Herbalists' Cache When choices end, you must defend
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Ooc — xynien
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A spot of green among the pale; the forest had retained its beauty even through winter, and Tybault could only think that Ophelia would love this place. He had split from his brothers, hoping to cover more ground this way. Their search held a renewed sense of urgency, a note of hope that had not been there before. If they could find each other, why not Ophelia too? The world was a big place but they were forever connected to one another. At least, Tybault hoped so.
He was torn between checking the ground for scents and studying the trees. They were nothing like the ones back in The Gilded Sea, but he was used to that by now. It was just that he couldn't get Ophelia off of his mind now. He wanted to know what she would think about the trees. He wanted to ask what she thought of the world beyond the Sea; if she loved it or hated it, if she wanted to go home with him. But it wasn't really home, was it? Home was their family, and they were scattered to the winds. He didn't know where he would take her when he found her. Away, he thought, away from all of it.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Large black body moved through the forest and the trees. It was amazing to him that most of the land was untouched by snow, because frankly put the trees were too dense to let anything near it. He had to admit he didn't like not hearing a bubbling river, but this was a dream for any wolves he knew that were of the medicinal persuasion.

He was thrown from his thoughts by the sound of another nearby and lifted his large head to stare past the trees and into the gloom. Blue eyes assessing whomever or whatever was there. An athletic shape unfolded from the trees and river guardian chuffed in hello and then waited and watched.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
This was what Tybault hated about leaving The Gilded Sea. Back there, everyone minded their own business. Out here, you could be fucking off alone doing your own thing, and some dude would just pop out of nowhere and chuff at you. Like, hey, maybe I'm busy here, asshole? Some of us have jobs. (Tybault was probably from New York City in a past life.)
Hey. What pack are you from? Tybault eyed him, taking in the scent and his size. What did they feed these guys here? He wasn't really jealous, but damn. Anyway. Dude was here and bothering him, so he may as well get some information.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes flashed with slight annoyance and mirth. This one was mouthy he could already tell. He was a pretty wolf though, Arric had to give him that. His colors were well blended. They didn't fit in with any wolf he had met yet, except maybe the she wolf at the sea. With that thought of her, his mouth turned bitter. Her family was insane. And thus so was she he would wipe his paws of her. She got what she wanted anyway.

Swift Current Creek. And you smell like nothing and no one so wanderer? Quester? Lonely bachelor looking to shack up what?

There was wry amusement around his maw and he tilted his head with a gentle tilt.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
What the fuck? Did he really just — no way! Tybault was outraged. Who went around asking questions like that? Certainly no one in The Gilded Sea would ever dream of it. He couldn't tell if it was meant to be flirtatious or simply nosy, but either way — No - no! I'm looking for my sister. She's lost, sick, and I have to find her. Shacking up is the last thing on my mind right now! AND I'M NOT GAY!
That sentiment hadn't gotten him anywhere good last time, so Tybault kept it to himself. It was possible that he was just prying too much entirely, and was not at all interested in shacking up.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had to fight his laughter. He had not been being nosy, or flirtaeous. He had literally just been an ass. Relieve some of the tension that rolled of his shoulders, which wasn't entirely kind and a brief flare of regret and guilt colored his mind and he shook his head.

He held up a paw, his maw curving into a kind smile. Easy fella. I was only teasing. What's your sister look like? And when was the last time you were near her? We have a few femmes in our pack, but you don't smell like them.

Arric shifted and rolled his large shoulders, easing some more of the tension from days before. I'm Arric Duandris. My pack is that way.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Only teasing; how dare he! As if they knew each other! Tybault couldn't quite understand why he held so much anger for this man, but there it was. His search for Ophelia, however, overrode all things. When the man took an interest in that, Tybault calmed and turned business-like.
Name's Tybault Medeiros. My sister has golden fur, golden eyes; she's been missing for awhile, and she probably seems confused. She's very sick, and I don't know if she can care for herself, It was a familiar script. Too familiar by now. He was bored even as he said the words. He thought of Sweetharbor and Moonglow and how much more interesting those experiences had been. But he had to continue his search.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric stared at the male, and the guard hairs on his neck rose at the look he was given. Who was this male who took everything he said so personally. What was it with wolves lately. Just going around hating people just cause they could, when he had done nothing. He had to take a deep breath and it was in that moment that he just wanted to run and hide. His meditation. He needed to make more time for it.

The way the other spoke, he didn't sound like he wanted to find her. He sounded wooden. Maybe your sister doesn't want to be found.

ALl he could think was  If I were her and I heard that tone of voice. I'd not want to be found.

Arric wasn't sure why he was pushing the envelope, but he was sick of wolves who acted like they were better than anyone else, wolves that hated others.

