Moonspear It takes a village
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
For any, but attention: @Sialuk. Please allow @Ajei to post first!

Arrluk had previously spoken of his desires to a number of those within Moonglow (@Vaire, @Chickadee, @Ajei and of course his father) about his decision to spend time within another village, now that Moonglow and full and secure. Once it had become more official and Arrluk gathered himself for his leave and he had sought out his sister @Galana first of his siblings and then his brothers after. 

Arrluk woke early this morning. The sun had yet to rise. He would gather the silver fish he had hunted the night prior, held by a folded over goat skin. He would seek out Ajei as they slipped quietly through the still slumbering pack. 

To Arrluk, he would be leaving home but he would not be leaving his family. All of the Moon tribes held family. All were connected. Arrluk knew still he would miss the smell of the den he had grown up in. Miss the river and the great big lake which swelled in the center of their valley. Now, Arrluk was a yearling. He was fully grown and when he returned, it would be to make an ulaq of his very own. 

Until then, he would be at Moonspear. Morning had come, the sun was high as it crest over the heightest peaks of the mountains. It was just as intimidating as the first time he saw it. Now it would be home, for a time. Turning to @Ajei with a smile, he calls out his arrival to the mountains and presses forward through its boundaries.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It had been with trepidation and resolve that she had agreed to go to Moonspear. She wanted to learn more of the area and it's families. And she would not dare to leave Arrluk to go out by himself. He deserved to have a friend in a place he knew no one but his sister or so she thought.

She had begged of Moon woman that she keep Ajei updated about her mom. And if anything should happen she would get a howl. She would return every few days to check on her. It would be a long walk, but she would not leave her mother in the twilight years of her life without her.

She shifted the cats fur around her shoulders and lay her own offering of fish and herbs to the ground. Wrapped so sweetly and tightly there for the lady of the spear.

She returned Arrluk's smile and lifted her own voice in delicate howl.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's days were filled with the three little babes at her breast. It was more difficult this year feeding three, rather than two shared between herself and Elentari, but she managed. Others helped in their own way, hunting and giving her respite when she most needed it. A call from two familiar voices drew Sialuk from the ulaq, leaving the children in the capable care of one of their many guardians.

Two of Moonglow's young wolves had arrived, and Sialuk greeted them on Moonspear's slope with warm eyes and a wave of her tail in greeting. She reached far back in her mind to pull their names from her memory, as she had not been particularly close to either of them in the year since they had come to this earth.

Arrluk and Ajei, she greeted. What brings you to village Moonspear? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Though their might have been hessitance in Ajei's eyes, she stood firm at his side and her voice would rise with his own. Exactly who he hoped for arrived. Now that Meerkat was founding her own village on the other side of the mountains, Arrluk wondered if it was only Alaric which he actually knew here. He even barely knew the man, but wouldn't mind to settle and listen to Alaric's tales while he skinned fish.  

Hello Sialuk. He speaks with a waving of his tail behind him. Moonglow swells with members. Even more when Vaire and Chickadee deliver. We've decided to live with one of the other villages which might need our help most for a time. His eyes sweep past Ajei at his side a moment and then back to his eldest sister. We thought to come to Moonspear first, if you've a need and room for us.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had no words. She would let Arrluk speak. Though there was a shy smile for Sialuk, and a gentle wave of her tail.

Green eyes swept up and around it was beautiful here. Though slightly treacherous. Clear in the woven paths between rocks.

A reddened ear lifted to hear what the siblings said. Ajei wondered what Sialuk wouls have them do and learn while they were here.

A new adventure even if she was a little scared.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Like Seal—and soon Maggak and Acrux—Arrluk and Ajei were here to exchange time in a village not of their own. Sialuk thought this a good thing, one that would help them learn and grow as they set foot into the next chapter of their lives. Both were young with many years ahead of them, and Sialuk found that learning from others outside one's immediate family did much to expand the spirit and mind.

Welcome in, then, Sialuk said, warm smiles given to both young wolves. Will each of you tell me of your interests? she asked, heading first to the healing ulaq where she intended to clean out any cobwebs or smaller animals who might have taken up residence there. They hadn't had use for it since the coyote had left, but Sialuk did wish to be prepared.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ajei was quiet, listening politely and patiently to the siblings speak. Kukutux's eldest to her youngest. 

After her invitation to come further in was given, Arrluk passed a glance to Ajei and then followed behind his pale coated sister. She was more similiar in color to their mother then any other of his kin Arrluk had met. 

We both enjoy fishing... He first spoke, the first thing which came to Arrluk's mind when it came to what they both enjoyed. I've also been working at keeping watch on the borders and learning to track the deer herds in the area. Now he goes quiet, allowing Ajei a chance to pipe in.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sialuk was more likeassaraq and Kukutux in coloring. But she found her personality and the way she spoke all her own. It was interesting to her. She wondered briefly how Chiteo was and Mojag both her brothers had left her mother's hearth. And now her. A stabbing pain in her chest as she thought of her mother all alone now. Her father also long gone. But shikoba had neen all for this too. So here she was.

She looked to Sialuk with a small smile. Like Arrluk said. I do like to fish. I have grown adequate at hunting smaller game, though I am not as good a hunter as most of Moonglow.

She hummed softly. I prefer to be a listener. I have designs to be a mediator of sorts. Not that there is much conflict between the moon packs. But moonwoman has also taught me a few things about healing.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me! feel free to reference sialuk asking ajei to send updates and good tidings to both sun mote copse and brecheliant behind the scenes. <3

Sialuk took mental notes as each descried their interests. Arrluk was a hunter, a man that Moonspear would welcome with many small mouths to feed. Ajei was a hunter as well, a woman who listened when others spoke and sought to keep peace among the villages. The starwoman thought of Brecheliant and Sun Mote Copse, two of their further allies who she wished to strengthen their bond with.

Once you are settled, Arrluk, seek out Alaric and ask him what duties he wishes of you. Ajei, when you have settled, you will come find me, yes? Delegating to the others would be necessary, especially as Sialuk was unable to travel as far and wide with her little ones still so young.

They arrived at the healing ulaq, and Sialuk excused herself to begin spring cleaning, leaving the other two to become acquainted with the village.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
last for me too!

Sialuk trailed them through the foothills of what would be their new home and after giving direction, dismissed herself to her busy work. With births coming, tidying up the healing quarter to prepare was the smart thing to do. Briefly, Arrluk's thoughts lingered to Samani which he did his best to quickly choke down. 

Let's fine a spot maybe by some water hu? Arrluk's ears perked, eager to find a place to settle in now that his sister and new leader had given the official okay to go off and about.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]