Moonsong Glacier closure
writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
attn: @Ajei
Alright! Enough was enough! Ariadne decided that she would try and get a good day's worth of exploring in. She had prepared some supplies, mainly a snack and some poppy seeds, and wrapped them with a stoat fur. She'd also covered her shoulders in beaver fur; she wasn't used to the cold yet and was often very cold.

Ready as she'd ever be, she hobbled the first few steps away from her temporary den, testing her cast as she slowly walked.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei found herself traveling further from homw as the boys continued on their spirit journeys. Today she found herself going further and feeling colder. She actually wished for one of the wraps moonwoman always kept. Perhaps she should start looking into it. A brown she imagined would look nice against her fur.

It was with surprise she came across one of the older brood of Moonwoman. But she couldn't remember her name. Had only seen her briefly in passing.


Red ears flicked forward. The wind stirring the delicate tufts of fur at her cheeks.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"Hello," said a voice.

Ariadne turned, seeing the young woman from her mother's pack, and she tried to remember her name. She was a pretty, young thing with eyes like emeralds and fur painted in scarlet and pearl. This woman greets you, she said in return as she sniffed the air. I know your face—you are from village Moonglow, yes?
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled at the light of recognition. Perhaps they didn't know ewch others names. But the familiarity of knowing someone. Of distant family if only by proximity spoke more volumes to souls than words often did.

I am. M'names Ajei. I am daughter of Shikoba and Inutsuk. And i apologize, but. a sheepish smile. I don't know your name either.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ah, Ajei. It is nice to put a name to your face, she said. I am Ariadne, daughter of sunman and moonwoman, and member of village Moontide. A cheeky smile spread on her lips, and she glanced around before speaking again.

And future Head of village Moonsong, she revealed; it felt good to say it outloud!
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei listened as the woman spoke. A small wagging of her tail at the mention of Sun Man and Moon Woman. She is mother to my dearest ones, Arrluk and Massaraq. I know Moontide, heart brother Rodyn is Alpha there. I am sorry for you lose Lady Ariadne.

Ears drooped a little. She was sad that this had happened to the family she cared so much for. It wasn't fair, but as Mama said the gods made these plans, not mortals. 

A small trill of delight left her lips. This is fine news. And it has such a pretty sounding name. Ajei's tail wagged then and she looked around. 

Do you need help with anything? I am not the best hunter, but I can try.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ajei named Arrluk and Massaraq her dearest ones, and Ariadne's curiosity piqued. How are they doing? It has been long since I've seen their faces, she said, remembering when they were cubs and wondering how big they were now. They were probably taller than her—that was a weird thought, that they'd grown up so fast when she'd been away.

Although she had enough condolences to last her a lifetime, she took this one with a solemn bob of her head. This woman thanks you, she said quietly, and is grateful sistraa made a safe passage to the dancing lights. She felt her throat tighten and looked away quickly, hoping they could move on to another subject.

When the new topic arose, she relaxed, and the smile returned to her face. Thank you, Ajei. Sedna and Chakluix helped my paws find this land. I was told it is called Moonsong Glacier, so I thought just "Moonsong" would be an excellent name for our village.

Oh, that is very kind, and I would greatly appreciate it, she said. But before you hunt, do you need anything? Food and water for your belly? A den for a quick nap?
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A sadness then and a deep loneliness, for she did not know. They had been gone now for sometime. She knew they would return at least to share their news, but she missed them. Not realizing she had not many friends among the pack lands. And she hated to bother the adults for attention when they had so much to be going on with.

They are on their spirit journeys. So I fear I do not know. They were troubled and soul tired when they left. So I Hope they return happy and livened.

Ajei didn't know this Chaxliux. But it seemed that daughter of moonwoman held him in high esteem. Well then it be blessed yes? And just for you to find. A perfect place for your paws. A smile then of delight, a gentle trill of delightful laughter.

Ajei shook her head. I do not each much and I had some food and water before I came. And I can rest when I am done. I can only catch small prey, but I will do my best. I am a fair fisherlady though.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
They were on their spirit journeys—they were old enough to be on their spirit journeys. Wow, Ariadne exclaimed, too self-absorbed to sense Ajei’s loneliness. I cannot believe they are old enough for that. She tsk’d and shook her head. If you would like, we could make an altar to Sedna for them to ensure a safe return home. She planned to do so as soon as she heard the news, but she figured it didn’t hurt to include their friend. Her help would only strengthen the altar’s power.

She nodded. Yes, my paws were made to walk upon these grounds, she said with unwavering confidence.

Ajei politely declined Ariadne’s offers, and she nodded in response. I can show you the river and lake. It is not too far from here, she said, pointing with her casted paw to the north. Then, if the offer were accepted, she’d begin to lead the way.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a difference to the spirit of Ariadne than of Samani and her brothers. Perhaps they had undergone too much that this one hadn't, she seemed a bit. Well ajei hated to use the word selfish, but she almost was, but ajei also felt perhaps it was just being so struck with her innermost thoughts. Yes that must be it. Surely she wasn't selfish or haughty. Simply distracted.

i would like that. a gentle smile. Agreeable and kind as always.

