@Minnow I caved! xD
as she howls for @Valette, she is struck dimly by how long it's been since she's stood here. at all that had come to pass in the meantime; how she'd changed, and remained stagnant. the woman is travelworn, and resignation sit heavy on her shoulders. first Aditya, and her children, and then her brother and his entire pack had seemingly vanished from her life. again and again, her mind returned to the curse. she had promised herself she would not be the kind of mother who left their children, their family, and yet no matter how desperately she had tried to cling to them, they'd vanished and left behind only blood and faded scents. the borders bear no familiar scents, and still she hopes that Sunny may have come this way, if only to pass through, and in the most positive of circumstances, left behind some message. and yet she braces for disappointment, resignation carved into her features as she waits.
December 09, 2019, 03:37 PM
She had been sulking lately; wondering what she could of done differently so that her family would of stayed by her side. She worried about her brothers and her dad. But they were gone and she was starting to think that it was all her fault. She always disappeared either because of her own fault or because of the earth.
She heard a howl come from the borders and something deep in her bones made her want to go check it out. She saw a grey wolf at the borders and at first thought it was her dad so she ran as fast as she could stopping in front of the wolf and she realized it wasn't him. She almost frowned until she recognized the wolf in front of her. "Auntie dawn?" She questioned just to make sure.
She heard a howl come from the borders and something deep in her bones made her want to go check it out. She saw a grey wolf at the borders and at first thought it was her dad so she ran as fast as she could stopping in front of the wolf and she realized it wasn't him. She almost frowned until she recognized the wolf in front of her. "Auntie dawn?" She questioned just to make sure.
December 09, 2019, 03:44 PM
it is not valette that greats her first, but a pale slip of a wolf that it takes her a moment to identify. "minnow!" she called, sharp relief and surprise undercutting her exhaustion. she lowers her muzzle to the girl's height, weary smile alighting on her maw. "it's me." she moves to great the girl warmly, pulling her into the equivalent of a wolfy hug and slinging her head across the girl's thin shoulders, tail wafting at her hocks.
"I was so worried about you! how're your dad, your siblings?" she asks, realizing only a moment too late that their scents are absent from her pelt. immediately, her mind wanders to the worst, and she remains close to the girl as she waits for an answer, not wanting to withdraw after only just finding her.
"I was so worried about you! how're your dad, your siblings?" she asks, realizing only a moment too late that their scents are absent from her pelt. immediately, her mind wanders to the worst, and she remains close to the girl as she waits for an answer, not wanting to withdraw after only just finding her.
December 09, 2019, 03:49 PM
The woman confirmed who she was and Minnow was happy to have somebody she knew near. It had been so long but once she asked about her family; the young wolf sulked and started to whimper softly. "I...i don't know." She started off. "I came here thinking they were here but they weren't. We got separated when the shaking got worse; trees started falling and rocks. I..I ran.."
December 09, 2019, 04:00 PM
"it's alright," she soothed, planting a kiss on the girl's forehead before withdrawing slightly. "I found you here—it's only a matter of time before they will, too. they'll never stop looking for you." she still did, in every sun-furred wolf she passed, in every young, earth-toned yearling. they'd be two seasons old, now.
"I'll stay here, with you." it had not been her intent to remain, but a single niece is infinitely better than chasing shadows. "does Valette still lead?"
"I'll stay here, with you." it had not been her intent to remain, but a single niece is infinitely better than chasing shadows. "does Valette still lead?"
December 09, 2019, 04:09 PM
It had been a while since she had felt any type of affection from anyone. She felt better and thought of her question. "I believe she does; when I came her mate answered my call." She stated breiftly. When she said she'd stay she got immediately happy.
December 10, 2019, 03:14 PM
Valette made her way to the border. She had found some tracks and with their dire need for prey she had to follow it. The howl had been heard but she needed to check where the tracks lead. The female was thinner than she had ever been, even after nursing four pups she had been fuller so Valette was especially keen on getting fat on her bones.
When the tracks went dead a their river Valette turned to answer the call, or see if Greyback had answered. When she saw that there wasn't any Greyback she trotted further and up to the two females. She realized she knew the stranger. It was Dawn. "Dawn!," she greeted and stopped before her next to Minnow. "Also looking for Sunny?" Minnow also had been looking for him. It was concerning since she thought Steph would be with Sunny, and if Sunny was missing.... She tried not to think of that...
When the tracks went dead a their river Valette turned to answer the call, or see if Greyback had answered. When she saw that there wasn't any Greyback she trotted further and up to the two females. She realized she knew the stranger. It was Dawn. "Dawn!," she greeted and stopped before her next to Minnow. "Also looking for Sunny?" Minnow also had been looking for him. It was concerning since she thought Steph would be with Sunny, and if Sunny was missing.... She tried not to think of that...

December 11, 2019, 03:36 AM
"valette," she greets the leader with a small smile. there is some reassurance in her presence; despite all the change and upheaval, she remains steadfast as leader of Easthollow. perhaps it is time to stop searching entirely, she muses a moment.
"I am. but if you have space in your ranks, I would like to join you—my brother would want for me to stay with his daughter." as would she, for she could not imagine leaving the girl here, without any of her family, while she went off searching for ghosts. she certainly could convince the girl to follow her in her search, but would not do that to her niece, not when their chances of finding them remained slim, and winter was well on it's way.
"I am. but if you have space in your ranks, I would like to join you—my brother would want for me to stay with his daughter." as would she, for she could not imagine leaving the girl here, without any of her family, while she went off searching for ghosts. she certainly could convince the girl to follow her in her search, but would not do that to her niece, not when their chances of finding them remained slim, and winter was well on it's way.
December 12, 2019, 02:51 PM
Permission to skip Minnow.
Valette dipped her head at Dawn when she greeted her. It was good to see the female. Lots had happened and for a while Valette remembered that she had been assumed dead. She was glad that it hadn't been the case for her. "We do have space, more than enough after the earthquakes," she admitted. "Of course you are welcome to join the ranks. Sunny and You are like family, let me know when you want to go out looking for him," she spoke with a nod to her.
She hoped that they would find Sunny, perhaps Steph was with him as well. She knew the two liked each other. She was worried for her eldest daughter. Valette quirked up her lips. "It will be good for Minnow to have her aunt around," she smiled at the smallest of the group.

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