Moonsong Glacier Sweet Girl
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Around her red furred shoulders was a wrap of brown. A significant difference. But it kept her shoulders warmer.

She had a brace of salmon she has descaled and sat out. They were salted and dried. Perfect to store. And some end of harvest berries and tallow wrapped sweetly in an otter skin she had begged from heart brother rodyn.

She lifted her nose to the air and let out a delicate melodic howl for @Ariadne
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was preparing a doe-pelt when she heard Ajei’s howl; already, her offerings were working! Pleased by this happenstance, she abandoned her task, pulled herself from her den, and headed toward the moongirl.

Ajei! she greeted once she arrived, moving to pull the other wolf into a hug and noticing the gifts once she removed herself from the embrace. You are so generous, she remarked, shaking her head and smiling. I was just praying to Sedna for more feminine energy, and here you are! She shouldn’t have been so surprised, but she was. Here, come in, let’s get you out of the cold—can I help you take all of this? There were so many things she’d brought!
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei wasn't one thst made offerings on her own. But she did try and be a good wolf. Kind and mannerly. Help where she could. Share what she could. She could fish well, descale and dry. She knew how to clean pelts brother rodyn, mama and moonwoman had shared this knowledge. 

Ajei was surprised, but pleased with the hug. Ahe gave back as tightly as ahe could. 

Ajei smiled you are moon family. Ao i help and give where I can.

A small nod. If you can carry the otter skin with tallow and berries i can get the fish.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Well, just you wait, Ariadna said, leaning over to pick up the bundle Ajei had instructed her to carry. I am working on a nice lynx fur for your shoulders to keep you warm while you travel. It is not done yet, but it should be when you visit next. She'd been working hard while giving her broken leg a break; everybody was getting a shawl, Oprah-style.

Would you like to catch up in my den? Or would you like me to show you where we are going to settle? she asked through a mouth-full of material.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Oh, Ajei's eyes got wide. Where had Ariadne gotten a lynx fur. They were as savage as bigger cats. Maybe one of the hunters. Had Brother Rodyn ever hunted cats? She would have to ask.

I would like that. Thank you.

Ajei dipped her muzzle. Oh id like to see where you will settle
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She'd been lucky with the lynx. She'd come across one that'd died of old age and, thankfully, had kept up its appearance until the very end. The fur was still in prime condition; it'd be luxurious once everything was completed.

When Ajei confirmed where they would go, Ariadne led them towards the glacier's base. When they arrived, she set down the items and caught her breath before speaking. Our home will be up there, she said, pointing up where the ice's incline leveled. There was a forest up there, and the dotting of moss near the caves could be seen through that forest. Do you see that? she said, referring to the moss. That is near the entrance. It is a good home that Chakliux found us, and it will keep us safe from the weather. I would show you the caves now, but I've been advised to keep to the ground to let my leg rest.

But, then, an idea: Ariadne drew two crude lines in the snow that looked similar to an equal sign; an etching of good luck representing the land and sky. I draw this symbol here, and the next time we meet, we will come here and have good luck on our climb, she said, smiling.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was thrilled to be getting a gift, but hers felt so small in c9mparison to a lynx fur. Only thr nest hunters could boast those kills.

Ajei took it all in. So icy and crisp compared to moonglow and yet there were small pockets of warmth and plant life and forest. It was so strange.

Yes you should rest. I met him once. We tracked prey. He was nice.

She didn't know of the contention between him and sun man and moonwoman or anything really other than he was hunter.

She smiled at the etchings. Good. Luck is good. Have you been settling well? Learning all there is to know of your new home?
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He is very kind, and he is generous as well, she agreed; maybe that was why he had multiple wives—he had enough kindness to be shared with multiple individuals. I do not know if he told you, but he is a seal-hunter and is quite skilled. I am sure he could help you if you have any questions. He lives in village Moontide with his wives.

She nodded to the next question. Quite well, thank you, she said. Village Moonsong grows by the day, and I have been exploring the caves more often. I will have to show them to you when I have more strength next time! The climb and near-constant physical activity with @Kilgitsuk was enough for her to need extra rest, especially when she was trying to heal her leg. I will also tend this spot so that our climb is easy—we might want to explore sooner than later, too, since it will only become more challenging as we get more snow and ice.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was an undercurrent of something in the words that Ariadne said of this seal hunter. But she chose not to dwell.  Ahe knew of many wives. Knew that some tribes practiced this. That Kukutux and Aiolos had. That when her husband was chosen for her. He may as well.

Ajei listened and lifted nose to the caverns. A small smile at the sparkle of ice upon ground. I can return in 3 days and we can explore if that helps? Once winter comes in full. I will probably not venture out much.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Mind if we wrap up this one and I can start the next?

That sounds like a plan, Ariadne agreed, suddenly feeling the pressure; she had three days to complete the lynx fur. While she didn't doubt that she could finish it, it'd be a tight deadline. Still, despite this, she appeared as relaxed as ever.

Should we share words and enjoy what you've brought us? she asked next, looking at the pile of goodies at their paws.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Not at all

Ajwi hadn't meant to pressure. She had simply wanted to give Ariadne time to rest. Were she to know the other fretted over her gift she'd have felt quite sorry indeed.

Of course. Please. Ajei smiled and shifted to a more peaceful and relaxed pose. Allowing Ariadne first pick of what she so chose.

I am glad you have made a home here.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Thank you, Ajei, I am, too, Ariadne said.

They continued their conversation for some time, enjoying the good food and company. When it was time for Ajei to return home, Ariadne accompanied her to the border. She promised that she'd have her fur ready in three moonfalls. With this promise in mind, she returned to her den and returned to work.