Swiftcurrent Creek death to los campesinos
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
@Akavir or @Arric or anyone else!

A chilly breeze swept through the valley when Pan arrived at the borders. The sun was close to dipping below the hills and cast the valley in a brilliant gold glow. She'd been tracking the scent of this pack for a few days now, following the twists and turns of the creek as it stretched far beyond her sight towards the distant mountains.

To say she was nervous was not quite right. Of course, she had not the faintest idea if this pack was friendly or not, but her fur prickled with anticipation, nay, almost excitement. Though ranging was fun, wanderlust always came with a side of loneliness, and to say she missed being part of a pack was an understatement. Taking a deep breath, Pan turned her nose to the sky and made her presence known, senses primed as she settled stiffly on her haunches to wait.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the commander hears the howl and being close as she is on her patrol, moves to intercept.

her steps are quick but made with purpose; slowing only as the other woman comes into view.

burnished golden gaze studies her, a low chuff passes betwixt her lips.

a greeting. a warning.

a strange conglomerate of both.

this is swiftcurrent creek, stranger, bellatrix speaks. what brings you to our borders?

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
It wasn't long before her call was answered. 

Pan rose to her feet as a wolf approached, her own ultraviolet gaze meeting the dull gold of the other. The prickling feeling remained itching just below her skin, this time with the feeling of being watched. It was almost a relief when a low chuff broke the silence; the girl felt herself soften slightly and she dipped her head in greeting. 

Swiftcurrent Creek. "Quite fitting," she replied, cracking a small smile as she finally had a name to match the scent and the river. Though something about the curtness of the other woman made her doubt she'd get a smile in response. "I'd like to know more about this pack, Swiftcurrent Creek?" she continued. And may I join you? She caught herself, curious, keenly awaiting a reply.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
indeed, the lift of bellatrix's chin could be taken to mean.

and then a question is posed: one that she cannot fully answer for she does not know herself. she had yet to seek a one on one audience with akavir to seek the creek's full story. she knows only that this iteration is recent.

it was recently founded by it's leaders, akavir and arric. she supplies simply. perhaps it is helpful and perhaps it is not: but it is what the kappa has to offer.

assuming you seek to join us, what skills do you have to offer the creek? the commander asks, not offering her name nor asking the other woman's own. not yet. she is still in sentry mode, sussing out the basic information to relay to the leadership when one ( or both ) arrive.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A woman in dusting of blonde called for him and Akavir and he moved promptly towards the call. He found the newest member Bellatrix almost interogating the girl. A small smirk lit up his face and then his blue eyes. He moved forward boldly body held resting respective and tilted his head. 


His voice a quiet rumble. Please answer. I'm Arric.

There was no cruelty in his words or his actions. He was curious. She was small, much much smaller than him, but most were.
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
Her head tilted at the mention of two names, and it seemed the other woman's words would not be entirely unhelpful as soon enough the pair were joined by another. He was a hulking shadow of a wolf, intimidating but not overly so; Pan saw her father's same rugged features as she studied the man's face. So this was Arric.

"Nice to meet you Arric," she responds warmly, gaze flicking momentarily to the nameless woman as the interrogation continued - she seemed to have read her mind! She imagined her name would be quite pretty, if her appearance was anything to go by. 

The rumble of Arric prompted her to continue. "I mastered the hunt in my old pack before I left. I had just started working on being a ranger too but, well, I was hoping I could continue where I left off here, if you'd have me," she quipped, "Ah, you can call me Pan by the way." Her tail wagged slowly between her legs, unthreatening. It seemed only fair to let them know who she was now that pleasantries had been exchanged.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
feel free to skip bellatrix! <3

bellatrix's answer comes as arric joins them and the pair becomes a trio.

the commander takes a step back then, listening and interested in the other woman's response but making it clear that it was now arric's show and that the spotlight and floor was his.


simple and yet interesting. like with reverie, bellatrix desires to ask her what it means — for it does not occur to her that sometimes names didn't have meanings!

i'm bellatrix. she offers before falling into considering silence; lingering but knowing she is no longer needed with arric's presence.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
HE gave Bellatrix a warm smile as she backed away, comfortable with her at his back. He listened closely black ears twisting as she spoke. Hunting and Scouting so you like roving  a bit yea. We have  a few scouts, and some hunters. It will be nice to add to our group.

Arric rolled his shoulders and tilted an ear forward. Welcome to Swiftcurrent, Pan. I can give you a tour or if Bellatrix has no objections she can as well. It's entirely up to you.

He knew that not all wolves were comfortable in a leader's presence and especially not his. Not because he was intimidating, just cause of his size.
10 Posts
Ooc — Oti
Bellatrix! If you were to listen into Pan's head, you could almost certainly hear the small chime of victory bells.

"I've always loved exploring," she confirmed, returning her focus to Arric, "but it's always nice to have a home to come back to." With any luck, Swiftcurrent Creek would soon become that place. At the mention of other hunters and scouts, Pan's eyes lit up, tail picking up speed as it swished between her legs. She made a mental note to seek them out after she'd got settled. 

Despite the obvious size difference, Pan felt little discomfort around the leader. While his build may say one thing, his mannerisms gave way to something more gentle.

"Thank you, Arric, a tour would be lovely," she nodded eagerly, turning now to Bellatrix, "and some more company would be nice, but if you're busy I'm sure we could catch up later." She half expected the blue-phase woman to return to whatever she was up to before Pan had arrived now that Arric had the limelight, but perhaps she'd be pleasantly surprised.