Ankyra Sound Home is only a stones throw
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Etienne had been tending to Anselm when he could and today he had found his way to the shores. Pretty golden eyes on thr horizon a soft feeling on his heart.

He let the sand sift beneath his paws and he took a deep breath of salty air. And then another. A small howl he left off. And took one long glance towards the shores of home.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A faint howl it was, but Suzu had learned to love the sweet, soft, whispering voice of her brother, and had pined for it for months. She had begun to branch out from Dragoncrest Cliffs more frequently, emboldened by the peace that seemed to have settled in when Springtime had come. She prayed that her younger siblings would never know the agony of seeing loved ones lost in battle, and that they might also be spared the heartbreat of losing a sibling to the call of the wilderness. 

Suzu rarely ever moved very quickly- but when she heard Etienne's voice she bolted as quickly as she could down the shoreline, around the curving arch of the Sound. Against the sand, he was hard to spot, but for the darkening of his face and points. Tears stung her eyes as she whipped through the shallow waters to cut across the Sound's crooked elbow to see him again at last.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had left in his grief. He had hurt and begged and pleaded, but no one could save those he loved. So he had sought to learn more. And it had been too much to lose everyone so quickly and then granme Roz had cut him so deeply with her departure even if it was deserved after life long lived.

It was the sound of the crashing of the water that alerted him someone was coming in hot. He barely had a chance to form a coherent thought before his chest tightened and his breath stalled at the sight of his sister's sweet face running full tilt. He didn't even know his sister had been able to move so fast.

She was beauty incarnate and he knew it. Just as their manman was.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu had been angry with him only for a mere moment, but all she felt as she rushed toward him was relief. He was alive, and he was coming home! The depth of his sorrow and grief had always been something she could sense, but no matter what she'd done, it had always been there. Escapism, she'd thought, was why he'd left, though she had worried that something far worse had happened to him. She'd prayed for this moment to come, and when it did, she forgave him for everything, instantly. 

"Etiiiiiiii," She said, her voice hoarse as she sought to contain her excitement and keep her voice hushed. She slowed her pace as she neared, panting rapidly and unable to speak more than his name before she reached out to embrace him, laughter peeking its way through her quick breaths. She wanted to squeeze him as tightly as she could- and then drag him all the way back to Sapphique.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had feared of both his littermates Suzu would be the most angry. So it was with baited breath and wariness he waited for her to greet him. But it was for naught that he had worried for she was most pleased to see him.

A small smile, a light in the golden eyes.

'ello Suzu.

He caught her and gave her the squeeze he had wanted amd felt tears peicking the corners of his eyea. He chuckled a little bashful at ot, but Suzu had never judged him for his deep wells of feelings.

He knew by the end of this she maybe mad yet, for he wasn't staying. Anselm needed him right now. And he'd not leave the pretty boy to die even if his heart was dark.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Etienne! You were gone so long!" She protested with a light whine, though the wave of her bushy tail conveyed the relief which still flowed through her. "Come! Let's get you home, Maman will be so relieved to know you are not lost anymore!" She said, giving him a gentle nudge. 

Her heart fluttered; part of her had dreaded never finding him, and another part of her still dreaded that when he was found, he might be reluctant to return. She added a cheery smile, though her insecurity likely showed in the fleeting flicks of her eyes from Etienne, and back up the shore again, trying to lead him with her gaze. "We will 'ave a good feed of fish, an' de little ones will be so pleased to see you, Eti! It will be time for deir own pearl ceremony soon, I t'ink!" She would throw out every bit of bait she had, to lure him back home.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His heart tightened as she spoke and a watery smile filled his face. He had almost forgotten how it felt to be accepted just for yourself. And it proved firther to him that being around the devil boy was weighing heavy and yet hw couldn't quite leave him be. He returned her nudge.

His little sisters. Chani and Chiro, probably bigger than he could even imagined. Another twisting pain in his chest. He had left them, they probably didn't even know him anymore.

He blinked and met his sister's gaze. Ay Suzu. I not be returnin' yet. I will come to de birder dere be a small c'ance manman not even let me back in or matant. You know dis. And dere be a leader's son who got 'urt. Cat cut 'im up good. I be tryin' keep 'im alive. I'm sorry Suzu, but I can't come 'ome yet.

