Two Eyes Cenote [m] sixty-ninth
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: heavy suggestion throughout

backdated to jan 1 <3

when the last feather had been lain and the final word spoken, akashingo filtered off to lie in muat-riya rooms before the journey home in the morrow.

senmut had given his worship to pharaoh @Toula, his intimate niceties to @Eset. and once more he told himself he would retire for his morning walk, only to find his limbs carrying himself unhurriedly along the bluestone corridors.

did he hope for @Nazli?

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
the temple was quietly bustling, and when Nazli was finished listening to wishes and making her prayers, she was heading to her quarters.
the erpa-ha was in the hallway; the hemet had felt confidence when at the helm of the ritual—and now, something inside of her roared to life.
she wore incense to cover a deeper, more intimate scent that she had never noticed upon herself before.
as Nazli stepped alongside Senmut, she murmured his name softly, like a prayer rather than a greeting.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she was beside him scarce before senmut knew it; he beheld her and the lilac features, the cast of incense around her —

but man's mind knew what man's senses beheld, and he was left mouthdry and stammering for a moment;

"i was going to look at the stars above muat-riya. i cannot sleep," he admitted, drawing gaze from her and turning it resolutely to their path, as not to be accused of staring.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
a warmth overcame her when she heard his voice, a smile.

come then, she suggested, although he was already walking. she led him to a different access, a private one Nazli had discovered for her studies.

as she slipped ahead of him, she did not look to see if he followed. as the corridor wound towards the temple it suddenly deviated upwards and at a severe angle, leading to a space above the spacious open roof; there were red stone walls covered in green (now, frost) and the sky, expanding overhead.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her slide ahead brought gaze lower to — he cursed himself and followed in rigorous piety as the path was sharp and soon they were among the cool breaths of the desert and the stars high above.

her smile, returned. "it was a beautiful ceremony, truly," senmut told nazli, unable to look upon her fully lest she see what was in his face. "the gods are certain to be pleased."

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
she had hoped for everyone to visit, but it wasn't until the ceremony had commenced that Nazli had felt Senmut at her side and known the truth about the invitation.

Eset's voice in her head.

are you pleased? the stars glittered overhead and she watched them, tracing shapes with her eyes. many of the gods were with them right now, watching.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i am."

his tongue felt thick in his mouth.

"it was good to see you there, presiding. priestess suits you. i am only pleased i was here to see it." and finally the priest turned his gaze toward nazli, a smile on his mouth though he dared not linger there with her heavy bouquet in his nostrils, his heart galloping as if it were the fiercest stallion.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
that is all i want. she thought, watching the night sky.

she turned her eyes to him and saw for a moment something there, in his face, in the dark.

as that moment passed, she moved to sit beside him. I am glad so many attended. It was an honor to host Toula, to see so many others. none moreso than him.

the incense wore thin.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"royalty commands a court." 

the incense wore thin indeed, and he was fired by nazli's fragrances on the wind, her blooming nature —

his mouth was sand-parched once more, and all at once he longed for water.

"are you fulfilled? as hemet?"

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
i thought i was.. even as she said this, Nazli wanted to say so much more.

a breath.
the gods watched.

Nazli watched him too, and found her heart in her throat.

he loves you, nazli.

what is it you want?

her body betrayed her in ways she didn't recognize; but her eyes too, openly, did the same. alone with him, and with Nwt stretched overhead.

beside him, with Nwt's blessing, she moved suddenly to kiss him.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i thought i was, and their mouths were connecting.

i thought i was, and without thought his ruddy arms raised to encircle nazli, to draw her against the thud of his chest, the gallop of his pulse, the line of his belly.

the response of his body, true and quick and unveiled;

"i have loved you for so long," semnut heard himself breath out against her ear, tears and desire mingled in his voice.

the stars wheeled! his mind sparked.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
she had no words! flooded now with feeling. he gasped words against her and she wanted so much to say something, and found she could not speak; only sink in to him, and seek his mouth.

the night was cold, but her skin burned. all indecision had been cleansed of her by the ritual. before her goddess she felt whole; alongside Senmut, who burned like the sun.

she had never wanted anything more than this. Nazli finally pulled from him with a gasp of his name, which itself held an abundance of love for him, and desire, unmatched.