Ajei would allow the other to set the pace and lead.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne began to lead the way, more confident than before as she walked with her cast.

Tell me about yourself, she said, looking sidelong at the young woman who had come to visit, the one who cared about her younger brothers.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ariadne seemed to be doing well with the wrap around her paw. Ajei realized she had probably broken something, but it felt impolite to ask. And truthfully, she may have been told a time or two what was going on and it just sort of slipped her mind. That happened on occasion, though she usually tried to remember as best she could.

Ajei was surprised and then  unsure how to answer. What was there to tell about her really? She never had truly thought on it. But she began slowly.

I enjoy being near home. I do not travel often, though I am trying to venture out at least a little more. I enjoy riversong and forestdreams. I try and be as helpful as I can with everyone. And I prefer to help rather than hinder.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Forestdreams? Ariadne asked, intrigued. What are those?
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
oh a small blush. She didn't know how to explain, but she would try.

Well. she licked her lips gently. You know how qhen you listen close to the river and it sounds like talking? The forest is alive in its silence. You have noises, but it is so firm in it's quiet that sometimes you could lay there for hours and dream day or night.  The same thing happens to meadows, but it is a different quiet.

Ajei scuffed her toe. She held deep reverqnce for forests and rivers. All wild lands really.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Oh, the moonwoman reclaimed, now understanding.Yes—I know what you mean. That is lovely. It was a reminder that she should slow down and listen to the music that Sedna and Tatoogea offered.

And you are very lovely, Ajei, she complimented. The world would be much better with more of you around.

They could now hear the river in the distance, and Ariadne craned her head to look at it through the tangle of woods. We are almost there, she reported.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew that her likes lied in a different vein than most  and a lot of young wolves rushed into things. She was simply not huilt this way no matter how sometimes she wished she were.

A small smile. Oh, thank you. I try to be good and help.

Ears perked atcthe sound. It sounds beauitful.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
It is beautiful, she confirmed.

Leading them the rest of the way, Ariadne weaved through the forest until they breached the tree line and stood upon the river's shore. She turned to Ajei, smiling and wondering what she made of it. Is it what you thought it'd be? she asked. It is plentiful with fish from what I've been told—but you might be a better judge of that.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei studied the fast movie river and smil3d. It was probably abundant with fish, but it was quick quick and she could feel the coolness wafting off of it.

She stuck a paw in the nearest water and giggled softly.

It looks full but it is fast. We will need a spot like that. She pointed where there was a bend and a small lull in the activity of the river.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne knew just the place. Ah, I see—I know where it is slower. Near the mouth of the river that feeds into the lake, she pointed westward, through the tangle of trees and downhill. It will not take long, and I will quicken my pace so that we can get there faster! The walk would take less than five minutes, and she worked hard to be quicker than that. Daylight was precious now that the sun set sooner, and she understood if Ajei had other places to go before sundown.

When they arrived, Ariadne plopped onto her haunches and panted through a smile. Tada! she revealed, waving her arm to draw attention to the calmer waters.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei followed at a trot behind. She hadn't meant for the poor woman to push herself for fishing. She could stay here for the night and return home in the morning. Her mother didn't worry too often if she was gone for a day or two.

Ajei smiled and quickly pushed into the water. Red fur against river of blue. She shivered once at the first onslaught of cold, but quickly adapted. Then she watched with careful green eyes and delicate muzzle surged forward to grasp the nearby fish, large and hearty she gripped it tight and pulled her head from deep within. Biting into the flesh it's death throes slowing.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne sat on the shore once Ajei had waded into the waters. Although she was concerned about how cold it was—she didn't want her getting sick!—she had to remind herself that she knew what she was doing. The young fisher wasn't in position long before she grabbed for her prey, and the village's Head watched in silenced awe.

When it was dead, Ariadne couldn't help but cheer. What she'd done was impressive! Aya! What good work! she praised. You will have to teach me once the snow melts! You are very good!
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei wouldn't stay among th3 cold long. Ahe would gish remove herself warm and head bwck in. It was easier and it stilled the water for a time.

A bashful amile lit up her face. Sun Man and Arrluk are much better than me.

She only did what she had been taught.
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne tsk'd Ajei and shook her head. Sunman and Arrluk have been fishing longer than you, she corrected her friend. I'm not sure they were as good as you when they started fishing. She didn't like self-deprecating talk; it did nothing to benefit the speaker and hindered them.

You are doing great, she assured her.
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei blinked. She hadn't meant that she couldn't do it or that she was envious. She mwrely wanted to show they were great and if ariadne needed they could help too. 

A small smile. She had learned quick enough. 

Thank you. Now i should really start home. May I help you back to where you sleep?
writing letters addressed to the fire
728 Posts
Ooc — Chan
That would be great, thanks! with that agreed upon, Ajei and Ariadne made their way back to her den. When she was settled in, the other wolf left to return home to Moonglow.