Ears tipped in chocolate curled to his head. His heart pounding in his chest
There was a very real chance his sister would rip him apart with words. Eviscerate him further. He hoped she didn't, but could he blame her?
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her brother pulled away, and she felt her hope fail, knowing already that he'd found some excuse to stay away. She recoiled, mouth opened in a surprised 'o' when he felt that he might be potentially unwelcomed and she shook her head vigorously, but did not interrupt. The words sat just behind her teeth, and she pursed her lips to keep them in and listen to his full story. 

She exhaled slowly, allowing some of the pressure to release. "Etiiiii," She said softly, reaching out to nuzzle his cheek. She would forgive his absence, as it had been caused by his need to help and heal others. "You be a natural caregiver," She praised softly, but in spite of how proud she was of him, she missed him fiercely. "But you know- Maman would never be angry wid you for goin', especially not if she fin' out you be helpin' someone." She said. She uttered a small, sad laugh. "She would be so 'appy to see you, I promise..." She said. 

Still, he seemed to loathe the idea of leaving his injured friend for very long. "Tell you what...I will tell Maman you be alright, hmm? She should know, Eti. An' it will make her so happy...An' once your friend is better, you come visit?" Perhaps if he wasn't ready to come home now, he might be, soon.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Suzu had learned restraint. He couldn't quite hide the smile at the revelation as he noticed. Good for her. Gods he loved her so much. His best friend and sister.

I know Suzu, but sometimes i forget to take care of myself too. He uttered the heartbreaking truth of the matter. He failed to take care of himself on the regular. At his expense to care for everyone else, was well him.

He nodded. I'll visit manman soon, Suzu. I promise. I be stain' in uh sleepy fox 'ollow for now.

Then suddenly he surged forward to pull her into a fierce hug. I love you always an forever Suzu.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She frowned and nodded. Etienne had always put his own needs aside when helping others- no matter whether they were bloody and noisy, all the things he hated to see- he had sacrificed his own needs to make sure that everyone else was taken care of. It must be exhausting, she thought- and she began to understand why he had needed a bit of space. Emotions were heavy, and while her brother tried to bear the weight of it for everyone, it was natural that it might become too much for him, too. 

"I need you to take care of yourself, okay?" She asked, giving him a stern, pleading look. She nodded, hoping he might mirror the gesture and make her a promise. "An....Do it for you, okay? Well, for me a little bit too- but take care of you, for yourself," She said. She wondered if sometimes he didn't make himself less important than others were- but that was no way to live. She could forgive him for wanting to live on his own, so long as it was helping him be happier. 

She leaned in and made a small, happy grumbling noise when he pulled her in for a hug. For her, it would never last long enough, and she wrapped one of her heavy limbs around him to keep him close. "It better be forever," She said with a dry chuckle, bumping her muzzle against his jaw. "An' let me know when you come visit, hmm? Don't just come to see Maman, I want time wid my favourite Etienne too," She said with a selfish laugh.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had always wanted to take up as little space as possible, to be able to bear the burdens of those he loved most. It had been something he had struggled with for a year now. And yet he also knew he wouldn't change it. No he wouldn't. He would do what he needed to do to make sure those that he loved would get better quicker whether it was emotional or physical.

Etienne was surprised and then he smiled. And offered his sister a soft nod. I will take care of me for you and myself. Though a bit of a cold shock went through him as he realized @Anselm, had pretty much said the same thing. That he wouldn't be helping anyone if he didn't help himself. One of the few good things the mountain beast had told him.

Eti chuckled. I will visit more Suzu and I will always visit you. I am your only Etienne! Or I better be.

There was laughter there, happiness. How he had missed her.

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Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Good," She said, though sadness still shone in her eyes. She would have preferred for him to come home- to show himself to their mother, and to Theo who no doubt had missed his brother as well. 

She touched her nosetip to his, and smiled. "You will always be," She said. "Unless some day I decide to 'ave children, an den I will name one Etienne II so that I will 'ave two of you," She laughed. She could spend all day with him, hypothesizing what their lives might be like- but she knew he had a new life to return to, one who would notice his absence. "Please do visit, Etienne. I will always be 'ere, an' 'appy to see you."
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His sister had a h3aviness in her eyes. Sadness amd strife and he didn't like it. He wanted to fix it. Hia chest felt tight. He didn't know how to explain.

He laughed. Only if 'e be as 'andsome as me.

He squeezed her again. I will come back and i am always near Suzu you ever need dis man. I be dere as fast as i can.