Ravensblood Forest Is where you go to rest your bones
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Set for around this time, give or take!

Fennec was sure that @Alyx was around somewhere, though she did not worry too much about tracking her sister specifically whenever they wandered apart.  She knew that she wouldn't be going far and that her sister would find her once they were ready to move forward.

Fennec had taken a heavy interest in nosing for plants as they went, and while she sought a trail for something to snack on, she also kept her nose peeled for anything that smelled like it might be interesting and/or useful.  Medicinal plants tended to have a sharp tone to them that separated them from others.  

Travel was still not something she was entirely comfortable with, and doubtless it never would be comfortable.  She loved it for the challenge, the chance to experience new places and things, and for the feeling of freedom it gave her.  But every night spent away and every step further from familiar ground lent it's own kind of paranoia.  She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt there were things here that could easily bring her down and kill her, and without Alyx around, that risk was twofold.  Even when she was searching for prey, her ears were rotating on high alert, taking in the birdsong around her and the sounds of the wind in the pines.  She could feel the brush of their needles on her pelt; the forest felt dense, which did help some.  

She found a burrow before she found any plants worth looking at.  It was probably too early in the year, which sucked, but she could always talk someone into bringing her back this way once the weather was nicer.  Her stomach growled and she smirked.  No disappointment here.  She started to dig, hoping whatever it was was still inside and didn't have a back exit.  It felt like a small enough hole; she could take it so long as she could reach it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
29 Posts
Ooc —
He made his way back toward his stomping grounds along the coast, taking the scenic route because he had nothing better to do. Yeet wondered if he should’ve tried to hang out with his brother’s lookalike but it just wasn’t the same. Spending time with Yolo’s doppelganger would be like going to Burger King when all you wanted was McDonald’s.

He heard a barely perceptible growl up ahead as he pushed his way through some dense undergrowth. The fox stopped and tilted his head, listening. Now it sounded like someone digging, maybe. Stealthily, Yeet slunk through the underbrush until he spotted a hunched figure.

He spied for a moment before his head popped up and Yeet demanded loudly, “Did you just fart?”
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
What was.... shit!

She heard the fox coming before it arrived and when Yolo came, he'd find her facing him with hackles raised and fangs bared warningly.  She kept an ear to the burrow behind her just in case, but no meal was worth her neck.

The creature was small but she didn't know if it was dangerous still.  Foxes were a mixed bag.  It made a comment, but she kept the snarl up.

Not sure what you're talking about, but keep moving.  she growled.  Normally she might have been more friendly but she was hungry and this was her first chance at a meal (gotten by herself!) in a while.  She wasn't about to let this fox mess it up.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
29 Posts
Ooc —
The wolf whirled toward him with a snarl. Yeet’s ears flicked back but he appeared unfazed otherwise. He was quite used to this sort of reaction from wolves.

“Lady, lady, I’m not judging. Everyone farts!” the fox rejoined. He then paused and asked with mock curiosity, “And what if I don’t?”
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, this fox had nerve, didn't it?  Fennec let her ruff spike up and her annoyance turn the words into a growl in her chest.  If you don't, I might lose this catch, which makes you next best thing.  Your call.

Fennec wasn't confident she could catch the fox, let alone eat it.  She didn't have many moral qualms against trying it, though, if this one wasn't up for heeding warnings.  Wasn't her fault she needed to eat.  The thought occurred to her that she might ask it to dart down the hole and check out whatever was in there instead, but she didn't bring it up.  No promise this fox was trustworthy and it was just as likely to make off with the food as help her out.  Then she'd be out both meals.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
29 Posts
Ooc —
You have my permission to power-play if the urge strikes… >___>

When the wolf’s ruff spiked, Yeet reacted by puffing out his tail like a bottlebrush and standing on his tippy toes to make himself look bigger. He had no clue she couldn’t see him.

“You’d have to catch me first,” he retorted before taunting, “Fartface McGee!”
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, not a problem!

That was the only warning she gave. She wasn't completely sold on actually eating the annoying creature, but it definitely deserved a grab and a shake for the way it was flaunting its lack of respect in her face right now. And it had said enough for her to pretty much pinpoint its position despite her slightly turned posture.... so she lunged, aiming for where she thought it lurked.

She didn't know how large foxes ran. With the sound to guide her, however, her aim ran true. She snapped at the creature's scruff, catching it and giving a small shake before abruptly shoving the fox into the dirt.

That would teach it to underestimate her.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
29 Posts
Ooc —
He had no idea how she moved so quickly, nor did Yeet have a whole lot of time to contemplate it further. All of a sudden, he found himself throttled and shoved into the dirt. So many wolves had wanted to do this very thing to him, few had ever managed. Actually, none had ever gotten a hold of him like this, despite Yeet’s penchant for reckless behavior.

“Uncle, uncle!” he shouted, squirming in an attempt to pull himself free from the wolf’s grasp, even if it meant tearing his head off halfway. At the same time, he balled up and began kicking his hind legs, hoping to catch her in the jaw or throat and force her to release him.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He did, indeed, catch her in the throat. Fennec gagged, her grip slackening for a second, probably enough for him to wriggle out.

She exhaled sharply at the pain in her throat, then lunged again, this time angrily. Instinctually she was lashing out, and she wasn't even sure she was aiming to kill. But the force of the bite, if it landed, would be harder than before. Her self control slipped into a hunter's attack.

Chances were he was out of range. If he wasn't, he was about to regret it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
29 Posts
Ooc —
One of his hind feet connected and her grip relaxed enough to let him wrench free. He wished he could say he hit the ground running, though he collapsed momentarily. It was only for the space of a deep breath or two, but that’s how quickly life could come to an end sometimes.

Her teeth found him again, digging much harder into the base of his skull. In his panic, Yeet screamed, “YOLO!” It would be his last word, as the pressure built and severed something critical between the base of his skull and his spine, the she-wolf yeeting his spirit into the next life as his body went immediately limp.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Next thing she knew, the fox was dead in her jaws.  Fennec stood for a moment, startled, before she let her grip slacken and dropped the now limp creature at her feet.  Had she meant to kill it?  She wasn't sorry, but she also wasn't expecting to feel that level of angry towards it.  One kick and she'd kind of snapped.

Well, shit.  He'd deserved it.  She wasn't about to struggle with her conscious over such an annoying victim and chose to dwell on the positive - that she'd managed to take down a fox pretty damn neatly.  One with a pretty soft pelt from the feel of it.  An idea sprung into her head and she nosed for the nape, then lifted the dead weight once more, dragging it unceremoniously with her as she left the burrow behind.  Lucky for whatever was in it, she'd gotten a different catch - one with a fur potentially worth holding onto.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!