger as she ignored everyone else around them. "And why kick her out just for defending him? She never said she was going to do us any harm but we just toss her out?" she motioned to Lolita and stared at her dad in disbelief "Don't talk to me like I'm still a stupid pup!" she growled as her emotions rose to their max and exploded, leaving her bristling, stunned by her own outburst and embarrassed when she looked around remembering that it wasn't just her and her dad standing there. "I...I'm sorry but I wanted to share my opinions too. I'm a kid but I'm not dumb. I didn't mean to be rude" she said this in a softer voice lowering her gaze and preparing to get yelled at.
the phoenix prince
64 Posts
Ooc — Etkri
[Image: banner_by_etkri-dc1tt1y.jpg]

That little white angel spoke with a tongue damned by the devil.

Had Kavik not been so quick to approach Lolita, K wouldn't have had anything holding him back and whirling around and confronting her himself. Instead his lips peeled, but aside from a grumbling deep in his throat he held himself back and glared with an intensity that the northerners had not yet seen from him. A potency that rippled down his form, his hackles bristled.

"I'ma accusin' him o'these things because I was fuckin' there for 'em." Sharp tongue slicing the air, fiercely directed at Lolita. This wasn't a simple case of someone making accusations and fleeing. Kukulkan would stand as witness, if need be. Whatever else might be going on within the pack, whatever urgency demanded public attention, there was a dread that hung over this matter. A dangerous threat on the loose, one with just enough intel to do harm, should he choose to.

The remnants of the Council then left the white girl with a choice, though it was a choice with really only one option: to leave. That hadn't been the young male's first instinct, nor was he entirely sure it might be best - if she knew where Bhediya was hiding, spiting her with exile might be fuel for her to seek her brother out with that information. But it was not his place to object, instead he watched her closely. Looking for the subtleties of her reactions.

Then Lainie burst out, and K felt a fluster burning deep in his chest. Opening his mouth to argue back, he bit his tongue if only for her age, her naivety, and the fact she was speaking directly to Kavik. Instead he simply, but sharply, followed with, "These ain't accusations, they're facts." Whether or not they wanted to accept this dangerous truth, it meant no difference. Pygmalion was a threat.

But an apology was quickly doled out, leaving Kukulkan to hold his tongue from anything further. A heavy huff and he'd roll his shoulders, the tension and fire simmering in his gut, in his heart. Trying to suppress the scowl that threatened his face, the Ovate turned to the leaders. Waiting.

Waiting for an answer, a perfect answer to everything, that he knew didn't exist.

[Image: murdermuffin666_by_etkri-dc1wf3p.png]
love stupid, I know it, I know cause I'm a fool in love
37 Posts
Ooc — summer
But before she knows it, she's out. No ally of Pygmalion's is welcome here. Fine. Then if these rat-bastards didn't want her, she'd go. Now that her brother and Bhediya were gone, there was nothing here left for her anyway. A young girl stands up for her, and her heart softens. She was the only one who was on Lita's side. But nevertheless, Lita was sickened by these people anyway.

"Ye should listen to her. Why would ye kick me oot? Is it wrong to trust my brother over a couple o'strangers? But fine. If ye don't want me..." 

Icy gaze moved over each of them, burning them into her mind. Saving their faces for later. Next time she saw them, she would have no pack loyalty to uphold. She could do as she wished- especially the dark man who spoke most passionately, she thought he should watch his back. Then swiftly and without a word, she turns tail, fleeing the scene with relative speed.
128 Posts
Ooc —
Awol only sniffed when the girl inserted her outbrust of compromised ideals, generously gifted by a wayward, deluded bastard who had succumed to rabies craze. What sweet nothings these two "lovers" had passionately exchanged under the radiant signs in the sky, then they were to be disregarded and forgotten. For no true lover could hurt and needlessly pursue the way Pygmalion did. He silently wished death to him, his eyes creased in frustration and misgivings.

The curses that slewed toward the small girl provided by Kukulkan, well, the paladin couldn't help but mentally chuff at his comments in passive agreement, minus the vile cussings layed on the young fae. A soft growl escaped him when Lolita reccomened they listen to the small minded propositions of a girl who could commit to the reality of the world they resided involuntarily in. He slowly calmed his ire before he speak cusses himself.
Let her leave, let her rot with her brother, he hissed softly to himself.

If she ever returned, he would have to obligations to protect her as part of his pack. No, she was an outsider, and traitorous, nonsensical feminine fiend, light headed when it came to reality.

❝Kukulkan, please see to it she leaves the territory. This meeting is clearly over.❞
place holder
[Image: ezgif-7-849c01d20f4e.gif]
common & german 
currently without memories, has a huge head scar of a four pointed star
on left side of head and one lip scar under left eye.

❛i'm an ungodly man, so i'll take the chance.❛
435 Posts
Ooc — Me
Sarah did begin to feel worse and it had nothing to do with the content of the meeting. Quite the contrary - she would have been very interested to listen about this Pygmalion guy that everyone had to watch out for (she did not remember, what he had looked like, which was a never good thing, when it came to criminals) and wanted to see the conflict unfold. But just at that moment a wave of nausea hit her and focussing on everything around her became too much of a job. She got to her feet quietly and went off, to empty the contents of her stomach somewhere and then go to her den, roll up in a ball and endure the next few days of sickness that would follow.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Pack Activity 
So she was out. The lovely little white feme was quick to make her decision, following her heart rather than the warnings of her packmates, choosing to turn her back on them and into the arms of a possible deranged, or sick, brother. Though Reiko did not judge her for her decision, the heart was always so strong in its decisions, even she had a hard time turning a deaf ear to its yearnings. 

Still remained quiet and out of the way from the decisions being made, she had no place to speak up, no opinions to be shared. She didn't see Pygmalion's current state to be giving any kind of medical assessment, instead, she was simply aware of it all with a hazy understanding. Once the white woman was gone, escorted out, Reiko would soon follow to return to @Ibis' side and keep watch over the young woman, her only, and most important task.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.