Swiftcurrent Creek Bone tossing
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Moss took a swim in the Creek- mindful of its dangerous areas which could have swept any wolf away in its rapid current- but found the chilly water didn’t ease the aching she felt in her chest, and that had spread to the muscles along the back of her neck. Tension crept into her movements. 

She tried doing her stretches but found her limbs weary, her muscles strained and tight. Her jaw aches from clenching her teeth together. 

She moved toward the borders, and found herself willing for a trespasser to come, so she could ruin them with her agony.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was disgusted and a little apalled at how Reverie had acted at their borders and he had wanted to help her. But she was straining his goodwill and platitude. Bwfore long he may lose his cool. He was trying to remember she was a little damaged from her prior life but hell it was hard.

He moved around the borders with restless energy his own mind tense body tight and coiled.
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Miss lifted her head when she heard the soft sound of paw steps approaching. Arric, his gaze stern, had seemingly chosen to head to the borders as well. 

Who was taking care of Lestan, then? Jealously coiled like a viper. Likely Reverie. 

She eyed Arric up, wondering if he might speak out. She had words- but wasn’t one to break the silence.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric hadn't been able to separate the two Lestan/Rev, and though he hated to leave blossom to the two absolute idiots at least momentary idiots she wasn't his child. 

Hello Moss. was his clipped reply he ran a paw along his face. fine mess we have isnt it.
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She grunted in greeting; not an unfriendly noise, but not exactly an elegant way to begin a conversation. The clear air between them quickly sizzled when the elephant in the room was acknowledged. 

Moss rolled her labradorite eyes and groaned. She shook her head and sighed. ”Can’t help someone if they won’t let you.” was her defeated reply.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was clear it seemed that Moss wasn't unaffected by this absolute drama. He didn't like that Reverie had caused upheaval and then got to go back as if it never happened leaving brokenness in her wake. There was such a thing as being selfish and then there was this.

Arric sighed.Isn't that the truth and lords i tried. I listened and consoled. Even was gonna go look for Lestan for her and Blossom. Now. I don't even know what is true and not. I believe that woman was threatening, but I'm not sure if it was merely directed at Blossom.

And Lestan....something isn't right there either. But I shouldn't be jawing your ear off.
177 Posts
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Where previously she had felt envious of the confidence Arric had won from Reverie, she now saw there was little to want- and that his motives were, seemingly, pure. She regretted being so suspicious of him, but it had only been natural for her to distrust him.

With the world flipped upside down, it seemed they were finally right-side-up again. 

”I don’t know what the creep wants. But I don’t want her anywhere near here, not with Reverie being as impulsive as she is. For Blossom’s sake.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had found reverie pretty when he first met her sure. But she was always Lestans woman in his mind. Did Arric share, yes when everyone was in agreement and no other time.

Arric sighed. She's definitely impuslive. I worry a bit about it. 

Hd didn't want to take Blossom from her mom but it set his teeth on edge how foolish and the lack of care outside of the den madehim a little ill.
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Impulsive…Moss nodded in agreement. ”Both of them, it seems.” After all, Lestan had vanished with a wild decree, which had not been expected. He hadn’t explained himself, not even to Reverie. 

She sat down, and lowered her head a touch; wanting to draw Arric into a more private conversation.

”I worry about the child.” She confessed softly.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric saw the movement and shifted to settle to his haunches and a little closer so she wasnt yelling and they didn't risk being overheard. He wouldn't have her privacy invaded.

i do too, Moss. So very much. She's too young to be out and I'm all for wolves dealing with their trauma, but i worry it maybe too much.
177 Posts
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The way Reverie toted Blossom around concerned Moss as well. It hadn’t been a sound decision to bring the little one to the border- and from what Moss could tell, that wasn’t Blossom’s only excursion. 

”Reverie is inexperienced, and impulsive…And attached to Lestan who…I’ve never particularly liked.” she admitted. ”Reverie doesn’t like being cooped up, but she needs to keep Blossom in the den. Leave her there, with someone who can watch over her…Defend her if necessary.” She wanted to rule Lestan out as a fit guardian; he himself did not seem to be terribly well. 

She sighed, and shrugged. ”I’m…Not what she wants.” She’d been there. She’d offered- but at the end of the day, she’d been replaced the moment Lestan came back.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He noddedShe totes her everywhere. She never put the girl down. Im not even sure if Blossom wil ldevelop properly without being allowed to move on her own.

This was a big concern for him. Part of learning was exploration. She'd never learn to walk if not allowed too try.

Arric sighed. Thats the problem. She doesn't trust anyone to watch the girl. Not even me. I was in the den visiting one day and at her request i nosed down to see Blossom and she immediatley got tense like she was gonna bite me.

Arric looked over Moss with sadness and regret for her situation l. I'm sorry Moss. But its her loss.
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Arric feared for the young girl’s development, and in voicing his apprehension, he stoked the growing notion within Moss that the child would not flourish in Reverie’s care. 

She listened silently, weighing what she was being told. ”What do we do, then?” She asked. ”Maybe we should talk to Akavir, though I feel like he feels the same. We may need to…Intervene. But if we do, Reverie might just…Flee.” She said.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wasn't sure if she would or wouldn't flourish. All he was sure about was that Reverie made questionable choices about the girl. And though they came from worry and overprotectedness it was also too much. As they say hells paved with the best of intentions.

Arric nodded. Oh i have no doubt she would flee and we'd possibly break all trust shes ever had and make her worse. I think we have to talk to Akavir and eventually both Lestan and Reverie.
177 Posts
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It felt validating to hear that Arric mirrored her sentiments and her fears. She wondered if he knew just how wounded Moss was by it all- but figured it would be best if she seemed motivated only by her concern for Blossom. 

And in truth, at the end of the day, it was the child’s safety that she wanted, whether or not it meant that Moss could be a mother. She felt robbed of a motivation more pure than spite; she felt she’d been stripped of the chance to finally be a mother herself, though she’d only just realized it was something she wanted.

”If Blossom is raised by Reverie and Lestan…She’ll be trouble too.” she said, and sighed. ”I think we should talk to Akavir.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had no doubt that were Moss eager to be a mother Akavir would give her permission to seek out someone to have children with if it was what she wants. He'd even help her out if she wanted
 Akavir might too. Neither one might know.

Arric knew there was more to the whole thing. But moss valued her privacy and if she wished to tell him, he'd listen.

Arric nodded. Very well. Let's allow him a day to calm down. Hes upset with everything. And we can meet near his den tomorrow morning?
177 Posts
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Moss nodded in agreement. There was no telling if the three of them would even come up with a solution that would be accepted, regardless of the authority that Akavir and Arric possessed. She felt scorned- and knew her sentiments would not likely change, even with rest. 

Arric had impressed her, and had improved his stature in her eyes. She felt a light hopelessness, but at least she knew she wasn’t the only one concerned about Blossom’s well-being. 

”Don’t know how well I’ll sleep.” There was a weariness to her tone, but a distant look to her gaze that indicated her restlessness. ”But thanks. I’m…Glad we had this talk.”