Lion Head Mesa You leapt from crumbling bridges
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@Toula bestie incoming— !

There was great excitement in the way she walked. A skip, then a step. Then a hop, even!

Though she knew nothing of this land, she was keen and curious to see what it may offer.

Sands flew from the distance. Hyacinth was forced to duck and swerve often just to keep it from floating into her eyes. But despite the obstacle, the warmth of it upon the ground felt good against her paws. It was like crunchy snow, but warmer!

Pausing, for a brief moment, she did a little spin. A dance. The sand flew again, but outwards this time. If anyone saw her, she would not care! For who could put a sincere end to this gentle, pure happiness!
immortal longings
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Ooc — anon
the words of @Senmut lingered in her mind. how she must build herself a court of ladies, her own retinue. she prayed to Iset and sang to Ra, hoping They might bless her with good fortune to find others such as this!
escorted by the Mazoi everywhere now, and trailed by the Fellahin, Toula took her morning walk after greeting Ra. and there she saw someone dancing nearby! Toula loved to dance, oh! she made her way toward the pale creature, still in her black furs of mourning. her fellahin wore smaller versions of it, more suited to their sizes.
finally close enough that they all could be heard, one of the fellahin stepped forward and introduced Toula: I introduce to you Muat-riya Isetnofret "Toula", Princess of the Red Serpent, and when they fell silent, Toula declared, what a lovely dance, just before! who are you, and where is it you come from? for the lovely pale stranger had captivated her at once! Toula had seen no others dance before, other than the Neb Sokha, and she delighted at the idea of another appreciating the art as she did.
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Someone came towards her. They were followed by a grand retinue. One even announced her with titles!

Turning towards them, her ears flattened against her skull. She had not meant for so many to see her this way; but they had.

I— She began to utter words, but stopped herself. Where she once would have assumed the words of what was her tongue, she quickly realized that these folk must not speak it. So why bore them with the idle, unknown words?

OH- You are beautiful, miss! She exclaimed, immediately in awe by this young girl's subtle, but sightly appearance. 

I am Beatrix De Vries! An answer, providing a name of her own. But most call me Hyacinth! In my home village, the hyacinth flower was most beloved. Days after by birth, I was given this nickname and answered to it ever since! An overshare. Perhaps a mournful one, at that. But she felt it necessary in this moment.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula was endeared to the girl at once. she had such a warm way to her that Toula was drawn in, not a moth to dangerous flame but rather a lone traveler who needed the warmth of such. the compliment Toula smiled at, peering toward the fellahin who had seen to her grooming this day with gratitude present, and then back to the Beatrix, who was so very becoming herself!
you too are lovely, she breathes, it looks as though Khonsu Himself blessed you with the palette of the full moon! her charcoal-limned eyes fluttered at the revelation. Toula was at once covetous of her!
the story, Toula felt, was sweet—but she had no context that would make her saddened for the lady Beatrix, yet! which do you prefer? she asked with a small tilt of her head and a soft smile, before asking, is your home vilage very far?
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Oh! But they reciprocated this elegance — the compliments! 

Khonsu? She did not know this name, but she knew that this was meant as part of the compliment. It could be asked of later.

Hyacinth! For it was what she had always been called. It may not be my given name, but it is what others have chosen to call me. It was for reason... I cherish it; respect it. I am undeserving of the honor, but I will carry on with it, so that one day I may truly earn it.

Her home village. A place she had not seen in months. It is a distance, yes. And what of yours? Surely it would be much closer. But she wanted to know more of it.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
clarification provided, Toula smiled and repeated softly, Hyacinth, then, with a slow nod. she very much doubted the girl had not done anything to earn the moniker that she had been provided; all names were given with a reason, in her own culture! Toula decided she must know the meaning of Hyacinth; there was a language to the beautiful things! 
mine is here, she breathed, gesturing to the palace of the mesa behind her. if her home was very far… are you looking for somewhere to stay? she asked, unable to keep the hope from her voice!
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So her home was not far at all—but here, in fact!

A lovely place, it looked to be! Hyacinth looked onward, observing from afar. But yet, she could not see as much as she would like to.

Would this change? Perhaps so, as this young girl, Toula, asks her of her plans of station.

I am, yes! I've been walking for many days... And she was tired of it! But when I happened upon this place, I couldn't help myself but come closer!
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
she was looking for a place to stay! …Toula was swift to say, we have room here, in Akashingo, but decided to ask for a little more about the fair Hyacinth. what were your duties, at home?
Toula had her own designs, but wanted to be sure, first, that Hyacinth was as capable as she seemed.
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They had room! But, oh— this girl asked something of her that she did not know how to answer.

Oh— A faint whisper, eyes shrinking down to find her paws. Duties... ? What duties was she supposed to have? I did not have any. An honest answer, even despite knowing this may deter the outcome Hyacinth had hoped for.