How did this wolf not know his sister could take care of herself, if she hadn't been found and her dead body hadn't been found. Then he felt it was safe to say that she was taking care of herself just fine.

 We don't have any wolves like that in our pack. However, our allies Kvarsheim and Riverclan might.

He motioned with his nose towards both places.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Yeah, I've thought of that, Tybault's voice turned solemn and quiet. He'd thought of it often. Or maybe she was dead somewhere, and he would never find her. But I have to know for sure. If I find her and she tells me to leave her alone - I will. Last time I saw her, though... she wouldn't even eat unless someone told her to. I want to know that she's safe, at least. He wasn't sure why he was telling Arric all of this. Actually, he knew why. His words struck too close to home, and Tybault could only feel disarmed and a little sorrowful. All of his anger was gone; he was realizing that it hadn't really been for Arric anyway.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric felt his neck hairs lower and then he frowned. Well shit, now he looks all sad and dejected and I want to make him feel better. Damn. 

He ghosted forward for a moment and then stopped, unsure what to do. The woman at the sea and her family  had made it clear he didn't really know how to handle people. And his self worth was considered worthless to anyone but him, that he didn't matter. IF he had gotten anything form that interaction, it was that. Then he just got pissed. How dare she make him feel insignificant, just chalk it up to a learning experience and forget she existed.

I get it. Wanting to know those you care about in some small way are safe, fed and happy is important. Tell me about your sister, maybe that will help you? I don't know feel better.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tybault frowned. He wasn't sure if talking about Ophelia helped; sometimes it seemed to, but other times it only reminded him that she wasn't here. That he didn't even know if she was alive.
Her name is Ophelia. She was the kindest, most selfless person I knew - and then our other sister died in a fire, and it was like I lost her too. I guess she saw something. She never really told us. She would get this far-away look in her eyes, and she wouldn't do anything for days. Wouldn't even talk, He shook his head. This wasn't helping, and now he was remembering that Arric was a stranger. And a jerk. Tybault was kind of a jerk too, though, so maybe that was okay. Anyway, there was another fire, and after that she was just gone. I've been looking for her ever since. Almost five months now. She survived the fire, I know that. At least for a little while. She could have died from her wounds, though. He'd thought of that, thought of everything.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric's ears perked forward and he listened. The male as a bit hesitant at first, but he seemed to get some steam, then he lost it again. And Arric shook his head. He wanted to click his tongue, but he figured that would just make him sound like some aging dinosaur of a nanny wolf and decided he didn't want that image. Wolves already thought he was a dick, and he had never meant that to be the case. Case in point the sea wolves of that place.

Well I can take you to the borders of the other packs if you like, but other than that I can't do much.

Truthfully he needed to get back to his own pack anyway. do you need something to eat or are you good? I can take you back to Swiftcurrent and bring you something at the borders to eat?
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arric said he couldn't do much, and proceeded to offer several things far beyond what Tybault would have expected. Things hadn't exactly started off smoothly between them, and while he knew his own reasons for loosening up, he could only wonder at the other man's logic. Tybault knew enough about others to know that most people didn't trust blunt rudeness over honeyed lies the way he did. But here they were.
Thanks, but - I want answers more than anything else. Is it possible that anyone else in your pack might know anything? If he went to Swiftcurrent Creek, it would only be for more interrogation interviews. Arric hadn't said anything like Shikoba or Bartholomew had, about taking in wolves like that, and Tybault fully believed in a pack wolf's capacity to abandon others to their fates. So it seemed wise to ask around.
Otherwise, maybe he would take Arric up on his offer to go to Riverclan and Kvarsheim. Either way, he would have to decide whether to ditch Everett and Evander for now, or turn back to fetch them. He wondered what his brothers would think of Arric.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was not a cruel wolf. Many probably thought him that way, but depending on the first meeting he was decent. For instance if he saw the sea queen again. he'd certainly be standoffish cause her family was shitty, but he wouldn't be cruel to her. Now if he saw whomever it was she was related too, that'd be different.

Two might. They do a lot of scouting. I'll introduce them to you. Other than that he couldn't think of anyone else who would know. He and Akavir didn't leave the creek often. And if tehy did it was for specific reasons or to clear their heads.
202 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tybault made his decision then. He would follow Arric to Swiftcurrent Creek, and then retrieve his brothers. Most likely none of them knew anything anyway, so it wasn't like the twins would be missing much. So far no one had heard anything at all. He just had to check anyway. He had to. It occurred to him then that one of them might have found something, or someone. Maybe he would have something to return to. That thought lifted his spirits.
I would appreciate that, thanks. Lead the way? No sense in wasting more time. Another day, another disappointment; might as well get it over with. At least he had more packs to check out.
Wandering stars,
for whom it is reserved;