Bramblepoint tattugaurat
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Having left the edge of the caldera and the boy, Frolic, Kilgitsuk knew his best chances of fulfilling the request for fresh deer meat would require him to seek out one of the moon tribes. He had not given a timeline for his return. Given what Frolic had said, he had wanted to give the family time to mourn their loss; but he also knew that food would be a boon to the people, and that Frolic meant well in requesting it. He did not want to take too long.

The trader journeyed westward, finding the edge of a lake larger than the one he had gathered the salmon from. He thought to stay upon those banks for a day to plan his travel, recuperate some of his energy, and then head off for the mountains. He had barely begun to make himself a camp when he caught a familiar scent in his nose.

@Amalia? The man murmured to himself. The answer he received came in the form of wind through the treetops: a whispering, flickering sound that undulated around Kilgitsuk as he gave up on his camp, and moved along after it. After another forty minutes or so of exploring and focused tracking, he came upon a game trail that held her concentrated scent.

His brow furrowed, but he followed that next, until he thought he saw a shape standing among the ferns.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had left the suffocating walls of Brecheliant. Just for a small dose of peace and to ease her own guilt. Guilt that was foolish, honestly. She had done nothing wrong by scouting and exploring, nor had it been her fault a cat had caught her.

The wind gathered around the lake and pressed against the downy of her obsidian pelt. Dipping and curling about her, ruffling. It was nice against the itchy scabs along her sides. How she loved these wilds. Despite it all, she loved them.

She froze as a new scent teased her, but one so familiar. Surely not. It couldn't be. Like a thunderclap the days with Natigvik crashed upon her. Tulukiri, Sakhmet, Akumma, Kivaluk. Then Moonglow amd the horrifying incidents there. Oh goodness, of course her past came to her in a moment.

She watched green eyes seering, searching and there he was forward he walked. Her leader, her friend. Or so she had thought. And though a part of her wished to lash out, the biggest part of her cautioned kindness for what was a world without kindness.

Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The shadow turned her gaze of fresh cut grass upon him, and spoke a name he had not used in a long time. She spoke to the person he had been, rather than to the persona he had assumed after his greatest defeats; but she would not have known, and he did not fault her for any of that.

Yes, he confirmed, stopping to regard her.

You are not a part of the moon village? That was obvious. She was so far from any of the mountain claims, and smelled of people and places where Kilgitsuk had never been before.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia didn't kno2 if his name had changed. But he answered all the same. Though she breifly wondered of he was like Atreus shedding names like fur as he grew.

A sad look, ears to her skull and she looked away. A shake to her head.

I couldn't stay near what once was. There was too much anger, and sadness and loss. I parted peacefully and i still speak with members of it. I belong to Brecheliant.

She missed the simplicity of a loners life then. Where she had to answer to no one, for no one and she could make friends as she pleased. And yet she liked the permanence of home.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kilgitsuk did not know what had transpired to send Amalia away from the moonfolk, but he did not pry. It was not his place. He could not comfort someone when his own spirit felt such turmoil of its own; plus, it was no longer his job to be the head of any village. He thought of Natigvik (as that could not be far from his mind in these moments) and was quiet.

Amalia mentioned the place, Brecheliant. He did not recognize the name, but he did make the easy assumption that she came from the headless mountain where he had met the eager hunting-child. I made a trade with someone there, I think. I am to bring them deer meat.

The man moved on from the sad nostalgia permeating the air, focusing instead on work.

I am on my way to see Moonwoman or one of her daughters, who I hear now run their own village. If you are interested in a hunt, I could use the aid?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was appreciative that he didn't pry. For that time in her life was a sense of shame for the usually exuberant woman. And frankly whatever her pain had been. She imagined Kigigpigak's was tenfold. It had to be. There was no other way that she would imagine he would feel.

Amalia felt an amused smile light up her face. You think you are to bring them deer meat? Was the trade not set in stone? She teased him gently, but there was kindness in her eyes. She knew her leaders well. They could be a bit hard to understand, but not in a bad way. They simply didn't wish to bother or cause unrest. They wanted to be sure that everyone else's needs were met.

I always love to hunt. So consider yourself aided.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
He grinned, tail fanning the air.

Good! He said as she accepted the proposal to hunt together.

I met a child there, and they asked for deer meat to surprise their parents with. He explained with a little more detail. From what I gather there was a death in their family, so they are mourning. I did not get specifics. It would have been rude to ask such things, especially when Kilgitsuk could not exactly revive the dead. What he could do was provide, so that was what he would trade: his able body.

I am to travel north towards the villages. He had not yet visited Moonglow or Kukutux, and for a moment his confidence flickered. Perhaps I will head for the Spear first? It has been a long time since I have been this way. He mused aloud, burying his deeper misgivings.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was good to see a smile upon his noble face. All too much in the last few times of their seeing, he had been careworn and weary. Face drawn and haunted. She was glad to see this. Her own tail fanned in return.

Amalia sighed and looked down. Yes a man named Bronco. He was protecting little ones of both Brecheliant and Moonspear from a cat and his wounds were to greivous. Eljay couldn't save him.

Amalia smiled. Ah! Sialuk is star woman there. My brother lives in the spear. It is a good place, healers and star gazers. Seers.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Bronco? Kilgitsuk did not know this name. If he had ever met the man, it was lost to memory and time. Still, any loss was a hard one to those that knew a person. To hear that they died a warrior's death was something to be commended. Kilgitsuk allowed a sombre moment to pass in respect of the story.

When Amalia went on to speak of Sialuk, the people of the mountain, and her brother, Kilgitsuk nodded. It is a good place. It must be, given their relation to Moonglow. I imagine all who are born to Kukutux and the moon villages to be good people. He would visit them soon.

Would you like me to pass a message to your brother, if I see him? To wish him well, or tell him any news from you?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia herself had not know Bronco well. Just of him. She didn't even really know Maias husband all that well.

Amalia nodded. I don't know them well. I have usually only met Alaric, but them seem good. And moonwoman is good.

She shook hwr head. You can simply tell him i said hello.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kilgitsuk nodded.

I will greet him for you. If he has anything to say I will return to say it, he offered with a smile.

The man did not know when they would hunt; he had thought to bring Amalia with him after the agreement was made, but now that he considered it, it would be better to teach himself the lay of the land and to see what was available first. They need not hunt immediately — with winter coming it would be beneficial, but with winter came the caribou, and it would be all hands on deck.

It was good to see you, Amalia. I am glad you are faring well in your new home. A pause, a thought.

I miss Natigvik some days. It was good while it lasted, and I consider myself fortunate for having met you because of it. You've always been good to my family. He gave a small bow of his head as he wished her well, and after, turned to leave.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
720 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was a little unsure. He had wanted to hunt, but neither one of them made a move to do so. And it seemed their meeting was coming to a small end, albeit a bit awkward but that was alright.

They could hunt soon. She doubted he'd leave again. A small strained smile. She had had tried to be good to them. Then they had hurt her. And she still thought of it sadly and yet she wouldn't be where she was now without that lesson.

I will see you again! She smiled and if allowed, nudged his shoulder as she trotted away.