Sun Mote Copse dreams see us through to forever, where clouds roll by for you and i
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Ooc — Kat
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All the arrangements were made, more or less. The Sveijarn-Corten pair could depart whenever it suited them, safe in the knowledge their home would be kept in their stead. Meerkat felt restless as she pondered this, meandering from one landmark to another before settling in the trees just south of Narwhal’s Respite.

She knew Skipjack was eager to get going, though Meerkat didn’t want to rush @Njord, nor hasten the departure from their beloved family and homestead. She supposed she could pour some of this restive energy into making additional preparations or, at the very least, spending as much time with her mom and the others before they were parted.

Meerkat stood, looking around before deciding to weave deeper into the southerly woods. Perhaps she would run into either one of the Towhees near the borderline. Her eyes drifted skyward, looking for any sign of Ghost, and when they dropped down again, she found herself face-to-face with,

Mo chride.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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