But I am willing to learn whatever is required of me, should it mean I could still stay here! Quickly she jumped in with a follow-up answer, hoping and silently pleading that this would better her chances.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
it was as she had imagined! before her, a nebet! Toula smiled brightly, and shook her head. I have seen you dance, she started next, where was it that you learned to move so well? had you a tutor?
Toula drew in a small breath and explained, I am to become Queen, you see; I am looking for ladies, to become a part of my own court, and Hyacinth seemed to be a well learned woman, which she desired among them!
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Complimented for her movements. Hyacinth felt honored beyond belief. For something that made her feel childish, another saw beauty.

It is not quite something I was taught, She informed this girl. In the village from where I come, we loved to dance as children... especially in the flower fields... A small giggle fell her lips as she reminisced those moments. We thought of ourselves as those lowers, following along with their motions. It holds great beauty, you see. An adequate reasoning, they had thought. After all, what was more beautiful than the flowers while they were carried by the wind.

The girl went on to explain her futuristic desires. She was to be a queen, and wanted others beside her.

I have never seen a court before, much less been apart of one. In my village, we were guided by our elders. But there was no royalty. None were above another, though we did indeed consider our elders to be significant to us. They have lived long, for they hold superior knowledge and know best how to guide us in life through their experiences.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
you were born with the bearing of one, Toula commended pleasantly, and said, though what you do not know, you can always be taught, if you wish, here she smiled softly; Toula would not force her, if she did not wish it for herself!
but the girls upbringing, it intrigued her. it had never occurred to her that anything could be so different, and yet there Hyacinth was, telling her so! no royalty?! had Toula less grace, she might have guffawed at the remark. it seemed uncivilized, but Toula did not turn her nose up and away from Hyacinth. it was not her fault!
Akashingo is very different, Toula admits to the flower before her, though her voice was not dark nor dour, beyond a lady, there are other places one might fall to; priests, priestesses, warriors, teachers, she explained, and alongside me, we are ruled by Pharaoh, Toula smiled as she shared some of their way, but did not wish to overwhelm the other.
I have it within me, divine as I am, to grant you ladyship. to give the De Vries name greater power, a girl that came from nothing, granted a brilliant future to become something more than she already was! and Toula already saw the girl called Hyacinth as wonderful—but her own daydreams might not be that of the girl before her, and Toula prepared herself for this.
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Akashingo was very different from the life she knew. There were similar parts, but not all the same. It would take a great deal of time to adjust to. And yet, this girl offered her so much all at once.

A title, with meaning in their court, power to her family name, and something even better... friendship.

Would she have been foolish to admit the latter was the only she cared for? Everything else could have meant nothing, for all she wanted was to no longer feel alone.

With great thoughtfulness, Hyacinth considered what she might say in response to this. And when it came to her, she spoke soft, almost regally as if she weren't a yearling. These are many things you offer to me. Some of which I have never paid mind to... power, or nobility— as you know, it is not what I am used to. A small pause, and a chance to offer a smile so that Toula would know she meant well in this. 

It is not these things in which I seek in life. But only to know that my name will be spoken with purpose, and not emptiness. My family name is long gone, thus I am, and will most likely be the last to hold it. For who had ideas of marriage this young? So I can only worry for me. She was the only one left. What would this power bring for others alongside herself? Nothing, really.

The young queen must understand this before they go on. For if she did not, Hyacinth would not be a good fit here after all.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula listened, rapt. and for all that was said, Toula herself was not dissuaded nor discouraged. I can promise to never speak your name emptily, she spoke in dulcet tones, voice warm. all the names in my life have meaning to me, after all. and if it is only you that you must worry for, then know that regardless of that, you and your name shall not be empty things here with that. you may make it mean what you wish to, as my nebet, Toula's voice was honeyed and sweet; she meant the words that she spoke.
and it is my dream that my ladies are also my friends. companions that I can trust, Toula observed Hyacinth as she continued, that I can speak with, and laugh with, and dance with, and care for me as I care for them. a dream, perhaps, but her vision of a court was golden; she saw, in her heart, Hyacinth there.
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She had been understood. And in return, much more appealing options were offered to replace ones of sole ambition.

If this is what comes with being... nebet— then I would like to join you, as companion and friend.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula became radiant at the acceptance. her cup of joy overflowed, and Toula lifted her head and welcomed her in formally, welcome then, Beatrix—Hyacinth—de Vries, Nebet of my court, and friend already in my heart! one of the fellahin, @Jawahir, hurriedly departed their company then, after a glance from the Amiirad.
one of the fellahin will prepare your quarters, so that you might get a decent days rest. surely you must be tired from your journey! I will lead you to them, and show you some things along the way, if you do not mind, Toula turned on her heel, the remaining retinue following her lead. she awaited Hyacinths arrival at her side, gesturing to it with a slow wave of her tail. Hyacinth was a lovely, whippish sort of she-wolf—but Toula could not note the coyote side of her.