Qeya River to the stars
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
forward dated by a day to april 4th

his growth had been quick; though to attuaserk of whom time is still a strange concept he is attempt to grasp, there is nothing quick or slow about it: it simply is. after his eyes had opened, it had been a rapid progression though: babbling had followed in an attempt to mimic the words his parents speak, and he had attempted to stand on wobbly legs to the now where he is romping around on paws that are too big for his body: pounding the earth of the birth den like a stampede of elephants.

play fighting has quickly become favorite hobby as his eyesight grows better day by day; woe to whomever he decided to choose as his opponent. usually it was @Malrok but sometimes it was @Kigipigak or @Sakhmet's paws ...or tail(s). tug o war was also a recently discovered favorite; leaving tatters and tufts of hair from his ( he was probably meant to share it but he was not very good at this ) squirrel tail toy along the way.

it is this which he guards so possessively now; pinning it beneath his paws as he snuggles his muzzle into it. it doesn't smell great: covered in both dried and fresh cub spit but he adores it all the same.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak had been away from the ulaq since the very early morning to fish, and now returned with a small trout grasped by the gills. It was still dripping as he made his way, and twitched its tail once as he laid it down upon the earth outside.

He could see one of the children was awake; could hear them too, romping around and pounding the earth with heavy steps. Kigipigak was enthralled as he watched the boy, yet made no move to stop him or bring attention to himself. It was a moment of quiet joy for the new father to witness such a thing.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
bumping this to current day with permission granted via discord. <3

the ratty squirrel tail was on it's last threads of toyhood only manages to hold kivaluk's attention until the footfalls of his father could be heard and the smell of fish soon followed. kivaluk abandons it with quickness in favor of greeting his father with a soft yip and an affectionate lick beneath his chin.

his tail wags behind him and his attention then splits between his father and the fish. for me? kivaluk inquires motioning towards the fish with a soft gesture of his nose.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The boy was eager, which was good to see. He appeared energized - a fount of it. Kigipigak wondered briefly if he had been so vivacious as a boy, but that only brought to mind his own father and the terrible relationship that had formed between them. This was not what Kigipigak wanted of his sons.

For me? Kivaluk looked to the fish. Kigipigak nodded.

Eat; you must grow strong if you are going to become like me, and protect those you love. He said this with a smile, though in his voice was a serious edge.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the nod from his father is all kivaluk needs. he digs into the fish without abandon, messily eating it up; encouraged by his father's words. he wants to grow big and strong: just like his father. he looks up from his meal once he is finished, drawing salmon pink tongue across his jowls in an effort to clean up. i wanna be big n' strog like you! kivaluk chirrups, tail wagging furiously behind him.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak watched as his son ate, unphased by any mess. He grinned and then laughed when he heard the boy speak around the meat, the sound booming wildly.

You will be! Or, perhaps you will be swift and smart like your mother. Either way you will become a man. Perhaps strong enough to become Tartok! He had not yet spoken of this to his sons, and wondered what Kivaluk would make of the word.

Kigipigak spoke it with pride but also an air of mystery.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the affirmation that he would one day be big and strong like his father has kivaluk beaming from ear to ear. but then, it is brought up that he might take after his mother: swift and smart. this has kivaluk's head tilting in soft contemplation; ears fluttering back in serious thought.

only time could reveal how kivaluk would grow to be.

tartok? asks kivaluk then, attention grabbed wholly by the strange word. wass'at? he asks.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The boy was thoughtful one moment, questioning the next. As conflicted as Kigipigak was about his own allegiance to his bloodline, he was well trained in their ways, and could no sooner forget the lessons they gave him than shed his skin. It was important for the boys to know where they came from.

Tartok is as much a place, as it is a people. They live in dangerous places, fight mighty beasts, and are some of the strongest of men, or mightiest women. This was all true, to Kigipigak, and he hoped in hearing of them Kivaluk would be inspired.

When you are older, perhaps you will become one of them. It takes much focus, son. The man looked upon the boy with a stern expression. It is a very important name, but it must be earned, just like when you were given Kivaluk.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
oh, kivaluk breathed, tail giving a small wag as he considers kigipigak's word about tartok. a place, a people. wow. because to kivaluk, it sounds amazing and does exactly as his father intends: inspires him. his eyes grow wide and his ears swivel in contemplation, despite that he knows with a bone deep certianty that he does not understand: that he wants to be tartok. i wanna be tartok! he crows with unbridled excitement; because who wouldn't want to be mighty and battle mighty beasts?!

ok. i will earn it. he says with a determination that has kivaluk giving a sage nod. how do i do that? with an impatience that was common to many in childhood, he didn't want to wait one second longer.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak enjoys watching as Kivaluk reaches understanding, interest, and then focus as he learns of Tartok. The burst of enthusiasm from the boy brings a sense of pride from Kigipigak, and he is thrilled to speak more about their people.

At the same time Kigipigak does not want to dishearten the boy. It takes strength of body, foremost. And to be strong you must train yourself to be better. You will need to focus your mind on your goal and work hard for it, every day! And there will come a moment when you are a man, not a boy any longer.

He thought of his own transition in to his power. The first step had come at a terrible price; remembering the death of his father now, as he looked upon his own boy, Kigipigak felt his pride in Tartok fluctuate like the flutter of a skipping heart. He remained resolute before his son—because he knew that things would be different now.

This was not Unnuakvik.

I was tested when I became Tartok. One day when you are strong enough, you and your brother shall be tested, and I know if you have become strong, you will succeed. He was grinning as he said this, even with the seed of apprehension planted in his chest.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
kivaluk, young as he was, does not understand the depth of what exactly it takes to be tartok, nor what it means. to his young ears and naive mind: it sounds simple enough. strong of body and mind; easily attaintable. or so was kivaluk's first assumptions. i'm gonna be strong! declares — promises — kivaluk with a small puff of his chest. when can i start trainin'? he asks, filled with childish overeagerness.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak's seriousness, if any was left at all, vanished when he heard his son's proclamation. He laughed a booming, hearty sound from deep within his chest. It was not meant derisively but as a show of support, as he was quite happy to hear his boy held such grand aspirations.

You can begin any time, my boy. For a minute or two Kigipigak was too entertained by the thought of h is sons following in his footsteps, so he did not consider how dangerous such training could be for a person so young, or perhaps what their mother might think.

But he came to his senses eventually.

When you are a little bigger, I promise, you and your brother will be shown the way. I will train you myself, so that you become strong warriors and wise hunters! But it would be months before they were big enough to begin.
398 Posts
Ooc — delaney
kivaluk giggles in time with his father's booming laugh; coming in a little late. the knowledge that he could start training anytime he wanted fills him with a bubbling, bouyant excitement. it is tampered just a little bit by the further mention that he can begin when he's a 'bit bigger'; but he sobers up quickly. he doesn't understand, per se but he gives a sage nod all the same. hopefully, he considers, 'a little bigger' isn't too long away.

okay! he chirrups.

we could probably wrap this up with your post. feel free to pp kiva as needed! <3
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,276 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
With all the energy of Kivaluk, Kigipigak thought the boy would swiftly overtake his more moody brother and exceed in his training. Perhaps it would be worth it to begin that training early? He would consider it with Sakhmet's input, later.

With a chuckle Kigipigak said, Come along now, your mother waits with our dinner -- and begins the task of herding a very excited boy back to the ulaq.