Lion Head Mesa purgatory
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
AW, but gonna tag the lovely @Toula <3

The desert looks the same everywhere.
Dry heat and raw paw-pads, an angry burning sun. No water. She was lucky, she thought, to still be able to walk at all.
She can see it in the distance — a mesa, high and mighty, cast in the orange hue of morning haze. That is what she will head towards.
Shaking, she drags a paw through the sand at the border. There are wolves here. She can smell them, see their marks on this land. This is what Daddy wanted, right?
So, meekly, her head is thrown back in a call for anyone who would listen.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
Khonsu makes it known He has heard her prayers. perhaps He laughs, too, as He sends them her way. 
but Toula was happy for it, grateful. when Makono had first gone, the halls had grown terribly quiet—when she returned (surely she must, if she lived!), she would be so pleased to see things so lively again! 
another at the borders now, and Toula approaches. she is announced to the stranger with all of her grand titles, and smiles as she asks, what has brought you here, to my home?
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
She is met with not just a leader, but a Queen. This brings a light to the desert girl's eyes, and she near instantly drops into a bow of respect. Just as she was taught.
I am sorry to bother, she begins, a dry-mouthed stutter to her caffeinated voice. I-I come seeking a job. I am a servant, she breaks into a grin. I was told to, to um, search for a group, here, in the Wilds, that would hire me. Raising a scorched paw to her forehead, she falls backward into a sit. I have come a long way, Your Highness. I do not disappoint, as I'm sure you will see.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
you are no bother! Toula gently corrects, shaking her head slowly. there was surprise to hear this one came here in the aims to be servant; she was so lovely! and Toula had only known those not full blooded wolves in such a role—
but she did not think to deny her. not if that was her wish. Toula would, though, make certain of this. is it your wish to work in this place? we could always benefit from the helping hands of our fellahin—but is this something that you enjoy? that makes you happy? Toula asked this of each fellahin—she would not force their paws in any way.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Thin legs quiver and lips part, a wildfire gaze cast in the Queen's direction. That was not a question she had anticipated being asked, nor did she have a true answer for it.
I-it's what I was raised to be good at, perhaps it would be embarrassing later, but Inji feels the need to let this woman in. She is young, not unlike her; it did not feel as if she was speaking to a superior, somehow! I come from a small family who-- who sells themselves, to get by, her head tilts inquisitively. I may not be of-- of royal blood, or have special training, but I am good at what I do. she reiterates this, as if she is advertising herself. It's the only thing I've ever done.
In truth, she did not know if it made her happy — but even so, she cannot imagine serving this Queen would be so bad. 
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
the story intrigued Toula. a family that sold themselves! it was not her own way, but, if it will please your family, I can send them things if it is your wish to enter my service as fellahin, and her own payment would be lifelong; Toula was generous, as devoted to those in servitude as they themselves were to their role. 
I do not doubt your capability—I want only for your happiness, she hummed. and for many, Toula found that this work was the source of it! it gladdened her; she did need them, after all!
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
She thinks of her family; the offering of gifts in exchange for her service. The crooked teeth of her father and the howling moonshine laugh of her mother, her siblings, her aunt. She imagines they are camping in the sagebrush somewhere over yonder, just happy to have one less mouth to feed — or perhaps they've found another less-wayward pack to live with, for now. Whatever the case, Inji supposed it was not her problem anymore.
Oh, Your Highness, I think they would just be happy to know I've found myself somewhere to live, with that, a billowing, nervous laugh. I would be delighted to, to offer my services to you and your people.
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
oh! well, then they would know that happiness, for Toula had already decided. we gratefully accept, she spoke with a soft smile and warm eyes. 
first there is the matter of getting you bathed, fed, and rested before the work begins! and another fellahin shall provide you with a tour of Akashingo as well, and tell you the way of things here, she informs, and steps aside to allow the woman entry. what are you called? do you have any work that you specialize within, or particularly enjoy? not everyone might, but Toula liked knowing! if there was further joy to be found in their work, was it not right to assign it?
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
She had been accepted. Oh, the weight that slid from her shoulders!
Thank you, Your Highness, you will not regret it, and she pauses to think for a moment about what title this gracious Queen preferred for herself. oh, if I may ask, w-what title would you prefer to be referred with? I am Jendayi, but most people just call me Inji, a paw raises to brush against the dust-covered fur of her chest. How horribly she needed a bath — how had it taken her so long to notice? The offering of such is graciously taken with a cheek-to-cheek, tired grin.
My family have done many things for many packs, a thoughtful expression graces her pointed face as the nerves give way to excitement. I have been a bather, a nurse, and a food-server before, mostly. Some pupsitting here and there. I come from a line of skilled, uhm, escorts, too, this part comes softly, as if it is forbidden. She thinks particularly of her aunt, and the antics she would put herself up to in order to score a warm place to sleep, or perhaps a scrap of food. But that is not something I have experience with. Yet, at least, if that is a practice that would... be of use, here?
