Dragoncrest Cliffs we hear for you
318 Posts
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All Welcome 
the cold solidified harder. frigid and snapping against her toes, eyes, ears. she had given up swimming in favor of long patrols. although scaling rocky slopes would be just as dangerous with the freezing seaspray along them.

so she moved inland, away from the coast and her freezing spray. closer to the trees for shelter from the wind chill.

she thought of herself. full of life and warm with new bodies.

the yearning seemed to grow stronger these days.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't often that Etienne sought out others to speak with. And it wasn't anything against them. He just preferred his sister and his mother and his granme Roz. However, as he walked today, he saw his grandmother's other love, his other granma? He wasn't sure what to call her. And though he could have kept going, his mother's manners and good breeding one out.

So he trotted up to her with a small shy smile. 'ello.
318 Posts
Ooc —
it was the growing son of chacal's that greeted hers and softly she added his name to the list too. knowing what a good influence he might be upon any men she birthed into the world.

etienne, sobo, quennell.

hello, etienne. she greeted as she slowed her pace some, but invited him along if he cared for it. what are we doing today? a soft tilt of her head.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti smiled at her again, and tilted an ear foward. He was half grown, and sizable, but there was still a youthfulness to his face and body. Mind too. He wondered if she was having babies this year. He stayed out of the way of most people, but he could hear the talk. There would be many babies coming spring. He wasn't sure about it all. he'd probably have baby siblings even.

I was jest walkin' Sometimes. His ears went back to his skull. Sometimes de pack is too loud. It 'urts my ears. And too many vibrations from everyone. Puts me on edge.
318 Posts
Ooc —
she wondered what he meant by...vibrations, but she felt no need to ask. only to offer an approving look.

it is good to know your limits. she assured him with a small smile. we do not need to talk. we can walk, see the sights together. away from the crowds.

perhaps she might take him into the greatpine woods, where the voices could be muffled by the trees and the ground.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled at her approving look and swept a tail up and behind in a sweeping arc to and fro, happy to be sharing a conversation with her.

Dat is what Granme and dat male R'aegal say. We can talk is okay. Just be better w'en not so many. W'at you want to see or talk about?

He moved to her side and stepped into step with her, golden eyes shining.
318 Posts
Ooc —
he was sweet. without a doubt the son of chacal, and he bore the looks of erzulie. perhaps such a combination only endeared her further to such a lovely child.

would you like to speak of you? her eyes were warm, she hoped he might share! i would like to know the man you are growing into.

for now he was still a boy! yet she could see how this year's children grew each day.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne knew he looked like Granme Erzulie and though he loved that. Part of him had wished to be more like manman or Granme Roz. Not that he didn't love the colors he bore, but they seemed plain. Manman was all golds and blacks and pretty. And Granme Roz he just loved her with his whole heart.

A flick of an ear as he thought of what to say. He wasn't well versed in talking about himself.

Granme be tellin' me 'ow to 'elp dose dat are sick and unwell and 'urt. I like to watc' de sea. 'er is beautiful in 'er c'aos. I take care of Suzu w'en 'er let me. 'er is always getttin' in trouble. he huffed quietly and frowned.

I worry you see. W'en dey new littles come I want to 'elp watc' dem, but I fear dey may be to loud for mine ears.
318 Posts
Ooc —
so sorry i missed this <333

he was a lovely boy.

truly birthed from the heart of sapphique, she felt it in the way he spoke and the things he had an eye for. chacal had practically birthed them a mini-erzulie! oh, her heart was adored by the young boy.

maybe you take nap time for them, hm? her voice was soft, tail waved softly. maybe...maybe you will help mine when the time comes?

a little olive branch for the boy, to help him flourish.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries love. <3

Etienne looked her over and gave her a nod. I be 'elpin' you if you want me too. Naps are good. Babies need naps to be 'ealthy.

He knew there would be lots of babies in the spring. Jorunn, manman. He didn't know if there would be others, but he was kinda looking forward to it. It would be a nice new future for them all.

HE smiled to himself. He was needed.