Senmut, there was no one here but them; none to judge them but the gods, who surely blessed them now.

Nazli could not speak, and looked to him now with clear intent, an openness and a yearning she wished they could share.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: heavy suggestion

"nazli," and senmut stood beneath the eye of the gods in full transparent want, at last unashamed of flesh nor the pulse of artery nor throb at his groin;

her eyes said that he was wanted.

his eyes said the same.

and after this wheeling moment, which felt as if it were seven hundred eons in length, he gathered nazli again, his breath hot upon her eartip, her collarbone, her throat; he thrust her down softly against the domed ceiling of muat-riya, her stomach upturned into starglow, and wrapped scarlet arms about her hips, and for a long while was occupied only in the eliciting of voice and tone and the glissade of pleasured voice upon desert wind.

and all was right in the eyes of the gods.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Tasteful implications!

Nazli hadn't known how badly she had wanted this until confronted by Khusobek, she had vollied truths at him. she had not seen herself as desirable after everything.

she wasn't, where it counted. nothing would arise from this, and perhaps there was some comfort to be found there as a result. a freedom.

why not give in to her desires?
why not let herself experience this?

I love you— she gasped between spasms, transcendent. the night was still except for them together.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her answer was a scorching breath, the careful application of embrace to body until his exhale was upon her ear again, her nape.

senmut had no words but he was moved by the gods, by Amun, by Nwt; he joined them in slow resplendence, movements gentle, aware of her giving or unsurety.

and it was rife with rightness, this bond; love was between them, now said aloud, and love carried him to the final peaking crescendo of their first want and now fulfilled desire.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
in the aftermath, as the air bit at them, Nazli was comforted against Senmut. with stars in her eyes she looked to him; his outline a void against the belly of Nwt.

she kissed his cheek carefully, her body humming. how long could this last? she wouldn't let herself catastrophize this clear blessing... yet, Nazli knew that in the morning he would be leaving.

was that... okay? queried the hemet; knowing her only experience was with pharaoh, who had so tainted her. could Senmut tell? did he know?
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i will sing your praises to the goddess Hathor!" senmut murmured, drawing nazli ever closer to describe a line of kisses along her throat.

he was pleased, content, fulfilled; nazli was in his arms as if they had been carved for her, and slowly did the perfume of her body wake.him again. "and did i please you?" senmut asked, believing that he had but eager to hear it from her all the same.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
singing her praises! but the gods had seen it all; herself laying bare and open to them, receiving them in the same moment as Senmut, praising them all willingly; had her love been for the man alone? she did not know for certain.

in the dark her blushing face was well hidden, and the warmth that thrilled her throat beneath his touch was as radiant as the rest of her.
i've never felt like that before. and even as she said this Nazli felt the rousing urge to taste him again, to feed herself upon their shared energies, not knowing where this courage came from.
and in a whisper against him, i wish you didn't have to go. and this moment never had to end.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
though the priest could not know that their coupling had been an act of the gods as well, he felt it. 

they sang in the curve of her mouth and the line of her shoulders, in the pupils beneath the dark sky and the way she spoke in reverence.

tomorrow would come but it was not something upon which he focused now. his touch was light, tracing hip and belly. "i will stay some days," thrilling at the concept that they would whisper more, that they would take their meals together, and that senmut would at long last hold nazli as they slept, as his heart had pined to do so long.

"it would please me if i made you feel this way often," he grinned into the inviting blackness, flushed with the wine of love and leaning into its heady bite.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
days? she had days! the elation this brought to Nazli was incalculable; she felt a flood of relief and even a tinge of intrigue, but all was overshadowed by love.

she pressed her lips to him softly, and again, and felt hungry so suddenly for him that she could not pull away until she knew she would suffocate! and as Nazli gasped air, laughter bubbled from her.

you will meet me here? every night. every night so the memory becomes one long night with you. nobody knew of this hidden place before Nwt, or what they may do with one-another.

only them and the stars.
1,045 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"every night," came the husky sound of his voice; senmut cupped nazli's face. "so beautiful; the loveliness for which hymns are written!" he praised, deliciously consumed by her.

"now let me show you another thing," senmut whispered, and for a time there would be no more words; his ears cupped only for any songlike sounds which might thrum in her throat for he, for he and the gods alone.

blessed was he.