Lion Head Mesa I miss the rage,
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this is open, directly after khaba/senmut/qi thread! Senmut has full permission to intercept her as she goes to seek @Gucci , but maybe @Ramesses too ...

She rushed for the hidden hallways of the fellahin. Some had become too small for her, but others she knew she could work her wiry frame through. Medusa knew she should keep quiet, and she did for a little while before seeing the light she knew would lead to @Gucci

And with a great need, Medusa hollered, DAD! I NEED YOU! 

It was lost on her that she had never in her lifetime called for Gucci, or even referred to him verbally as dad. But now she needed him as a daughter needed their father, to explain that all was well and right with the world and that she was safe.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary

senmut did not call her lady nor append a title; he was a priest-tutor addressing an unruly student. the hem loomed closer and fixed her with the electricity of his green eyes.

power thrummed through him. anticipation.

"if you say a word of what you may have heard to a single ear before the time is right, i will hand your heart to Anubis myself, am i clear?"

"when the vizier arrives, you are going to tell him something else to explain your outburst." senmut's voice did not shake, enthralled as he was by the awesome power that was gathering in the shadows of akashingo.
93 Posts
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He had followed. 

To comfort? 

Medusa turned toward him, untrained gaze full of confusion, not anger or hate. She heard his words for what they were, though: a threat. 

She was bewildered. 

And angry, for once! 

Was this Ra, and his retaliation for her lack of piousness? 

No, she answered in turn, just as resolute. The hem had taught her of Osiris. Had taught her how the heart was weighed in life and in death. And if he meant his words, perhaps it would come sooner rather than later. My heart will be light as a feather. Kill me now, so it will be so, she answered, Ra has damned me. I feel you mean to as well. You tell my dad these things, she demanded. 

She was young. Even faced with death, she could not imagine it. She had never known pain. He will know I am lying, she added, voice soft. Her gaze turned away. And anyway, I don't even know what I heard... why would Pharaoh care about his daughter being gone? she shook her head. They had all said goodbye to Toula!

Even still she could not wrap her head around it. What felt like anger toward her.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
fading! <3

in the end, the would-be anger was turned aside.

senmut announced that he would be adopting medusa as a tertiary we'eb, a priestess in training.

that then, the end for now. would she see the apology in his eyes as he turned away?