Grouse Thicket It's easier with two
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Takes place right after [size=small]this thread! <3[/size]

[size=small]      Holly had been leading @Fennec for a while before she had finally caught a scent. "Hey... do you smell that?" she questioned. She couldn't tell what it was just yet, but if Fennec did she was completely welcome to enlighten her. Hoping to catch a better whiff of it, Holly lowered her nose closer to the ground and slowed. Holly suddenly became aware of her surroundings in every way. Padding almost completely silently Holly set herself to following the trail. Fennec hopefully still beside her.[/size]
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I'm going to backdate this a whole ton ;) if that's alright

Yeah.  Fennec paid close attention to the wolf as she traveled beside her, taking care not to bump or cross paths as they walked.  Holly kept up a good pace, but fortunately the blind girl was used to keeping up.  The place was thick with undergrowth, but she barely stumbled.

Birds? she asked, keeping her voice low.  It smelled dusty and feathery, but she only had the scent to tell her.  Nothing had made any noise worth noting and she couldn't see to confirm.  If it was that, then she'd have to think about how she wanted to help here.  Birds were fast and hard to detect because they were there and gone so fast.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Birds. Now that the woman mentioned it, that sounded about right. "Yeah... think so" she admitted with a hushed voice. Birds could be easy to scare, silence was one of the most important factors in if you got the kill or not. "Sight problems right? Would it be easier to catch 'em if they made sound?" Holly questioned the wolf. Still keeping her voice low, of course. Birds were some of the most difficult to catch. They were all over the place in milliseconds.

      Maybe if Fennec could catch one as it was flying? Sudden flapping makes a ton of noise, it could just lead to the precious winged creatures doom. Holly kept her muzzle to the ground, the scent flooding her nostrils. As they continued following the trail, Holly proceeded to look up every now and then to make sure they hadn't stumbled upon the winged creatures she so desired to catch.

      After a bit of searching, Holly glanced up to see three ravens paused atop the blanket of snow. "Shhh" she whispered as she reached the holding spot of three fresh meals. Quietly searching around for the best way to attack and succeed, she glanced over to the wolf she had not checked on lately to make sure she was still with her.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They always do, she replied, matter of factly.  It was true.  Birds were some of the noisier prey they hunted, but the problem was, by the time the noise started they were already gone.  

Maybe, if you can, just where and how far.  She added quietly as they moved, together, through the dense brush.  She took care not to make too much noise but there was only so much she could do while still keeping up.

The instant Holly shushed her Fennec froze and her ears twisted to try and catch any sign of the birds.  Hopefully her newfound friend would find a way to give her a cue - if not, she'd just need to hope she was fast enough to sort it out on the "fly".
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Fennec was right, birds were of the noisy sorts. Holly spent a few seconds gathering her thoughts, tossing her ideas from one side of her brain to the other. What if Fennec made a slight sound, drawing the foul's attention from Holly to her. Then Holly could attack when they were distracted. That could work. So, Holly explained her quick and unorganized to her acquaintance in a hushed voice. 

      "Think it would work?" she asked her friend. Her "plan" (if you could even call it that) was quite a mess that she had just thrown together extremely fast. But right now, it was the best she had. Holly glanced at her company once more before turning her gaze back to the feathered creatures, searching for some better way of attack.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
So the plan was she just made noise, and the other girl did all the rest?  Fennec bit her lip, a little insulted, but nodded.  Yeah, sure, fine.  If she thought she might mess it up then they could try it.  She couldn't very well offer up a better solution, not outside her previous suggestion of Holly telling her where the birds were to pounce them herself.

I'll make a noise after I count down from ten, Fennec said quietly, then waited for a confirmation.  That would give Holly a little time to get into place before the signal went off, but it also meant she didn't need to let her know.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
So she agreed, great. "There's one in front of you, if you jump a little to the left you'll get it," Holly stated when she went to walk through the dense brush. Moving around to position herself for attack. Making sure that her movements were silent she got poised behind a raven standing a little too close to the underbrush.

       Holly would let Fennec make a sound, Holly would attack, and then Fennec could jump in if she wanted too. Or, they could both jump out at the same time, it just depended pon Fennec's timing. Waiting for Fennec's distraction Holly steadied her vision on her chosen prey, prepared.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The last part she accepted silently, nodding.  A little to the left was vague, but it at least gave her something to try.  She shifted, but was careful not to step and make noise, as she counted silently down.

3.... 2.... 1....

