Moonspear cousin
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
for @Sialuk! please let @Nasamik & @Kannoyak post first, no order <3

at last the seal hunter could wait no longer. pain still lanced his body but not so harshly now. and nasamik's work upon the wound had kept him from fever.
the going was stiff. slow. chakliux was winded when he arrived at the borders. he had not told his hunting-brother of the price sialuk asked. he meant to savour that alone.
despite his drawn face, he was elated to be here. it was a new beginning.
chakliux called out an ululating cry.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The move from the glen to moonspear had been slow. Longer than when Nasamik had gone there alone. But with the state of Chakliux, they could risk moving too quickly.

As wife, she walked alongside him, helping to balance him whenever he faltered. There was still a sliver of resentment for the man that was now her husband. Being so close to him did not feel as rewarding and delightful as it had been before. She hoped this feeling would change soon, for she did not like the idea of losing affections for one another so soon into their marriage. 

Upon the border, the trio waited. Chakliux called for Sialuk. And meanwhile, they would wait for the woman to come and hear their words of decision. His decision, made without the use of her interests. But could she really have argued it? This was seal hunter's way.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The white hunter was pleased to venture with the seal hunter and his wife. His long strides were done without tiring. His eyes were intent upon their target – Moonspear. The woman who waited there was the hawk-eyed raindrop woman. Sialuk, who had drawn Kannoyak to her home with her charm and her pleasant company. His interest had been drawn.

To know that his brother would walk to the mountain and be welcome to stay, this pleased the white hunter. He could see not fault in Moonspear.

Drawing up alongside the other two travelers, Kannoyak gazed upon the majesty of the place called Moonspear. The daughter of the Moonwoman had done well to pick her home. He could not wait to race the frozen slopes in search of prey.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It was not Nasamik, but Chakliux who called upon her. A wave of relief washed over her at the sound. Even with the distraction of Keen and Quennell, she had worried about the seal hunter and his wife. They had made the right choice to come here. Sialuk bustled down the mountain, nearly tripping over a new downed-log in one of her usual paths. Sixsix reeled overhead.

And not just Chakliux and Nasamik—Kannoyak had come, too! It was a joyous sight to see the three of them, and Sialuk's heart swelled.

She greeted the trio—did they always come in threes?—with a chuff, her eyes gazing over Kannoyak first, then Nasamik (a nod of approval), and finally Chakliux. The young boy would have company in the healing tree.

There is an ulaq of healing, a large hollow tree, she said, A young boy—Quennell—recovers there; Chakliux will join him. Kannoyak, will you help to bring him there? Nasamik, we will go quickly first, fill the healing place with more pine boughs and gather things from my ulaq to treat his wounds. Sialuk was thankful she had restocked her stores so recently.
Atkan Aleut
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his wife had been supportive of his body but silent on their journey. chakliux knew she did not care for the trade that sialuk had asked. but he felt also she was exhausted, with gnawing belly and wet paws. once nasamik had found good sleep and filled her stomach, she would be warmer, chakliux decided.
the rainstar was soon among them, her curved hips and knowing eyes bringing the seal hunter to stand straighter.
when sialuk directed, chakliux shuffled closer to kannoyak. "do not worry, wife," he said to nasamik in the dialect of his village. "this is a good thing."
to sialuk did chakliux give a bright flashing grin, even as he leaned upon his brother-hunter. "it will not be long before i can bring meat to your stores, star woman." he used her sunshine words for this.
his brow knit with pain then, and chakliux would be silent until he had come to the place of healing.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Sialuk came, greeting them kindly. And then instructions were given on how each could begin settling in this new village. Chakliux would be taken to rest, along with Kannoyak's aid; and Nasamik would accompany the star woman to prepare for her husband's care.

A small bit of reassurance then came from Chakliux. It eased her slightly, but not in full. In time, she hoped, things would be better.

Searching past her sea of mixed feelings, Nasamik offered him a sincere smile, and then a kiss upon his cheek before she would go to follow Sialuk. Despite this change, she would go on to adhere to the promise she made to him. A loving wife, an expecting mother, and a trusting friend. 

Now coming to walk beside the Moonspear woman, the young hunter offered a small nodded of both gratitude and respect. For this was now her village and Sialuk had made it so. Before I came to speak with you, I dressed his wounds as best I could. Granted, I am no talented healer, but whatever I managed spared him of infection for the time being. While she knew many things for her still blooming age, mending another was not one of them. In time, hopefully she could come to learn this so that they may not always need be dependent on others for this need. Not that she was grateful, of course — but there was still a fine line with her standards of independence.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kannoyak could not help but laugh at the seal hunter’s words. Chakliux’ expression of pain was enough to fade the remainder of his smile.

