Hushed Willows my own summer
Redtail Rise
271 Posts
Ooc — April
All Welcome 
A new claim on the other side of the valley. 

Well, new was relative—as far as he knew, the newcomers had been there some time now. However, the time hadn't been right for a visit back then. 

Now, things within the Rise had simmered for the most part. And the newly crowned Bjern felt up for a chat with the neighbors.

Carrying a housewarming gift—a leg from a deer, caught from the night prior—he traipses through the marsh, tail swaying idly.

He approaches the borders of the strange pack, lingering a respectful distance afar before dropping his gift and calling for anyone who wished to receive him.
[Image: 3-F65-E08-A-A70-E-4-B2-A-BE3-E-C6805-BA727-B2.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
293 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The whole pack was on edge, and Mae had fallen fully into the role of guardian. It was easy enough. Natural, even. She was at the borders already when the call rang out, and went promptly to greet the visitor. This one, at least, had the sense to announce himself.

And he had brought a gift. Mae's typically-sharp gaze softened slightly to see it, though friendly still would have been too strong a word to describe her expression. She regarded him neutrally, tail moving slowly in a gesture of peace.

Don't think I've seen you around before, She said, sniffing at the air around him. He smelled of pack. None she knew. Name's Mae. This is Hearthwood. Her eyes flicked briefly to the deer leg and back up to the visitor, a dark-furred youth near to her own age. Hm. Mae waited patiently for his explanation.
Redtail Rise
271 Posts
Ooc — April
The girl who greets him is about his age; slim, dark, windblown. Her gaze is piercing as she regards him, but demeanor passive. Nonetheless the sight of her elicits a steady tail-wag.

And the introductions begin. Hearthwood is revealed to be the name of their pack.

Well, good to see ya then, neighbor. He responds with ease. Mae, I thought I'd bring you a housewarming gift. Mulherin, from Redtail Rise. 

She sniffs at him. He lets her acclimate before he takes a step and does the same, investigating the scents she'd brought with her.

You guys been here long?
[Image: 3-F65-E08-A-A70-E-4-B2-A-BE3-E-C6805-BA727-B2.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
293 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Cool. Thanks, The words were genuine, though Mae didn't know what else to say. She was no diplomat. But they were neighbors, apparently, so she would try to make nice.

We've been here a few months, She explained, glancing briefly past Mulherin toward the direction he'd come from. What about Redtail Rise? And why's it called Redtail? You don't look like you got a red tail. Her lips twitched with the beginnings of a grin as she said it. Her own surname was Frostfur, and her fur wasn't very frosty — but no one ever seemed to question it.
Redtail Rise
271 Posts
Ooc — April
Her response was curt, not rude by any sense, but solemn. He was similar in this way with receiving visitors, and interprets this as a good sign.

I assure you it is red, beneath the skin and stuff. He replies, draped in sarcasm. Joking. It's Redtail—y'know, like the hawks.

Well, what's the meaning behind Hearthwood? Can't say I know what that really means, either.

The two of them went on in idle conversation, sharing pieces of their respective packs. Unwilling to intrude any further, the boy would soon bid her farewell and make his way home.
[Image: 3-F65-E08-A-A70-E-4-B2-A-BE3-E-C6805-BA727-B2.png]