Stone Circle Entertain me
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Arlette had been waiting for her friend to show up at the border. However, that hadn't happened yet. She wasn't too bummed out yet though. She believed in Indra's promise. After all, a promise is a promise. Arlette would just have to entertain herself while waiting for the friend. She wondered what she could do at this time of day. It was lightly snowing, but it didn't feel cold. Probably because her fur was getting thicker. She noticed also that the snow was the color of her fur. Maybe she should try to do some stalking. Her fur had no pigment, just like the snows.

The girl's eye fell on the bison out on the fields. Her sister Steph had warned her, and she had seen Vespera being kicked by one. So she rather not stalk those. The girl looked around, not seeing anything interesting to stalk. She planted her butt down in the snow and looked around. Then she send up a howl. She was bored. Maybe someone wanted to play with her.

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Ira would answer the call of the small wolf. She did not recognize the howl, but it suggested the owner was younger...much younger, so she was not surprised to see one of the alpha's pups sitting in the snow. The stone wolf raised an eyebrow at the pup who was looking very unamused. Do you require assistance?

Ira had the feeling that whatever the white pup called for was not some urgent situation, especially since she looked unharmed, and there were no real duties that she would have to give. Nevertheless, she would stick around. She had never talked to the young pup before, only her brother, but she recalled seeing the white splotch in the distance during the bison hunt.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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It didn't take long for her howl to be responded to. Arlette watched a shape come closer. She expected her mother to respond to her but to her surprise it was Ira. She knew the wolf by name but she had not interacted with the female that much. She always looked mad so Arlette always felt that she was doing something wrong in her eyes. The girl quickly let her frown slide and looked up with big eyes as the female approached. She crouched a bit lower. The young one was 6 months old today, and although she did a lot of growing, she wouldn't never rival Merrit in size.

"Umm... no," she spoke softly, ducking her head. Was this female going to disapprove of her? Arlette hoped not 'cause she wanted to do things right. She was just a bit bored and wanted something to do. Has her howl sounded like she was in trouble? She hadn't thought so. "I just wanted to play with someone," she admitted. "Something to do." She was really missing her friend Nuna after all.

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The grey wolf watched as Arlette sunk closer to the ground, although she did not appear to be upset. In fact, she looked more concerned or appologetic. Perhaps she had noticed she was giving off more of an aggressive vibe to the young pup. I see...well I'm already here, was there something specific you wanted to do? Ira did not usually use free time for relaxing or playing, but she did not want to disappoint the white pup. If she wanted entertainment, Ira could spare some time to find a way to please her.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette noticed that the other female wasn't mad at her. The girl was rather relieved. The other even offered to spend some time with her. Arlette gently wagged her tail. Arlette's red eyes looked around the scenery for something to do. She was not sure she wanted to do. Then her eyes fell on the slope leading up to the stones. She remembered sliding of it, when it was all muddy, but perhaps it would work with the snows as well?

"You wanna slide of the slope with me?," she asked when pointing her muzzle towards the stones at the top of the small hill. Arlette hoped she would say yes. Maybe this Ira was fun to hang out after all! She would definitely get some bonus points in Arlette's handbook if she would do this with her.

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While the small pup thought, Ira was getting a good look at her. She did not seem to have a lot of coloring that matched with her siblings or parents...she had no coloring at all! The pink around her face and paws suggested she was probably lacking pigment, something Ira has only seen a couple times. Perhaps someone else in the family carried the same trait?

She was snapped back to the conversation as Arlette pointed to the freshly covered hills. Sure snow was slippery, but she wasn't sure if the amount would be enough to make the heavy wolf slide. On top of it, the activity sounded like a good way for her coat to end up dirty, but she had agreed to playing with the pup. Cleaning herself shouldn't be an issue so she just gave a small nod. I suppose we can try that, although you may have a better shot at sliding than me. Then again if they were on something...

Ira glanced around looking for something that might work. A large piece of bark or a broken hollowed log, anything big and relatively flat. Do you happen to know where we could get a large structure, relatively flat? It would provide a better surface for sliding.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette tipped her head as the female didn't say yes or no. What did 'suppose so' mean? She squinted her eyes suspiciously. Then the female spoke about more complicated words. Arlette wasn't sure what the female meant. "Umm. My own belly?," she spoke as a guess. "I usually slide down on my belly," she explained. She didn't understand that the other female might not side so well. Then again, last time she slid down that hill it was super muddy, and she had been looking like her sister Keen.