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
one word the still innocent Toula is unaware of, and it intrigued her only in its foreign nature. escort? she gently asks, noting then the looks passed between the fellahin with her. while it is not them she had asked, Toula wished then she had held her tongue rather than reveal her own lack of knowing. it went against so many of her teachings, for so many reasons!
each of those things is grand—the royal baths here are things your companions take great pride in, and for good reason! I am eager to see what you bring to them, Toula speaks with a smile, and thinks, as for healing, our Sesh will surely be grateful for you and your aid! and know that I too am grateful, for Toula anticipated she would bring much to Akashingo. 
she stepped aside, to allow her entrance. come, I will walk with you to the baths, and as for what she would be called, publicly, my title—though I do not mind if otherwise, you call me what is simplest for you to say. Toula maintained each and every sense of decorum before others, as was taught—but would not enforce in private this way.
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Oh, how sweet this Queen — untainted by the misgivings of men and lust, of the dishonorable end of servanthood. Perhaps Inji, too, must be lucky — maybe this meant there was no use for such debauchery within this kingdom. She shakes her head. How would she go about explaining it? It's like, um, accompanying men. Yes, that was concise enough; hopefully without causing fear or disgust.
The Queen goes on to delve further into Akashingo's flair — the sesh, who Inji gathered to be the healers. The baths, the potential tasks that may be at her hands sooner rather than later. To each one, she nods fervently; the Queen seems delighted to have additional help, and from what Inji sees of the busy redstone halls, she understands why.
Everything is beautiful — adorned with gemstones and intricate murals, these well-maintained underground passageways that lead to the wellspring. She is starstruck, jaw agape as everything is taken in.
Your home is incredible, hemet-nekheb, the note about her title is jotted with ballpoint in the back of her mind; she settles on the formal calling from her native tongue. It rolls smoothly from her lips. I... really cannot thank you enough, for taking a chance on me. I am fully at your service.
But repayment was not so simple — this sweet girl had already done so much! But an idea is brought to mind. Say, her eyebrows raise, girlish and giddy, cheeks aflush. what's your favorite kind of jewelry?
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
oh! well, Toula accompanied many men—she wondered if this was an unsang of profession she could someday boast, though the reaction given gave her some pause. you need not accompany any you do not wish. if you wish to be alone, you could have such a life, devoted to your duties, and to she herself! still, Toula would have none of her servants do what they did not wish. she wanted them to have joy in their life, not dread. though she could not see why accompanying any might cause it, perhaps this new fellahin of hers was unique in that way.
and that was just fine by her, truly!  at least they did not seem to mind her! a selfish hope, but there it was. Toula smiled at the compliment, humming, the fellahin are to thank. there are many with much vision! and they keep the halls pristine. oh, each are so lovely—I am eager for you to meet them. though remember you need not dwell in the company of any you do not wish to! you will have private quarters to sleep within, Toula peered at the newcomer, looking to be sure she knew as much. please, I should be thanking you! I am glad for your help, truly, and she would always profess it! 
then the question! oh! Toula laughed gaily, saying, ah! I must think! I am not so sure the answer. any piece of jewelry I have received I have loved, though not one better than the rest. each have their story behind them, she explained, looking thoughtful. there was something to be said for each thing that she owned, some silly sort of sentiment—but not to her. she did not know that she was being asked to be someday rewarded another gift, and so she asked in return, what of you?
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
The Queen stresses the autonomy and right of the servants within these halls — never are they to engage in what they do not wish to. How pleasant a sentiment, Inji thinks; how few leaders out there would enforce such a rule.
The fellahin are the creative visionaries of these bedazzled halls, and Inji's eyes brighten. Oh! I-I would love to help decorate, she nods profusely. I could, um, oh, I could juice some berries to make paints, and weave bouquets of flowers, Eyes of lavender scan eagerly for approval, crinkled at the edges. I don't actually know very much about that stuff, but I'd love to learn.
She is asked of her own favorite jewelry, and to that, she has to think. I don't think I have a favorite either. I've never been given any, but they're all beautiful to me in their own ways. pondering, her gaze drifts to the ceiling briefly before falling back to meet the turquoise wonder of the Queen's. I'll have to make something for you.
The wellspring, upon reaching it, is broad and shallow, woven with red-clay and clear water. Delighted by the sight, Inji's whole body wriggles and her paws move in a giddy dance. Wired with adrenaline, her tail beats into a high-raised sway as she motions eagerly for the Queen to step in first, if she were to stay. Briefly, Inji forgets that they are boss and employee — servant and master. In her mind, they are girls together.