You will focus on resting. I can hunt at once.

The scent of others could be smelled on the mountainside. The white hunter wished to know the kind of wolves that the raindrop woman had gathered. The seal hunter’s wife mentioned the work she had done on her husband. Kannoyak nodded to confirm her words. Their walk to the mountain would have been much slower if she had not assisted Chakliux in healing.

With a strong shoulder, Kannoyak gave his brother strength. His plum eyes looked to Sialuk and he offered a small smile before dipping his head.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
You did well, Nasamik. And this woman is happy you have come. It is good for both of you, she said. Her eyes glanced to Nasamik's belly, knowing. Her features softened as they moved toward her ulaq to gather things of healing. Twice I have helped anang bring children to the world, and now I may help you.

From her apothecary, Sialuk gathered many things to lower his fever and soothe his wounds. She brought also a small portion of poppy so that he may more easily sleep. Do you have interest in learning more of healing? she asked Nasamik. Another woman in this village—Elentari—has become a quick apprentice. And there is Alaric, who is well-studied.

Sialuk carefully placed the items onto a small skin, then moved the corners toward the center so she could carry them all at once. Now, she moved to the ulaq of healing, silent with the bundle in her mouth.
Atkan Aleut
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tag for ref or to join!

nasamik and sialuk moved away. chakliux's face was drawn by the time that they reached the healing ulaq. a bedraggled young boy rested inside the tree.
his brightberry eyes flicked over the missing tail and general malaise of his compatriot (@Quennell) but chakliux said nothing, hiding a grunt of pain as he slid from against kannoyak's shoulder to the floor of the hollowed log.
"brother, tend nasamik while i am here. we will need a lodge of our own." he described quickly to the snow-wolf the way of the seal hunter shelters: two walls of stone and a roofing of moss and thatched branches, large enough for five wolves with inner cache to the right and a communal sleeping-place to the left. kannoyak was not of his village. but now they were one people and with him chakliux would share these things.
it was a tall request. "nasamik lost status for following me to moonspear. a lodge of her own where she may bring her things and be wife, it is needed. earned."
and now he had tired himself again, and closed his eyes as the throb of cracked rib hummed through his body. it was good to be among their people.
but chakliux would never forget the insult of the sun man.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Praise was not something she expected from the Moonspearean woman; but it was given all the same.

The birth of her children was mentioned. The thought frightened her for a moment, but she quickly relaxed herself. I trust that in your care, all will go. It is known that first time births can often be a struggle... Hence her fear.

Then Sialuk mentioned a path of healing. Something Nasamik had thought of often. At some point, it is my want to learn, yes. I feel I would lack as both good wife and mother if I do not know simple ways of healing. Another fear. Failure.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Many of them were healers. It was good to know that Moonspear had these strengths. The white hunter thought that the raindrop woman had gathered good company. Her home would last with the aid of her medics. Kannoyak did not know much of herbs, but he was comforted by the safety that supported the mountain village.

Chakliux should have felt warmth within his spirit to know his wife would aspire to be a competent healer. The white hunter regarded the other man.

I will make this lodge.

At the mention of Elentari, his plum gaze returned to the women.

Elentari is a kind woman. Kannoyak had met her on the mountain range. They had shared a moment of company and peace. The woman had left an impression on him. This was enough to urge Nasamik to seek her out.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last one for me, i think!

Now back at the hollow tree, Sialuk pulled in more boughs of pine, encouraging Nasamik to help if she could. Next to Quennell, she made a soft, dry bed. Chakliux would need to stay off of the cold, damp floor to heal. Satisfied, she ushered Chakliux there, this time asking for Kannoyak's help. She felt comfort in the workings of the group as a team, and once Chakliux was settled, the starwoman was content.

The boy is much worse, she said in a low voice, not wishing to wake bearcurse. Kannoyak and Nasamik, you need rest, too. I will come to check often, make sure everyone is doing well, yes?

Her own rest was just as important, and the thought of her ulaq was a tempting one right now. But firs,t, she would tend to Chakliux. Clean his wound, pack it with herbs to stave off infection, and make sure he slept soundly.
Atkan Aleut
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me! <3

they spoke.
chakliux rested. his nostrils flared once at the sickness of the boy next to him, and then beneath the medicine and care of the others he drifted into a black sleep that did not break for dreams.
not this time.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
last from me also!

Nasamik helped where she was able. The bed meant for her husband was where she tended most, ensuring it was plenty comfortable, pulling away any earthy materials that would cause discomfort. 

When Sialuk finally got Chakliux to lay upon the bed all settled and well, Nasamik nodded towards the suggestion of rest. I will help Kannoyak find a decent place to build this lodge and then I will help him begin before we both rest.