Duskfire Glacier iqaluk

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
Having spent a few days patrolling the herds, Kigipigak was given time to rest and recuperate.

He switched positions with another Moonglow hunter and was told, quite frankly, to get some sleep and a bite to eat. For the sake of the hunts to come, it was advised that he find something easy and mild to eat - and so he sought out some of the meltwater of the river for a drink, and lingered long enough to grab a fish from the shallows.

It was nothing special. A small thing compared to the giant salmon of the seaside, or arctic char from his childhood village. He carried it in a haze, having overworked himself of late, and found a spot of sunlight to bask beneath while he plucked scales from the belly of the fish.

Kigipigak did not yet realize he had crossed in to the heart of Duskfire, which was open to the visitors such as himself, but had he known he would have been more polite about it. Oh well; the fish was occupying his mind entirely.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The scent of Moonglow dwelled on the outside of their glacier territory. As Issorartuyok returned to his patrols, he had found that their fragrance was a comfort. It would mean that their lands were protected twofold. It also gave him the peace of knowing that the Moonwoman was close. He had thought of her often in the days since they had met. His intention had always been to return to her home and share his news with her.

The man had finished a patrol and was moving inward to the heart of the terrain. His eyes followed the trail of another wolf, one who carried the scent of the moon wolves. Issorartuyok followed it until he had arrived at the scene of another figure who smelled strongly of fish. The northerner lifted his head high and barked a greeting.

You are with the Moonwoman, yes? Issorartuyok inquired as he drew closer.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
After ripping the fish head clean off, Kigipigak began to pull at one of the cheeks with his teeth. It had the best meat there, hw thought, but there wasn't very much. He had managed to eat some of it when a figure approached him.

It was not someone he knew; but by the way they carried themselves and then spoke of Kukutux, it was someone that knew Moonglow. For a moment Kigipigak was annoyed to be interrupted - but then he was mindful of where he sat, whose village this was, and smartly reevaluated.

I am of Moonglow, he confirmed. Watching the man now, seeing the dark coat and the brazen silver gilt of his shoulders. Who was this man? It was not Wintersbane who Kukutux had spoken of before - that man was dead. His replacement then?

I am sorry for the loss of your village leaders, offered Kigipigak with a small nod of his chin.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale wolf tore at his fish and regarded Issorartuyok with a careful and watchful gaze. He had the look of a warrior about him, that was certain. The eldest Tatkret had fought many like him before – wild-fanged wayfarers who would draw too close to the village in search of meats. Issorartuyok wondered if this was the kinsman that Kukutux had spoken of, her invaluable hunter.

The pale stranger offered his apologies for the loss of Wintersbane and Tzila. Issorartuyok bowed his head and nodded solemnly.

It is a tragic loss. They left two young boys behind. Boys who will never understand, he voiced in a grave tone. Issorartuyok still was not certain what he should do about Ensio and Arius. He wanted them to know that the village would support them, that they would still be cared for. He did not know if this would cross a line with the young wolves.

How has the hunting fared for you? Before I had left, there was a sickness in the deer. It has not troubled you?

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
When the man spoke of the loss he was weighted, the emotion bared openly before Kigipigak. He found this strange. It was not the way of men to be so weak, he thought, and yet he held his tongue. The villages of these southern reaches held different people than he was used to — and that was something to be celebrated.

Hearing of the boys, Kigipigak nodded with the same resolute expression as before. He thought of mentioning young Veteran, but did not have the chance. Their conversation moved on to talk of the hunt as talk often did between men.

The sickness has made the caribou weak and slow. Kigipigak answered, gaining an alertness to his features now that the topic was upon something he felt confident and comfortable with.

The hunters of Moonglow have seen them walking by, with only the healthy ones running. It is as if they cannot tell where the ground is. Some I have seen, they do not eat. Others, when they are by the water, do not drink, but look at the water as if they should know it. It was baffling to Kigipigak that such weakness could be present in the population at all.

We have taken some down ourselves, but nothing grand. It is enough to feed the hunters and keep the women busy with the hides. Kigipigak drew a breath, having said much more than he meant to as he relayed this information. It felt as if he were giving a report to a superior but this man was not his superior; still, it was a good feeling.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man was a hunter. This pleased Issorartuyok greatly, for the Moonwoman had said that her hunters were capable.

