Swiftcurrent Creek Take my Arms that I might reach you
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Akavir was back and though Arric was overjoyed. There was something funny about his friend. He was even more despondent than usual. Brusque and quiet. Whatever had happened it hadn't been good and it drove Arric to distraction. He was so tired of Akavir leaving and coming back a little more broken. It was starting to take a toll on his own mental health and that wasn't a good thing. What the actual hell.

He drove himself to remain busy. Though he found it strange not to wake up in a puppy pile for the first time in a long time, but he tried to shake it off. And with vigor he awoke, did his meditation. Calming his mind. It took a little longer than usual. Then he was off towards the borders marking and wetting and seeking. There were many new bodies out there. He could smell them, but they stayed away from the pack lands.
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She haunted the borders like a ghost, most times unfocused like a haze of mist given corporeal form. She knew the lands by heart, and could diligently perform a patrol without remembering that she'd done so, afterwards. Her thoughts drifted as she shifted her focus internally every moment that she could. She listened to her own heartbeat, finding it calm but regular. She listened for a heartbeat other than her own, but heard very little while she was moving. She preferred it that way, as she began to dread more and more the consequences of her actions, even though she'd begun to feel as though she'd been improving physically. 

And why wouldn't she? She'd drawn the poison away from herself, into something smaller but just as fierce. The growing life sapped the curse from her breast and deep within her womb, where she could rarely feel it anymore. With it, though, went all other feelings, leaving her comfortable, but numb. She supposed she shouldn't want for more, after having come back from the dead short weeks ago. 

She spoke to few, and revealed nothing of her innermost thoughts to any. Even when she spotted Arric meandering along the borders, she simply bobbed her head in greeting but otherwise remained silent.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric didn't know what had ailed Moss. But what he did know was she was often in the borders. Anxious and moving as if she was like smoke. There were no words spoken and she didn't seek out people to converse with. She had always been quiet and stoic, but lately it seemed to Arric it was a problem.
Today he came across her and though she looked hearty and hale. There was a pall to her that he couldn't place. It clung to her like a wet mist. Sticking to all parts of your body and beyond. Making you feel sticky and damp. Just miserable.

He offered her a smile. Heya Moss! You look like you're feeling better?
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When spoken to, Moss flicked her tongue over her lips to moisten them, and cleared her throat, knowing her voice might crack if she tried to speak, considering how few words she shared nowadays. She was relieved to hear that she looked better, though very little of it showed on her face which remained, if possible, even more stoic than it had ever been.

She nodded. ”Better,” She confirmed. The rot had been drawn away, she thought. It feasted, it grew- but it no longer sapped her strength, so long as she kept herself fed and kept growing the life within her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It took her a moment to answer him. Moss had always been a bit slow to speak, not sct but speak. But it seemed her bout with the veil of death had caused her more so.

It was unnerving and he wasn't sure what to do. She was quiet and stoic and withdrawn
 And he knew something bad was about to happen. He'd bet on it. Though what and why and to who he couldnt tell you. And that just came from observing from a counselors perspective. He hoped he was wrong.

A smile. Thats good. You scared us a little.
177 Posts
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Out of all of her pack members, Arric seemed to attract the least amount of drama to himself, as far as Moss could tell. No children to tend to, no lovers who disappeared on said children...He patrolled the borders and was otherwise a very faithful Beta to the pack. She would respect him for that, but otherwise she took very little interest in his affairs and was simply grateful that out of most of the wolves in the pack, he didn't seem to have many. Whatever it was Arric did with his spare time, he managed to compartmentalize it all well enough. 

She remembered how Akavir had looked before she'd blacked out. He'd panicked. Whether it was because he feared losing her, or was simply terrified to have a wolf die against his shoulder she wasn't sure, but either way, not likely something any of them wanted to have happen again. 

She'd made an offering. It seemed to have been accepted. It wouldn't have to happen again, she felt sure of it. 

"Apologies," She said, trying to sound as sincere as possible for a wolf who spoke very monotone. "You have been well?" Small talk- which she hated- but at least it shifted the focus away from her health.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had drama he just didn't bring it home. He lived in fear that the she wolf would find him. And he hated that fear. However, Akavir was aware of it. So thiw made it seem a little better.

He gave a shrug with well muscled shoulder. no apology necessary.

He nodded his head. I've been alright. Trying to just keep everything afloat you know. Ease some of Akavirs burdens.
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If it took effort to keep things afloat, then surely Arric felt that things were out of hand. He implied as much when he mentioned Akavir. "You mean the children," She commented dryly. Not that children were a huge burden but from time to time, they absolutely could be. Her statement intended a bit of humour, though her tone was so lacklustre it was likely the attempt fell short of its potential comedic effect. 

"None of your own, then?" She asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't that things were out of hand. It was simply a lot to watch over all the wolves, the puppies, caches.

Arric chuckled. The children are adoranle devils and i love them.

He shook his head. no children. A she wold got pregnant, but wanted nothing to do with me after that so.