Arlette didn't want to make things too complicated. "Well can we just try it on our bellies?," she suggested and then trotted over to the slope. She looked down and then flopped on her belly. She looked over her shoulder if the female was going to join her or not.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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The tall wolfess pinned her ears back as the white pup headed for the hill. It appeared to Ira that she was set on her ways with sliding down the hill, and she was not a huge fan of her methods. However, she did not want to disappoint Arlette so she would hesitantly follow behind her. 

Ira still thought back to the albino's response. It didn't really make sense, but there was a chance she misunderstood her words. To be honest, she wasn't the most aware of how much the pup knew and her words could be a bit too formal. After reaching the top of the hill she would try one last effort to change Arlette's mind. We could-- or there might be a.... better solution. Something that slides better or faster? She wouldn't stop the pup if she went ahead anyway, but her eyes were scanning around for something to make her slide. There was a good amount of snow on the ground, but she was skeptical about her own abilities to go down on her own.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette noticed how hesitant the female was when going after her. Her curious red eyes followed the female until she was standing next to her on top of the hill. Once again tried to convince her that there might be something better to slide with. The girl looked at the freshly powdered hill and wasn't really convinced. "We can try to slide on our bellies but if it doesn't work then we can find something else?," Arlette suggested. "Why not try the easy way first?"

Before sliding on her belly went just fine. She flopped down on her belly and kicked with her front legs. She easily pushed herself off the slope. It felt cold against her belly but it was still fun to slide down. And boy, did she slide! "Wheeeee!!!!" she called out when sliding down. Though way too soon her momentum went away, since the snow gathered between her stretched out front paws. She was close to being all the way down the slope though. She pushed up to her feet and shook out her coat. She looked up wondering if Ira was going to slide down as well.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Ira's orange eyes fixed on the pup. In a way, Arlette was not wrong. It would be less work to just go with it and see if everything worked out. She would demonstrate that same thinking as she took off sliding about halfway down the hill before slowing to a stop. She had to give the kid credit, even if she was not fully convinced, she would give in to the pups thinking. What was the worst that could happen after all?

The stone colored pelt would back up, possibly out of view to Arlette, but only for a short moment. She had seen the pile of snow that gathered around the white pup slowing her down, and it was possible with enough speed and a different approach that she could improve her method. Soon she would push forward with a few fast strides and tuck her front paws to slide down the hill in almost a torpedo fashion (although not as fast). Thanks to her running headstart, Ira would slide a bit further down the hill than where the white wolf had stopped. Unfortunately, since she did not have the shield of her paws, snow would be hitting her face and by the time she stopped there would be a small pile atop her head when she turned to look back at the pup. 

Ira pushed herself up and shook the snow off of herself before turning up the hill to head towards the pup giving her a small pat with the side of her leg as she passed. She had been rather pleased by her distance even if she was going to be cold and wet later, but she had to admit the rush was a bit fun, even for the hardworking wolf. Beat that~ Her usual stone face held the hint of a grin and if Arlette was looking she might even catch a quick wink.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Arlette watched as the female vanished. She turned to see the slope better. Moments later the grey female dove down the slope with her paws tucked in. She went down the hill fast. Arlette looked at her in amazement, she didn't think that she would do it. Ira went even further down the slope than she did. The girl laughed seeing the snow on top of Ira's head. Arlette wanted to try again and already ran up the slope to try it.

Ira caught up with her though and challenged her to beat her score. Arlette instantly got motivated to slide further. She did catch the grin and smiled determinedly. The place female also stepped back and then ran forward to jump forward. She tugged her paws under her as well and then slid down the slope much faster. However, the young female just barely passed where Ira stopped last time. Arlette didn't have her weight with her. "Close!!!" she called out. She was proud that she at least gotten further, even though she was covered in snow.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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The tall female shook off her paws as she approached the top. Arlette was quick to accept her challenge and already flinging her small body towards the hill again. The ball of white fur speeding down the hill along side the snow made it hard to keep track of the pup aside from the trail she left behind and the snow that was kicked up out of her path. Seeing her more certain and excited relieved Ira as the air of awkwardness was lifted from the activity.

Once Arlette slowed to a stop, just past her mark, Ira moved back ready to speed down the same way as before. A fast headstart, paws tucked, and the cold spray of snow as she slid down and past her mark. This time around she had really broken into a run before diving down the hill and it showed improvement as she easily slid towards the base of the hill.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Arlette giggled as she saw the female slide at amazing speed past her. The girl jumped over towards where Ira stopped, far past the base of the hill. "You are so good at this! Teach me!" However, Arlette didn't know it was just the weight she didn't have that made Ira go faster. She trotted close to the female and looked excited.