When she got there, Fennec let out a massive screech.  She'd thought maybe she might bark, but nah, screaming was way more fun and way more upsetting to anyone who might hear it.  

As soon as she loosed her terrible war cry, she leapt blindly for the bird that was apparently in front of her, snapping at the space that made sense.  Snagged!!

She snapped down on the unfortunate avian's midsection and bit down hard, ignoring the wings that beat her face as she crushed it to death.  It was a terrible way for the poor thing to die, but she was too afraid to finish it cleanly for fear of letting the bird escape.  If she let go she'd never find it.

rolled for it and got 19/20
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
The screech her newfound friend let slice the wind was alarming, to say the least. But it did the job well. The piercing noise was enough to distract the birds. As soon as the scream was released Holly burst out of the brush quickly, leaping to catch the confused fowl she so desired. 

      With speedy movements, Holly caught a raven. Not the one she first set her eyes upon, but another further towards the middle. The bird flapped its wings, struggling to break free of her new captor, but Holly kept a firm grip as she bit the Raven's neck. Successfully killing the bird, she released her hold and glanced up to see Fennec had done the same. 

      Holly smiled, though she knew the other wolf could not see her. "I got one too" she called over to her blind company. Not knowing if Fennec had known from the flapping of wings or not she willed her voice to keep a steady, neutral level. Grabbing her kill, Holly strolled back over to Fennec, satisfied with the hunting session that had just occurred. 

 Rolled for it and got 18/20
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
With the satisfaction of the successful kill and the thrill of the hunt still singing in her veins, Fennec forgot all about her slight dislike of the girl before.  Now she wondered if this was what it was like to kinda have a friend? Maybe.

Yeah!  Either these were some stupid birds or we are amazing, and I like the second one better. Fennec responded as Holly came over to join her.  Birds really are stupid though, aren't they?  She felt like the one she jumped on had just kinda flown into her teeth.

It would be better to eat here than try and take it home, and it wasn't enough to share.  She sat down and prepared to tuck in.  You wanna eat here too? she asked, trying to sound indifferent.  Really she'd like it; having food on her own made her feel a little nervous.

if you like we can wrap this, I super enjoyed it!! They'll have to run across each other again sometime!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Alright! I may do one more post after this one. I will make sure Holly comes by again! <3

      Holly giggled at the wolf's sudden change in mood and wondered how much this kind of thing happened to her. "Oh! They're more than stupid" Holly mused when she got to the spot where her friend was now getting comfortable. "Sounds good!" she said, settling a few feet beside Fennec and dropped her kill.

      When she got cozy, Holly began to dig into the bird she acquired just a few minutes before. A few bites in Holly glanced at her company and noticed a little nervousness had blanketed her composure. Worried she had done something wrong she began to speak, "What's wrong Fennec?" Holly inquired. Testing the newfound syllables on top her tongue.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
At first Fennec was a little confused by the question, which seemed to come out of nowhere.  Nothing? she replied, pausing in her eating momentarily before continuing.  She wasn't sure what Holly was referring to.  I'll have to go home after this, but I remember how to get back.  She had marked the directions, and she wasn't overly nervous about finding her way.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya
Let's just say the answer was not what she had expected. Nothing did not answer for why the wolf looked so nervous. But she didn't wanna seem too pushy so she shook it off with nod of her head and responded. "You just looked nervous was all" Holly said shooting the wolf another sideways glance. 

      "Didn't wanna startle you and make you choke on food, much harder to fix than water" she mused, thinking back to the lake. After she got the sentence out, she couldn't help herself and gave off a stifled chuckle. She thought it was funny at least.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
thanks for the thread! <3

Oh, guess I wouldn't know, she replied with a small snicker at her own expense.  She never minded cracking a joke at her blindness herself.

She did like the morbid humor of the other girl's joke too, and laughed at it also.  Then she stood.  See you around, Holly.  With a little grin at her own joke, she set off back in the direction of Firebirds.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
67 Posts
Ooc — Kaiya

      Smiling at the woman's repartee and glad her other joke was a success, Holly stood just before Fennec. The wolf had said her goodbye, and Holly waited before she was at the brush before beginning her farewell. "Until next time Fennec" the lady responded with the same smile she had when the two had caught the birds. 

      "And wait 'till the next time we meet to choke! It was quite the entrance!" she shouted with a giggle, unsure if the woman had heard or not. Then turning, she headed off in a direction of her own, with no clue where she was headed, but no worry either.
Smile. It looks good on you. Yes I stole this from Pinterest.