He briefly thought of her ahain. Sea queen beautiful, but her family was ugly.
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Her pupils shrank at the word “devils” and the corners of her lips turned down. She’s not considered that the pack’s current children might be effected in some way- or that they could be a part of the cure, either. They were neutral entities to her, as she spent no time among them. 

Fearful the darkness might seep from her and into another being. She hoped the lifeblood of her own might satisfy it.

She sensed Arric was disappointed that he’d been shunned from the woman’s life. Moss could see why a woman might choose to shun a man after taking their contribution but she felt Arric needed a bit more sympathy. ”Sorry to hear that.” she replied quietly.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was oblivious to his word choice and how it affected Moss. Chuckling again at the thought of Akavirs brood whom he loved as if they were his own.

Arric lifted his head and shrugged a large shoulder. 

It's alright. I kinda knew what i was getting into. My own fault for wanting or expecting more. Wasn't my right. Should left her alone. Any wolves come smelling like the sea come get me. Her family doesn't like me. And i won't have this pack put in danger for my stupidity.
177 Posts
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Arric was clearly affected by the denial he’d been handed. And that denial came with a hefty threat it seemed- the ire of an entire family. Moss knew little of the wolves by the sea, but if Arric felt they were dangerous, then they very well could be. 

”Some day,” She said, an opportunistic tone. ”Have some here.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Arric wasn't sure anymore who was at fault. But he did know the one sister had a vendetta and he hoped she choke on her anger.

Arric chuckled. Maybe i will. Until then I'll just help with everyone elses.
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With everyone else’s. Moss didn’t want anyone in her life, helping her with her cursed spawn. And presently, she wasn’t even sure the children, full of darkness, should even survive to take their first gasp of breath. She would need to make sure Arric was nowhere near her, when her time came close. 

She would hide it. The ritual would be performed on her own. 

”How many does Akavir have anyway?” She asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wondered if moss had disappeared for a few days to get her own rocks off like so many other women of the creek. But then no she didn't seem the type to do that. She thought about everything and was more duty bound than even possibly him.

Her next question surprised him. Hadn't she been around the babies their whole life? Had she truly not noticed. Perhaps not, she was usually on the borders and Akavir didn't let many around them truth be told.

Three. Two boys one girl. Jakub, Nicodem and Mae.
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Moss nodded. Three children were likely enough but the pack seemed to be working well nonetheless. Perhaps Arric and Akavir were worn out from childcare but she didn’t really think that was too unfair. It was what most mothers felt like with children- it wouldn’t hurt for a couple of men to experience what that was like.

”Any of them show interest in becoming a guardian?” She asked. She wouldn’t babysit, per say- but she could train.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric didn't mind watching the little fur balls. And yea he got tired quick, but it was worth it.

He also tired out the kids so he felt as if it was n even trade, both exhausted by the end.

Arric frowned in thought.Maybe Mae or Nicodem. Jakub is more the quiet introspective type.
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Two children showed some promise. The other, she thought, might learn something for quiet souls- medicine, how to tend children, scouting. Things that would not likely invite conflict or tension, or risk his physical health if he was at all uneasy about defending the pack or hunting. 

”Hmm. I’ll keep that in mind.” She said. ”Couldn’t hurt to have a spare,” She admitted. After all, she was unsure of her destiny still.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wasn't exactly a fan of putting the pups into a title or job yet. He wanted them to be little a bit longer. Let them enjoy their puppy hood without having to learn to hunt or spar or anything right away. However, Akavir may have a different idea than him and being that Akavir was their father. Well he had first and last say.

Arric blinked at her. A spare? You planning on leaving us Moss. Akavir be pretty mad. I'd miss you too. He smiled at her.
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”No.” She said. She inhaled and stretched, and several joints popped in her neck when she craned it from side to side. ”Not leaving. Aging.” She said. Of course, there was more to say to explain why it was her lower back was sore, but she could blame that on age as well. 

”Better to pass down my skills and secrets while I’m still young, too.” She explained with a light shrug. The next year, the kids might be too young, spry and rough for her to handle.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He breathed a small sigh of relief. It would be terrible if she left. Ahe wasn't a sparkling conversationalist, but she was part of the creek like Arric and Akavir themselves.

Makes sense to me. One of these days I'll bring them around for a lesson. Or Akavir will.

Arric felt momwntarily guilty that he automatically assumed he'd be the one to bring them. He wasn't their dad, but he'd been taken care of them.
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She nodded, and sniffed the breeze. They’d been talking for some time now- longer than she would usually condone, and so she meant to continue on soon. She took a step forward, but glanced once more to Arric.

”Make sure they can keep up.” She said, stone-faced. Ironic, considering the fact that Moss was likely the slowest walker in the pack. She gave him no clues as to whether she was being sarcastic or not, but it left it up for him to interpret.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled and nodded. Will do. Catch up soon, Moss.

Then he dipped his head and bounded away. He felt a sudden urge to go see the babies.

He took a deep breath and soon left her behind.
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She didn’t mind the laughter. If anything, it made her feel a little bit more acceptable as others tended to bond better if they found their packmates had a sense of humour. She wouldn’t try too hard, of course- but she did enjoy giving some entertainment to Arric. 

She turned, and began to meander along the borders, a slow, moving mountain.