"It is fun, isn't it?,' she asked. Arlette was definitely getting a better view of the female she found bit scary before. Ira wasn't that scary at all! She just smiled less than her mother and the others around her. Often she was met with smiling faces.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Ira waited for the white pup to catch up before standing, shaking the snow from her fur and probably onto the shorter wolf. She reached over and wiped some snow off of Arlette's head ruffling her fur a bit in the process. It's a lot more than technique, kiddo. Although if you want to go farther the only thing you can do right now is build up more speed before you slide.

She looked down at the younger wolf, her excitement and sparkle in her eyes were almost infectious as she allowed a coy smile to cross her face. It can be a little fun though, yes.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette looked up to the female as she started to talk. She didn't even mind that the snow had landed on top of her head and back after the female shook out her coat. The youngster allowed the other female to lick it off. She was used to adults fussing over her. Her mother was an expert at that. She had learned to just accept it otherwise it would only take longer.

She nodded determinedly. "More speed," she repeated with a nod. She was not sure if she could do that as she had been running her fastest before! But she would try. Arlette grinned back at her when the female admitted that this had been fun. Arlette already knew this but it was nice to have it be confirmed. "Ok! I will try again," she decided and then ran back up the hill.

The child took a longer path and tried to sprint at her fastest before jumping and landing on her belly. The landing was a bit painful but she went extremely fast. She could feel her eyes tear up because of the cold winds that rushed against them. She squeaked in excitement, exhausted as she came to a stop. Her sprint and trying to 'steer' down the hill took a lot out of her.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Ira waited at the base of the hill this time as the young pup headed up using her newfound advice to slide further. She did go a lot faster this time, but the poor thing looked spent by the time she came to a stop. You know there might be an easier way to make you slide. You just need more weight. finding a way to tie rocks to Arlette wasn't really a solution let alone safe, but if there was a way to give her some weight or something heavy to slide on she could potentially go further. Sadly I don't know any good ways to do that safely. You might just have to wait until you are older or find a bigger hill.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Arlette turned her head when the female spoke. She needed to be bigger but--- She looked at the female with big eyes. She had been always small. She had been the runt of the litter and it had been clear from the beginning that she had been smaller than her female. The smile faded from her face and turned a bit sad. "I won't be big," she spoke to the female with a frown. She was small and she didn't look like her siblings.

She looked at Ira. "Its okay. I think a wolf doesn't need a lot of sliding skills I guess," she spoke. Her mother had explained her about traits and that she should pick something she liked. But how did she know what she liked. "What trades do you have?," she asked curiously.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Watching the happy light leave the younger wolf's eyes caused a frown to form over Ira's maw. She mentioned that she would not be big, and sure she was a smaller wolf, but she was still young, there was still time. Its true sliding was not very important, in fact, she could not really think of an instance where it would prove useful. It was a pup time activity. Yet, Ira still did not want to disappoint the white pup. You can't say that. There's still plenty of time for you to grow.

Ira sat back on her haunches. It seemed like they were done sliding for the meantime and she welcomed the company of the pup. Her usual urge to work and roam the edges of the territory temporarily quelled. The mountain wolf's tail dusted the snow behind her as she thought about her current goals, I specialize in fighting, although my interests in the areas and packs that surround us are leading me towards a scout trade as well. I'm not sure what I will do with that skill, but ambassador sounds nice. I think I would find more reward in running important information for your mother and the pack.

She glanced down at the younger wolf now realizing she might not understand everything she just said, but she could always clarify if she had questions. Have you thought about something you want to specialize in?
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette wondered if she should believe the other. The female liked to think that she was still going to grow but she might not. She didn't mind to be small but if it proved to be so valuable with sliding she might want to be bigger. Maybe she should eat more! That might be able to work. Then Ira started to explain what she did for the pack. She focussed on fighting it seemed, no wonder she was scary. Then she continued about being a scout and giving messages to other packs. That sounded interesting.