The pale figure spoke of his efforts to remove the ill animals from their herds, hunting them out and watching them from afar. The northerner nodded his head with interest, curious to hear how the sickness had impacted the prey animal’s ability to think in addition to their ability to maneuver. The thought of such a terrible thing transferring to wolves filled Issorartuyok with dread, in spite of the fact that he spoke with one of the hunters who had proven they would not be impacted by it.

My apprentice would be good to aid you. I would like to assist, as well. Perhaps we could have a small group of hunters to clear what is left of the sick ones, the northerner suggested with a small nod, a warm smile offered to Kigipigak.

I would like to use your skill. In a feast for your people and the people of the glacier. A celebration of our strength together, the man suggested next. He waited to hear what the pale hunter would think of this proposition.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
This man had an apprentice? It was not uncommon among their people. Kigipigak only knew of a few men willing to take boys and train them, all of which were older, and that was the part that surprised him.

He was more than thrilled with the chance to prove himself, and the strength of Moonglow, when offered the chance to hunt and to celebrate. I would be glad to hunt with you and your boy, Kigipigak answered.

Are there others which might join us? I will take their names to my sivullik and see what she says. It was the first step in organizing things between the two villages; Shikoba would finally have her chance at this role and Kigipigak would be there to assist her.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The glacier leader found that he liked the direct nature of the Moonglow man. He seemed strong in his figure and sharp with his gaze. There was a natural ease to the way he discussed hunting. Issorartuyok believed that Veteran would do well to watch someone with skill, to learn from a hunter who had tracked and killed many prey animals to feed their village. In this thought, he believed it might be beneficial for the other young men to hunt alongside each other.

Veteran, Ensio, and young Arius, he answered with a thoughtful nod. It would be good to have the boys doing something productive, keeping their village safe and fed. Issorartuyok believed they would have a fine time doing so, as well. The children of the glacier had grown and were nearly adults. It was time they learned the skills of a wolf.

They are all boys, but they will be eager to learn and eager to prove themselves. The northern man hoped this would be agreeable.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
It was good to have their names, and the blessing of their village leader. Kigipigak would take those names to Shikoba and together they would decide what to do with them.

Boys needed to learn their roles, and now was the perfect time. Issorartuyok spoke of them as being nearly a year, which in Tartok terms would have made them ready to take on their life-names; it was also a time of change, where each would transition to their adult roles.

It is good! That is how a boy should be. Kigipigak grinned and let out a small chuckle, and nodded. I will find my sivullik and when I have an answer for you, I will return here.

His meal complete, he scattered some dirt across the remains and then some snow. He wondered if Shikoba was busy with the women's camp or with the hunters — she was somehow in both circles, which would mean Kigipigak's hunt for her would take some time.

When I return, who do I call for?
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Issorartuyok agreed and nodded his head with a rumbling chuckle. He enjoyed the young men in the glacier and was eager to see how they would grow. The two boys who had been underneath Wintersbane and Tzila were still strangers to him, remained on their own. The northerner hoped that by hunting with them, he could build a better foundation for trust.

The pale hunter asked who he might call for when he had spoken to his other party members. The northern man drew his head up and smiled warmly.

You may call for Issorartuyok, he offered his name with a bow of his head. When he lifted his gaze, he hoped that the pale hunter would offer his name in return. It would be good to know the wolves who ran with the Moonwoman.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger

The man smiled.

It will be Kigipigak who calls! This will be a good first step for your boys as they learn their place within the hunt. I look forward to it. He bowed then also, shallow, more a tip of the chin than anything; and was turning already, with long strides carrying him off.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Ah, this name was familiar to the glacier leader.

Spine – he recalled the Moonwoman speaking of her skilled hunter.

Issorartuyok smiled and dipped his head to the pale warrior man. It would be good to hunt with someone who knew their skill and had confidence in it. It would be better for the young men to learn such talents from a man like Kigipigak. The plan to hunt had become something splendid in his mind.

The moon hunter turned and departed. Issorartuyok watched him for a short distance before he returned to his village to be with the people there.