Otter Creek Sound of Silence
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Arric walked paw step after paw step. His steps tired and his mind working. He thought of his father, his mother, the things they had told him of the world around him at this current moment. He wished so much that his father was here, however, he also knew that he was watching over him from somewhere. If he could only find a name. Would he ever be worthy of the same honor as his family, to find a last name, or would he forever have his father's. Not that it was a bad name, he just longed for his own.

Black paws tinged in red undertones and he smiled as he walked. It was beautiful here. THe bubbling of a nearby river caught his attention and he headed towards it. Settling to watch the fish and the otters as the swam and gamboled about.
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unlike the sable vagabond, solaris was not one for wasting thoughts on sentimental family matters. her mind worked only to satisfy her basic instincts and desires. warmth, sleep, water, spicy times with men, and food. and while on the topic of food, the creek she'd just stumbled upon was a perfect location to catch some grub.

where he saw beauty, she saw opportunity. like a meteor crashing towards earth, the agouti viper tore through air and water as she chased an otter upwards of the brook. teeth clacked against each other as she snapped at the fleeing creature's tail, shrieks of fear and anguishing filling the air around them. predator and prey unknowingly headed in the direction of the calm observer.

if peace was what he sought, he would not find it here.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was thrown from his thoughts as loud screeches of discontent and hearty growls reached his ears. He was on his feet in a moment, fur bristling, teeth showing. A deep rumble of a growl roared from his chest.

Though it was not an enemy, but a she wolf draped in colors of brown and cream. Chasing the otter from the river. He moved to block it from escape. He wouldn't take her kill, but perhaps he could offer a semblance of control in a situation that was fast barreling out of it.
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her frame was built for speed and endurance, though that didn't make the task at hand any less difficult. she fought for her stomach, while the otter fought for it's life. i wonder in this tale of fate who would succeed?

she was closing the distance between herself and her future meal when a sudden plot twist in the story appeared in the form of a walking shadow. his intention might have been to help, but solaris was no mind reader. she saw only potential competition, and in fear that he may snag what she'd been working so hard for, she pushed herself to the max and went barreling towards her fleeing prey.

the otter was no fool either. as the distance between all three bodies collectively closed at a quick pace, the little mammal took a sharp turn back towards the security of the water. solaris' brakes weren't quite as finetuned though, and unless the inky furred stranger wished to become a crash mat, he best move.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric fought to move out of her way, but he wasn't certain if it would work. She was moving at a fast clip. He thought about gunning towards the water himself, but he didn't want someone to think he was stealing their meal. So he quickly turned the way away from the water.

Large limbs quickly outpaced the two creatures or so he hoped, if not, well then he was going to be hurting in the morning he'd wager. Blue eyes lowered and he braced for impact just in case.

I moved him out of the way, but you can crash into him if you'd like.
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she'd slowed enough that any contact she'd make wouldn't result in any injuries, though that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt.

the inky stranger's efforts to move out of the way had not been in vain, and rather than colliding full force with each other, solaris manage to simply clip a part of him as she skidded by. which part, she did not know.

she tripped clumsily over her own feet as she came to a full stop, a warmth burning beneath the fur on her cheeks. well that was embarrassing. she dropped to her haunches in total defeat, otter gone, dignity gone.

she glanced back towards where she'd last seen the stranger, curious to see if he had continued after the fleeing prey.

she brushed against a part of him, leaving it up to where exactly that collision happened on him
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She clipped his shoulder and he answered with a grunt. He tilted her head and watched as she continued on by. Managing to catch herself and keep from completely go over backwards.

Blue eyes met her face and he offered a small smile. Sorry about that. I had planned on helping you out, but it seems i hindered you. Can i make it up to you by helping you catch something else?

He motioned towards the forest and the river. He was a fair fisherman and an avid hunter. He could probably scrounge something, anything up for her to to eat. He felt bad for costing her ameal.
51 Posts
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he'd remained steadfast where she'd last seen him, his words apologetic. so he'd not been a competitor after all, or so he claimed. "i'm not sure much else has stuck around after all the racket i'd made." the otter had made quite a scene while it'd scurried away. she doubted any creature in the vicinity would have stuck around to become attempt number two.

still adrenaline fueled and slightly winded, the viper sucked in a few deep breathes to calm the flowing rush. "though if you are patient enough to wait for me to regain my strength, i'll take you up on your offer."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric truly had not meant anything malicious by his movements. He had already eaten on this day and didn't need anymore. He would  have gladly allowed her to eat the entire thing. He'd even leave her to her meal in peace, but that was not unfortunately how it had worked. 

I can wait.
He shifted and settled to his haunches. He waited quietly. Listening to the song of the river as it flowed through the area. There was much beauty to be found here and he enjoyed looking and listening to it all.
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she thought him a peaceful thing, friendly in nature despite the unfamiliarity between them. she had always believed it was an odd thing to find kindness in foreign lands, and yet she had recently only cross passed with good spirited folk. she wondered if it was an act on some of their parts to play the saint, and how tiring it must be to keep up such appearances for others.

after some countless minutes passed and her heart fell to a steady beat, she rose from her spot and looked towards the obsidian cloaked man. "ready whenever you are," she let out with a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips, some slight guilt still felt for having collided with him earlier.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was  of the mantra don't mistake my kindness for weakness. He was stronger than anyone really knew. And he was. He kept a pleasant face, was kind to others, polite. However, he had learned of angry and aggression at a little age. Had learned what happened when you let anger role you. Had watched the blood lust consume his father at times. And he had learned early on how to control it, and would continue to do so. 

Arric stood and grinned. Lead the way.
51 Posts
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lead the way.

and so she did.

she was unfamiliar with the area, but knew sticking close to the water's edge would likely prove fruitful in their search for a meal. time passed, the sun shifted, and eventually the pair ended their scouting at the edge of a gloomy woodland.

not interested in taking their search through the forest, she turned her attention to focus upon the water. a collection of mallard ducks sat along the bank of the stream, a few splashing about the water undisturbed by the presences of the two hunters.

she tossed a glance towards her inky companion, eyes seeking some input on his stance in the situation. if he had no objections, then it looked as if waterfowl would be on the menu.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He followed quietly. Eyes on the surrounding area, and his partner. Ears tweaked forward for any rustle of the underbrush or movement among the trees. 

Thus far their hunt was proving less than fruitful, at teh edge of the large woodland, he froze and though he didn't mind forests mostly. This one seemed rather univiting.

He heard the ducks first then saw them, and with fluid movements, he went into a hunter's stance. Giving her all the agreement he hoped she'd need.
51 Posts
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he took to their task naturally, frame morphing into a posture ready for action. and so she directed with a curt point of her muzzle where he should wait. his marker was near to shrubbery, enough so that it could conceal him from sight as he lie in wait.

solaris took a few paces outward from the stream and gave enough leeway to make herself round to the opposite side of the duck congregation. the plan was simple, she on one side, he on the other, and together they might form a pincer.

with any luck they might grab hold of one of the feathery creatures, perhaps even two should they be so fortunate.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Immediately he took notice of how the she wolf was hunting. He went to the other side of the duck. Head down, maw open. He rushed forward and grasped one with a click of teeth. The hot life blood flowing through his maw and onto the ground. He gave a vicious shake and it hung limply in his jaws.

Lifted gigantic black head to see if she was as lucky. He lay the duck at his feet.