Arlette shook her head when the other asked her about if she thought about any trades. She had not and she was kind of clueless what she wanted. She didn't like hunting as much as her mother. She did like the exploring idea. She disliked fighting but what else was there? "I don't know what fits me," she admitted. "Maybe scout too, then I could give messages to my friend Nuna!" She did like that idea. "What else is there?"
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Yes, scout would be good for keeping connections. They are known for traveling often too so I'm sure you could visit your friend often, especially if she is in an allied pack. Ira tilted her head in thought before looking up to the sky. Well-- anything you can imagine really. Some wolves like nature a lot and learn about the sky or plants. Some use herb knowlege to heal allies. True it seems like most wolves focus on hunting, fighting, or scouting, but there were still several other options. She turned her attention back to the pup. Maybe she would end up like her mother and become a hunter? If she remains small she might struggle with larger creatures, but she could always specialize in small game.

Hunting and defense are quite common since they stand for grounds of survival, but there are some unique trades out there. What are some things you enjoy? When it came down to it, she really did not know Arlette. If she learned a bit more about her interests and hobbies perhaps she could help narrow down some paths for her to look into. Even if she does not like her advice, she had plenty of time to figure out what she wants to do.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette slowly nodded. She liked the idea of bringing messages to others and visiting friends. But she could also image that it was lonely, traveling alone. The female was not sure if she liked that. She never really left the territory by herself. Arlette nodded. "Nuna is in Lost Creek Hollow!," she spoke. "And before in Bearclaw!" What she didn't know was that her friend was actually her cousin.

Arlette opened her mouth. "Oh! I like to help others!!," she spoke enthusiastically. "So I can help others with herbs? But from who would I learn this?" she asked with a frown. She didn't know anyone who knew about herbs. "Hunting is difficult," she frowned. "And I always have to follow mommy's lessons," she groaned. She did enjoy hunting, more than her brother it seemed. But, it was just hard to focus and think of so many things. She wasn't like her big sister Steph or her mother.

"Um.. I like to play!!! I like hide and seek! And the chase. I like running and sliding off the hill. Umm.. Exploring! And umm..," she thought out loud. "I like to help others. I like my family a lot and I want to have many friends like Nuna."
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Ira fell silent as she listened to the young pup babble on excitedly. Most of her interests didn't really translate to the adult world, but there were some things she could work with. Herbs or your words, yes. We have alliances, perhaps one of our allies has a healer you can learn from? Wolves often need someone to talk to as well, so you could be there for them as emotional support. Healing would take a lot of discapline though and a strong attention span. Not to mention nerves of steel. Looking at serious injuries can be hard for some.

If you like exploring, you might want to really consider looking into being a scout. There's different branches of specialties you could do with that trade. If your mom allowed, maybe I could take you out some time? Perhaps we could visit this friend of yours. Their focus would have to be more on the pack of course, but since Nuna is with an ally pack, Ira would be able to check in with them and set an example of the field's work for Arlette. Additionally, before they leave Arlette could spend some time with her friend. A win win situation if it was a trade the white pup was interested in.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette listened quietly and then slowly nodded. She liked to help others and make them feel better so perhaps she could offer them emotional support. Arlette liked that idea. "I like that idea. I like to help others. To be someone to talk to," she spoke with a smile. "I'm not sure about herbs. I will ask Nuna if she knows someone that can teach me," she decided.

Arlette's eyes almost out of her socket in excitement. "I wanna!!!,' she grinned. It sounded exciting to go with Ira outside of the pack's borders. "I am going to ask mother if we can go one time," she spoke determinedly. "I'm sure she will agree. She rarely says no!," Arlette smirked.
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Arlette mentioned speaking to her friend about finding a healer. It was certainly one way to reach out if she was interested. There was a chance her mother might know off the top of her head if any allied packs had one too, but she would let the pup figure it out on her own. It showed initiative and would help her learn to deal with her own problems.

She watched as the young girl's eyes lit up. Ira was taken aback by her eagerness to join her on a trip out. She was not really expecting a no, but the mountain wolf was pleased that Arlette had this much enthusiasm to spend time with her and explore a trade. Perhaps she really would make a nice scout one day? Ira gave a nod as she sat back on her haunches, That sounds good, why don't you go ask her then? Perhaps she will have a task for us soon?
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
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Arlette nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I will,' she spoke and jumped to her feet. She was eager to ask her mother. She was quite certain that she would allow her to go with Ira. Then again, sometimes her mother had a way of saying no. She was quite busy with Greyback lately so maybe her mother wouldn't even notice if she would join Ira on one of her trips.

"Thank you for sliding with me and helping me with picking a trade," Arlette beamed. She stepped closer to Ira and snuggled briefly against her chest as her way of hugging the other. Then she turned on her heels and rushed off to find her mother, wherever she might be.

- end -